Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Wishes.3021


So I’ve been back to my warrior for about a week now and I’ve been playing around with weapon sets and traits a little bit for WvW and duelling in OS. Mainly been using GS/Ham. It’s decent, but I feel like any player worth their salt can make an easy time of kiting this build. Not to mention getting ruined by D/D eles, competent thieves and medi gaurds with their kitten blocks.
That said, what do you Warriors think is the best 1v1 WvW build currently? No Rampage plz

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


none, remember anet made sure warriors get destroyed i recommend u just give up on warriors they r trash now. oh and they nerf rampage recently now too so u will still be kittentttt with it, anyways mesmer r the kitten now no matter if it is condi or shatter, after the changes on the confusion dmg no body can stop them, remember im a 4 year old player that has been faithful to this game for more then 4000 hours of game play buying any skin of the game with REAL money just to SUPPORT the game, i even bought the expansion some time ago, right now the game is trash but i still have hope for when the expansion comes things will be better... if this doesnt happens well this game at least entertained me for almost 4 years and it’ll be time for me to go...

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


none, remember anet made sure warriors get destroyed i recommend u just give up on warriors they r trash now. oh and they nerf rampage recently now too so u will still be kittentttt with it, anyways mesmer r the kitten now no matter if it is condi or shatter, after the changes on the confusion dmg no body can stop them, remember im a 4 year old player that has been faithful to this game for more then 4000 hours of game play buying any skin of the game with REAL money just to SUPPORT the game, i even bought the expansion some time ago, right now the game is trash but i still have hope for when the expansion comes things will be better… if this doesnt happens well this game at least entertained me for almost 4 years and it’ll be time for me to go…

This guys is so pro e-sports player that he even played a game 4 years when it’s only making it’s 3rd. kitten ! GET REKTTTTTT! M-L-G!!!

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


none, remember anet made sure warriors get destroyed i recommend u just give up on warriors they r trash now. oh and they nerf rampage recently now too so u will still be kittentttt with it, anyways mesmer r the kitten now no matter if it is condi or shatter, after the changes on the confusion dmg no body can stop them, remember im a 4 year old player that has been faithful to this game for more then 4000 hours of game play buying any skin of the game with REAL money just to SUPPORT the game, i even bought the expansion some time ago, right now the game is trash but i still have hope for when the expansion comes things will be better… if this doesnt happens well this game at least entertained me for almost 4 years and it’ll be time for me to go…

This guys is so pro e-sports player that he even played a game 4 years when it’s only making it’s 3rd. kitten ! GET REKTTTTTT! M-L-G!!!

that happens when u play betas or u think the games get announced and u can play it right away?… thank u for ur irrelevant comment.

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


none, remember anet made sure warriors get destroyed i recommend u just give up on warriors they r trash now. oh and they nerf rampage recently now too so u will still be kittentttt with it, anyways mesmer r the kitten now no matter if it is condi or shatter, after the changes on the confusion dmg no body can stop them, remember im a 4 year old player that has been faithful to this game for more then 4000 hours of game play buying any skin of the game with REAL money just to SUPPORT the game, i even bought the expansion some time ago, right now the game is trash but i still have hope for when the expansion comes things will be better… if this doesnt happens well this game at least entertained me for almost 4 years and it’ll be time for me to go…

This guys is so pro e-sports player that he even played a game 4 years when it’s only making it’s 3rd. kitten ! GET REKTTTTTT! M-L-G!!!

that happens when u play betas or u think the games get announced and u can play it right away?… thank u for ur irrelevant comment.

Of course they are! I’m alreayd playing HoT for like close to 5 months
Now I sure didn’t know the BTW Gw2 had, had gone for a year, because in my country 2 days every x months sure doesn’t equal 365 days!

Still, your first comment was so full of crap that I wonder why you still play. Warrior is still playable/viable and kitten sure can roam!

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


none, remember anet made sure warriors get destroyed i recommend u just give up on warriors they r trash now. oh and they nerf rampage recently now too so u will still be kittentttt with it, anyways mesmer r the kitten now no matter if it is condi or shatter, after the changes on the confusion dmg no body can stop them, remember im a 4 year old player that has been faithful to this game for more then 4000 hours of game play buying any skin of the game with REAL money just to SUPPORT the game, i even bought the expansion some time ago, right now the game is trash but i still have hope for when the expansion comes things will be better… if this doesnt happens well this game at least entertained me for almost 4 years and it’ll be time for me to go…

This guys is so pro e-sports player that he even played a game 4 years when it’s only making it’s 3rd. kitten ! GET REKTTTTTT! M-L-G!!!

that happens when u play betas or u think the games get announced and u can play it right away?… thank u for ur irrelevant comment.

Of course they are! I’m alreayd playing HoT for like close to 5 months
Now I sure didn’t know the BTW Gw2 had, had gone for a year, because in my country 2 days every x months sure doesn’t equal 365 days!

Still, your first comment was so full of crap that I wonder why you still play. Warrior is still playable/viable and kitten sure can roam!

i think ur comment is even more full of kitten, irrelevant persone.

