Best DPS weapon

Best DPS weapon

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi guys,Whats the best DPS weapon set now?After the April 15 patch

I am currently using Sword/Sword with full zerker/power build,It just doesnt seem to do enough damage.

Many people said Axe/Mace is the best DPS weapon set now,I know Axe autoattack is the best for warrior,But why Mace?

Any advice is appreciated,Thanks!

Best DPS weapon

in Warrior

Posted by: Gyler.8150


Mace gives 4 vuln + an on demand stun that hits twice in meelee range. You can also do axe / sword, for on demand block and the stacks of torment.
Perfectly done greatsword rotations (whirlwind hitting 4 times, getting most of hundred blades to hit) does a little bit more damage than pure axe, though, it is negligible so you can play whichever one you prefer.

Best DPS weapon

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Thats a very difficult question to answer. You know becasue of the nerf to crit damage it closed the DPS gap between axes, great swords, and conditions. While the gap is not completely closed it is a lot closer than you can emagine especially depending on what runes and gears and traits you are using with your particular build.

Its really going to depend on a lot of things and some of those things also depend on your group you are with. We have seen might stacking builds while they are not the highest DPS, we have seen them carry pug groups so that your DPS is lower but your groups DPS overcompensates for that.

We have seen condition builds solo world content faster than physical builds. A lot of things are up in the air to be quite honest with you and really depend on the content and the group as for which build and weapon is best anymore.

My advice is to play how you want to play. Please don’t take the advice of the elitists. They have been consistently wrong about a lot of stuff as more things are tested.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Best DPS weapon

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


I guess I will stick with sword/sword then, the damage/torment/bleeds is also pretty good

Dual swords also looks cool!