Berzerker is fun

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


The Versatile Power (-15% cd) and Smash Brawler (-33%) traits stack for -48% cd on Primal Burst cd, so your primal burst only has a ~2.5s cd instead of 5s. Take Burst Mastery in Discipline to reduce the amount of adrenaline you need to gain for a Primal Burst to 7 instead of 10 and increase their damage as well.

Strength/Discipline/Berserker for Power (GS/Axe + Mace), and Arms/Displine/Berserker for Condition (Long Bow/Sword + Torch).

Getting into Berserker and spamming the primal bursts to mow everything down is amazing.

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Ice.5162


If you’re talking PvE, yes, I agree, it’s pretty fun! PvP is entirely another story.

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: BassHunteR.7246


being fun is different then useful or being viable..

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


being fun is different then useful or being viable..

Idk. I find it fun to be useful and viable. So usually when I tell someone I find something fun it’s because I am winning. And if not I say it’s fun but disclaimer it’s garbage.


Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Gambino.2109


Fun stops when everyone else trashes you.

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Chrisco.5732


it is fun … BUT! its the same thing we’ve been playing for 3 years just a tiny bit faster. The concept before HoT was the same as it is now.

Pre Hot: Sig of fury > use burst > highest dmg skills > use burst > highest dmg skills.
Post Hot: Use headbutt > use burst > highest dmg skills > use burst > highest dmg skills.

The build plays entirely the same and berserker did nothing to anything else. So yes it is fun, it is faster, it is slightly more damage but you still play the exact same build you’ve been playing for years. In regards to condi damage, im sure its close to the lowest condi damage build available and has 0 team utility. In PvP … lawl dont even.

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326


Berserker is 10/10 on style, 1/10 on usefulness.
Then you have Dragonhunter that is 1/10 on style, 10/10 on usefulness.
Reaper is 10/10 on style, 10/10 on usefulness.
Daredevil and Tempest are 1/10 on style, 2/10 on usefulness.

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


it is fun … BUT! its the same thing we’ve been playing for 3 years just a tiny bit faster. The concept before HoT was the same as it is now.

Pre Hot: Sig of fury > use burst > highest dmg skills > use burst > highest dmg skills.
Post Hot: Use headbutt > use burst > highest dmg skills > use burst > highest dmg skills.

The build plays entirely the same and berserker did nothing to anything else. So yes it is fun, it is faster, it is slightly more damage but you still play the exact same build you’ve been playing for years. In regards to condi damage, im sure its close to the lowest condi damage build available and has 0 team utility. In PvP … lawl dont even.

This was my thought on zerker when it was spoiled… So, it’s warrior but faster paced? I think could have made the theme a bit me deep than that and maybe go hard on the condi idea and maybe work really well with warriors other condi lines that aren’t that efficient to make something that was unique. But yeah, it’s just faster warrior.

Although, burst skills have never really been that impressive of a mechanic to me anyway.

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Kesmai.8527


Its not even THAT fast paced. It’s fast paced for the first 3 seconds you enter Berserker mode. After that its 15% more attack speed…and that’s about it. And spamming primal bursts only happens with Arms and Furious…other than that ,Adrenaline builds quite slowly especially against a single target.

Perma Swiftness while in Berserk would be nice. Adrenaline regen while in Berserk would also be nice (like 1-2 adrenaline every second.). Maybe reduced weapon swap cooldown while in Berserk aswell?

Just some ideas.

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Exos.3472


Berserker is 10/10 on style, 1/10 on usefulness.
Then you have Dragonhunter that is 1/10 on style, 10/10 on usefulness.
Reaper is 10/10 on style, 10/10 on usefulness.
Daredevil and Tempest are 1/10 on style, 2/10 on usefulness.

Then what did I do to deserve a trap DragonHunter in my fractal party ?

Reaper is a one trick pony, once you stop being afraid of that big scythe and notice it takes ages long for our attacks to load they will quickly go back to the grave.

I didn’t find Daredevil to have many changes compared to pre-HoT thief. Although they did improve his duelling ability, which I feel happy for them.

As for Tempest. I don’t play one, but I’ve yet to see a elem-player complain about anything on it… which is quite disturbing considering gw2 community is a whinning fest.

PS : I also include myself inside the complaints, since corruption doesn’t work as intended.

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: BlackBunny.3681


Out of all of the elite specs in pvp it is so far down the bottom even daredevil cant see it.
I already rerolled to necro. If i wanted to play with torch and play a condi spec i would roll a gard, Warriors are about the gsword,hammer and shields…. not this garbage.

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Still would have liked Conjurations over these rage skills….