Best weapon combo for blazing 20-80?
i dont know bout the sword/warhorn but i can tell you axe/axe is amazing, you get rid of multiple enemies even a bit faster than greatsword i think
and it also looks gread
Kid Suicide – Human Necromancer
Little Moochie – Asura Engineer
Mining pick and maxing 6 crafts.
I like hammer. It allows me to control the flow of the fight.
Axe/axe or gsword….that’s all u need…pve on a warrior is cake….warhorn for cruising around. I used rifle always in my 2nd slot…just in case I needed to kite like a boss.
(edited by Camagee.5391)
I ran bow/rifle until about 30 with no problems. I started trying out greatsword and sword/axe mixed in with good results. Right now I think sword/axe and rifle for range is a good combo. I blow then enemies with the sword/axe like they were jello.
I find it rather annoying to change weaponsets all the time during leveling, so I went with axe/warhorn and greatsword. Warhorn for the speed (and later signet of rage) and axe mainhand is good damage. I used sword for a while instead of axe and due to the anytimer hitting more than one mob it also synergized quite well with greatsword.
I tried to live without warhorn, but basically one of the fastest way to level is to explore a zone (or two, alternating), do all the hearts, POIs, etc. and events, so speed helps enormously with that.
GS/LB signet dps
Sword+warhorn for movement, GS for 100b and spin to win and something ranged for world bosses/champions.
Mining pick and maxing 6 crafts.
If you want to level to 80 in less than 10 hours.. do this…
Did 1-80 with GS primary Rifle secondary no issues. Bonus mobility from signet of rage and swapping to Warhorn when moving about.
I used the GS at first but it got boring soon, I tried Axe axe then but missed the mobility.
Since lvl 40 I use Sword/Axe and to me it is pure win!
The Charge jump is so usefull in so many situations like getting through traps faster, or as a gapcloser or simply to move faster while leveling.
The 3 is nice if things gets hairy and you need to escape or to kite Mobs in dungeons
Axe4 does neat damage and adds a buff which should be combined with axe5 or Sword Burstskill
Axe5 is simply amazing. Does much aoe damage and can crit quite often. Killing nonelites in dungeons with it is a breeze.
Sword burstskill is nice aswell.. you need to time it but the mob cant move away like the GS attack you only need one Adrenalin and it stacks bleeding.
So while leveling I gathered several Mobs jumped into the group and smite them down with my 2 AOE skills.
I used Rifle as secondary but fel in love with Longbow recently.
I use dual axes and rifle. I use rifle to kite monsters I otherwise can’t facetank and kill with axes, while I use axes for pretty much everything else. GS is just too boring and immobile (in fights) for me. I’ve been thinking of using shield offhand, but I like the axe offhand quite a bit. Axe/mace is pretty decent too, since you can apply an easy 8 stacks of vulnerability and you get a 1200 range AoE knockdown.
Also, can someone explain to me why people use Sword/Axe combination? It just seems like an awful combination. Other than the last hit, sword basic attack is awful for raw damage. The burst skill is just good to stack bleeds. Then there’s a weak distance closer and a cripple. The axe offhand gives you fury and an AoE attack that is good for gaining adrenaline (also deals decent damage on a raw damage build). So whether you build condition damage or raw damage, this combination seems like you’re wasting abilities either way. If you’re doing a condition damage build, sword/sword seems like a far better option. The only explanation I could think of is you get a 600 range distance closer, but what you lose for sword main hand over axe mainhand on DPS builds just doesn’t seem worth it. Even Axe/Sword would make more sense to me.
After lvling my second warrior I used 2 axes, the damage you deal combined with the AoE power makes this build go through anything the game got to offer without problems. I used 5 signets until lvl 40 or so, then I switched the healing signed for another heal depending on the area I was lvling in. Over all until you reach the 70+ areas this build chews through anything quick and easy so the signet passive bonus are more than enough to keep you going, as banners AoE is too small, you really don’t need to make things stay in place so physical stuff is useless, shouts can’t heal yet and other than F.G.G. are pretty useless. And stances well I did use some of them for elite skill challenges. I used a bow as off hand weapon mainly for the AoE opening and extra damage aoe burns.
Read my post above:
You get a usefull gapcloser, a cripple with is always handy and another Aoe attack in case axe5 gets interrupted.
Also it allows nice combos like FGJ> Sword burst> Axe5> some autoattacks>Swordburst. For me the gapcloser alnoe makes it viable.
Put in axe4 before any skill and you will gain the most benefit out of for greater justice.