Bladetrail animation

Bladetrail animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


I usually don’t really get annoyed by animations but after playing with the gs for a bit now, I realized that when you use blade trail you throw your gs and your still magically holding onto another one and for some reason this bugs me lol

So I was thinking to myself all the different kinds of animations and things for fun I would add on there myself if your really waiting for your gs to fly back.

Since I have the smallest female with a huge gs, I was thinking about if there was a trait that when I catch it I would fly back like 600 range and knock down anyone behind me and giving myself a daze and I would stand back up with a dazed animation like wtf was i thinking

Was curious to see what kind of ideas for animations or anything to fill in that time your waiting for gs to fly back people can come up with.

Bladetrail animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Rez.8016


More than animation grievances, the bigger problem is that the returning blade and its corresponding dps and cc potential disappears with a weapon swap.

Example 1: You attack with bladetrail and follow up with hundred blades. Your character throws the outbound bladetrail and it hits and then you start your HB hits, in the middle of which the returning inbound bladetrail will also hit.

Example 2: You attack with bladetrail and swap to main hand axe for cyclone followed but chop chain. The outbound bladetrail hits and once u switch to axe to start axe dps (instead of HB) you loose your return bladetrail.

There isn’t a logical reason for the difference and it effects a lot of other skills as well. It punishes fast anticipatory play, which is a basic tenet for skillful pvp.

Another example is weapon swapping mid-air with eviscerate.

Bladetrail animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Making your Greatsword unavailable for the duration of Bladetrail would be such an unbelievably stupid nerf.

No thank you.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Bladetrail animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


I meant to say this was more for fun, not a serious idea