Best rotation for a warrior burning spec?

Best rotation for a warrior burning spec?

in Warrior

Posted by: mooty.4560


Since the condition revamp I’ve found bleeding to be very underwhelming, despite the stack cap removal. Unfortunately warrior condition builds seemed to rely heavily on bleeding with other conditions being more of a complementary thing. So I was excited to learn that warriors now have a number of new tools focused around burning with the berserker specialization. I’m still unsure as to if there’s a solid, viable warrior condition spec here but burning is now the centerpiece to any condition spec and more tools for applying burning can’t be anything but good for the class.

I’m just curious though, what have those of you fooling around with these builds found is the best rotation for maintaining burning stacks?

I’ve been using S/T and LB, alternating between the two. I can’t say I’m a big fan of Scorched Earth over Combustive Shot but Flaming Fury is solid. The peaks are nice (see pic) but there is a lot of fluctuation in the number of burning stacks I have active at a given time, however. It seems like I’m truly averaging somewhere around 10.


Best rotation for a warrior burning spec?

in Warrior

Posted by: Syde.5961


I’ve been running s/s + m/t and burst people pretty easily.

Og Salmonder [oT] – Warrior
Stormbluff Isle