Best build for solo/small group HoT zones?

Best build for solo/small group HoT zones?

in Warrior

Posted by: Luvok.5697


Trying to help out a friend who is new and is having a tough time on warrior in the new HoT zones.

Any suggestions on the ideal build for this? It seems like bow might have some value to reduce mob damage but it also hits for a lot less than GS. Rifle build? Condition?

Best build for solo/small group HoT zones?

in Warrior

Posted by: deeg.9162


Not enough info to recommend a build. What is your friend struggling with particularly?

Best build for solo/small group HoT zones?

in Warrior

Posted by: Luvok.5697


Not enough info to recommend a build. What is your friend struggling with particularly?

Mainly just dying a lot and not being able to deal with the normal mobs out there.

I know on my guardian I’ve switched to a condi/burn build because it’s easier to kite mobs around while the burn stacks take them down. I don’t know anything about warrior so I don’t know if there’s a comparable build that might make things a bit easier for them while eliminating some of the frustration.

Best build for solo/small group HoT zones?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I think he just needs to learn the telegraphs for the hard hitting mordrem guard and frog attacks.

If he wants to try something more ranged and with conditions like your build, the Arms/Discipline/Berserker Longbow + Sword/Torch burn build is pretty fun.

Best build for solo/small group HoT zones?

in Warrior

Posted by: The Terrible Child.4763

The Terrible Child.4763

I use these two builds for HoT roaming.

These two build are not optimal for max DPS but I don’t really care too much about that. When soloing, I like to use hit and run technique on creature in the those map since mobs tend to be tightly packed so you can’t stick to them with GS for a long time. I would engage the enemy, unleash all skill and then get out of range with whirlwind attack. Then use LB skill and kit them a bit, wait for GS skill to finish CD and engage enemy again. This build has high mobility with bulls rush which is a great fight starter as u can stun enemy and unleash 100b. I get enduring pain so i can just charge into a whole group of mob and is a great life saver. Also this build is great for exploration as you can get around the map really fast with GS + bulls rush.

Best build for solo/small group HoT zones?

in Warrior

Posted by: Krittz.6013


Just run with full zerker and don’t bite off more than you can chew (know when to run and what to fight). Hammer works great for CC (also helps group with breakbars) and GS is generally good for group might stacking DPS with PS (group events/champions). And mobility! Banners for group fights; solo use whatever you want instead. I haven’t had any issues.

Best build for solo/small group HoT zones?

in Warrior

Posted by: deeg.9162


Not enough info to recommend a build. What is your friend struggling with particularly?

Mainly just dying a lot and not being able to deal with the normal mobs out there.

I know on my guardian I’ve switched to a condi/burn build because it’s easier to kite mobs around while the burn stacks take them down. I don’t know anything about warrior so I don’t know if there’s a comparable build that might make things a bit easier for them while eliminating some of the frustration.

You can setup a similar build on Warrior, but really any build should be able take on normal mobs if you are dodging and using your weapon skills effectively.

Here’s an idea for a build

This is a version of the pre-HoT meta Warrior condition build that focuses on shouts that heal. To use:

  • Sword/Sword for melee. 1 stacks up conditions and immobilizes on 3rd hit, 2 is great for mobility/escaping, 3 is a very strong finishing move. 4 is a ranged condition attack, and 5 is a block. F1 is an AoE immobilize. All very useful stuff.
  • Longbow for ranged spam. 4 is a blind and 5 is another immobilize, while 1 and 2 stack up burns, 3 is a strong power attack, and F1 is a large fire field.
  • Use your shouts to get out of sticky situations. “To the Limit!” is a huge heal that also fills up Adrenaline Bar. “Shake it Off!” is a stun break that removes a condition (and heals), “For Great Justice!” stacks up Might and Fury (and heals), and “Fear Me!” will make normal/Veteran enemies break like they’ve been hit by a pool cue (and heal).
  • Use Signet of Rage on cooldown for Speed, Might, and Fury, and to stack up the Precision bonus from Signet Mastery.
  • Gear Condition Damage as primary stat, with Precision and something else as secondaries. Rabid is a good tanky option, Sinister is more aggressive. Viper’s will be good once they fix the bugged Expertise stat.

Just an idea.

Best build for solo/small group HoT zones?

in Warrior

Posted by: fost.9167


I have been using the WvW build (mace/torch, sword/sword) with krait runes/berserker and it has been fun, but I think I will need to change to a longbow or rifle