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: RoyalCrysis.1065


So… get back on topic.

Currently Hammer/gs or maybe gs/lb are the top 1v1/roaming specs in wvw. Full zerk, or mix in a bit of knight’s if you need it. Strength, defense, discipline, the usual. Strong 1v1, but you will struggle with cond mesmers, and depending on the field, rangers. You also don’t have the best 1vX capabilities, but if you should have a good chance 1v1 with anything.

Mediguards are tough, you have to avoid the burning, and not waste any key skills on aegis. Just start with pressure, then go full burst once they have used their heal/ult. If you burst to early the fight gets much harder, so try to save it and just aa to scare them into popping cds. Also make sure to dodge the teleport burst, and keep an eye on burning, even full zerk can stack a lot of burning and wreck you.

Ele is fairly similar, if you can’t get the burst you will lose. Wait for them to swap to water and begin healing, then go for stuns and dps, repeat until you win. Don’t get hit by burning speed or the follow up fiery grab and try not to hit their shocking aura.

Thieves are mostly a matter of experience, save your endure for their burst, don’t open with signet of rage as they will just steal it. Watch for their steal and do your best to dodge it. Save the zerker stance for their blind field, and always be auto attacking, they are squishy enough that it will hurt.

I would bring rampage, but don’t be a noob with how you use it. Don’t just open with it, save it for stomps or when you need to move fast/do heavy cc. Be willing to drop out if they kite/immu. It gives 1vX a much better chance of victory, but using it 1v1 is a bit of a scummy move.

People always take about how easy warrior is, its against good players that you see where the skill comes in. You can’t waste skills, and there are some hits you need to land. Keep at it, as much of a warrior’s fight is about knowing the enemy, not just your own skills, and that only comes from practice.

Zoren – BG – GoF

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: chibbi.3706


GS/LB is the best imo, hammer gets kittened by all those random blinds too much.

Celestial is pretty good too.

Don’t hope too much against D/D ele though, unless they suck you won’t be able to 1v1 them.

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Shala.8352


People always take about how easy warrior is, its against good players that you see where the skill comes in. You can’t waste skills, and there are some hits you need to land. Keep at it, as much of a warrior’s fight is about knowing the enemy, not just your own skills, and that only comes from practice.

So true. People have always described warrior as an easy class.
To me warrior is easy to play in PVE, hard to master in pvp.

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: oscuro.9720


GS & Sword/Sword with zerker gear and holebrak runes works well

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: GROMIT.7829


Gonna have to agree and say Warrior is in a pretty bad place alongside Necros. Only time I see Warriors and Necros is when they are in a blob unfortunetly.

Sad part is with my warrior being in a bad place i can still deck most roaming necros and honestly i feel sorry for those who choose to main it, only viable dueling build now is Rifle/Greatsword just slightly above Hammer/Greatdsword but the Rifle/Greatsword requires some very clever usage of traits.

Basically warrior is out of the running for dueling imho.

D/D ele and Medi guard are top of the food chain with Mesmer being the ele’s only real natural predator and the medi guard being the mesmers natural predator. most other classes including thief are weaker than these 3 but anyone with a deep understanding ofthier class can make it work.

Basically we just have to live with being bottom of the food chain until HoTs comes along and the new maps come out which will be solo/group roamer friendly maps and the issue of balance comes to the top of list as a result fo this style of play required to fully utilise the maps over the mindless mother blob mentality which won’t work on the new map.


Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


skullcracker still doing fine.. need a little armor now imo but not much, 2-3 knights trinkets..

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


skullcracker still doing fine.. need a little armor now imo but not much, 2-3 knights trinkets..

I like skull cracker a lot and play it as my pvp/roam build but if you come across another warrior which has double balanced stance specced then you are sh&t outta luck. 20 seconds of stability is pretty strong.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: KhainPride.3987


gs + rifle


Best Current WvW 1v1/Solo Roaming Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


I’m not sure about what the “best” roaming build is but personally I enjoy the “Nike Warrior.”

GS Sw/Sh with fairly typical traits, Strength, Defense, Discipline, all Stances, full Berserker.

Sword AA doesn’t do a ton of damage but it’s fast and on squishies it’s nothing to be scoffed at tbh. If you manage to land enough AA’s the damage adds up pretty fast.

Sword also has great utility with Flurry, Savage Leap and Final Thrust. All of them are extremely useful if you’re wise about how you use them.

GS doesn’t really need any explaining but between the two sets you have a ton of mobility. Don’t really need to worry about getting ganked because next to nothing is going to catch you unless you’re caught with something important on cooldown (Rush for example). Your damage is pretty high, not as high as it could be with other weapons but still quite high. You sacrifice a little bit of damage for a lot more mobility which in turn gives you a lot more survivability as well.

I dunno… It’s not ideal so I’d refrain from calling it the best but it’s certainly my favorite. Gets the job done and if things go south you can run like the wind, lol.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma