Best partner for a warrior
In PVP a warrior is like a ferret, and the best thing for a ferret, is another ferret. That sounds weird, but warriors are such bruisers, that two of them working together. Are very scary. but thats not waht you asked. In PVP I’d say probably the ranger, for the support, Rangers bring almost as much damage to the table as Revs, but they also have support.
Again probably Ranger. For the same reasons actually
PVE almost all around
Revenant. Better DPS
Revenant for DPS, Ranger for support.
Agreed with Emkelly, IF I duo which is rare it’s with my Ranger/Warrior friend. 2 Warriors is really scary, my friend is GS/Hammer zerk and rocks it.
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:
In my power warrior PvP experience, I like a thief or an elementalist. The thief can provide that extra spike damage that is unexpected. An ele allows me to win attrition fights. Having 2 wars is cool, but I like a second class of a different type better.
In my power warrior PvP experience, Ranger and Dragon Hunter both work great.
A warrior’s CC provided great chances for ranger dps and dragon hunter traps to works wonders. Especially when they have their eyes on the threat to their faces and tends to forget the ranged damages on them, 1 CC and focused fire, along with Berserker’s etherial champion trait to force stomp, very easy to spike down a single foe, which is a good start for a small 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 team fight.
Thanks a lot for your input, guys !