Bladetrail huge damage BUG - all info how to replicate it
Wow, nice work in finding a way to replicate this bug.
This is a link to the trait build you mentioned:
The description of Trait V “Berserker’s Power” in the Strength tree reads:
Increased damage based how much adrenaline you have built.
Stage 1: 3%.
Stage 2: 7%.
Stage 3: 12%.
Hits build up adrenaline, but as far as I know it is not 1 hit equals 1 adrenaline stage. It also has only 3 stages and maxes out at 12%.
So what exactly is the bug here? Is the description not accurate? Does it go beyond 12% total (according to you it is even 12-20% per target hit)? The numbers in the log are also a bit confusing; quite some low numbers around 2K-3K and then suddenly a huge jump towards the end. You also happen to have 6 stacks of Might on you there.
I’m kind of left wondering whether it is a case of bad scaling or actually a bugged trait here… The scenario were you can hit a lot of enemies with a single blade trail is also kind of uncommon, apart from perhaps in WvW or when a necro has a lot of summons out (as in the example).
P.S. Note that I’m not trying to defend the insane damage numbers; I’m just wondering whether damage scaling is off (for this skill or combination of traits) or whether the trait Berserker’s Power is bugged.
(edited by Morrar.1764)
My interpretation was that if you have Strength V (Berserker’s Power), then damage accumulated differently with each hit of Bladetrail (cumulatively, with each tick doing more damage); rather than hitting for a constant amount (800-2000 each ‘tick’).
Haven’t personally tested it – can anyone else confirm?
Same thing with piercing shots trait for rifle… ANY rifle skill increases dmg for each target hit. Not sure why would you call it a bug. It’s one thing hitting golems that are perfectly lined up and another piercing multiple targets in PvP.
i’ve had BP for a long time and have never had this type of damage accumulation with anything.
Same here, i’ve used BP for ages now.
I’ve thrown more blade trails than i can remember and not once have i caused that sort of damage.
I’ve hit for 1k-2k maximum on a target.
No idea how you’re doing that tbh.
Oh, okay. It’s a trait that’s doing it.
Looks like the bug happens when the blade boomerangs back…
With the trait it basically increases damage of Bladetrail for every next target hit. I have no idea why but thats this trait thats doing that.
I have tested Bladetrail on golems with and without trait and without trait it hits all equally for around 2k Crit. With trait it deals damage that i posted on screenshot (increases its damage per additional target). As I said I have no idea why its doing that, but thats I’m 100% sure that trait is affecting this huge damage increase.
It can happen in sPvP as well on teamfights on small points (for example Keep on Forest of Nifhel). It might not crit for 20k damage but AoE 8-10k with 1 skill (that is not supposted to be a main damage skill but more like long range slow) is anyway a little bit overpowered. (it needs to hit only 4 targets to get up to 8k Crit as an AoE spell).
That is not supposted to work that way thats why I wrote it as a bug since it happens only when you have a trait that shouldn’t be doing that (it’s not in description of trait nor discription of Bladetrail skill)
I found a way to replicate it now I hope that ArenaNet might have easier time finding solution to that bug since it can be gamebreaking even in tPvP. (compare normal damage of max 2k Crit to around 8-20k Crit on AoE skill). If you hit it you basically can win a teamfight out of a bug especially for a skill with really low cooldown.
I think there might be 2nd trait that is doing same thing which is Strength nr IX trait which is “Slashing Power”
(edited by Spell.6082)
This actually might be the cause for Head Shot (F1) + Crack Shot trait from Rifle that has been difficult to track down…need someone to investigate.
(((In other words, it might be a bug with the interaction of +% damage traits and any attack that pierces and hits subsequent targets.)))
I went to the Mists with a Steady Greatsword to test this out. Bladetrail does increase in damage every time it hits another target.
I then refunded all my traits. The bug still happens.
Just in case, I did two separate tests with 10 points in the Strength tree. Traiting Berserker’s Power only gave a flat percentage increase, as intended.
Warrior traits are not the cause of this bug. It is a glitch in the skill itself.
I believe it is because of damage adding to a total, like hundred blades. Each hit makes the number bigger, showing you the total damage for the combo. But because this effects a different target on each hit, the damage is being added and applied to the next enemy.
I actually got hit by this a while back, I normally have no problems with GS warriors being a tankish axe build, so I went after this one, he bladetrailed, I was down. You can imagine my shock.
Sat there staring at my combat log utterly confused ranting on teamspeak.
The cumulative damage display for rapid-hit attacks is a caster-side UI effect. If it were a display thing, then the person on the receiving end would NOT be getting hit by huge Bladetrails. However, they are, so it is not a display issue on the caster side (or if it is, the display issue is a separate thing and there is still bugged damage output happening).
Also, the combat log does not accumulate damage. That’s only the popup text on-screen.
Bladetrail huge damage BUG - all info how to replicate it
in Warrior
Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824
Did not go through every post here but I wanted to comment on the bug.
The game thinks you are building damage up like a 100lb series on one target. So it treats every hit as if it were the same target and the damage number is simply adding up. However, you are actually hitting multiple targets so the new damage strikes a different foe each time.
This may actually be a very difficult bug to fix because it would require a reworking of how damage displays in order to isolate the issue.
I just tested on a line of Heavy Golems (Hammer viability), and without Berserker’s Power, I couldn’t get it to increase in damage. With only Berserker’s Power, I did see growth. Refunded traits while in combat after having Berserker’s Power, and lost the growth.
I at least think the OP’s onto something, though it could be more complex.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
its not so much a bug its the way it intended to work. i mean it dosnt say its for one single target it could be multiple targets for all we know. but what you need in order for that to happen is everyone line up so it can hit multiple targets cause lets face it it dosnt really go that far.. and honestly sure on golems you can pull that off but in pvp if people are dumb enuff to stack on each other like that then they deserve to die like that..
I mean comon you had to hit 9 people before it jumped up that high.. realistically yea it could happen all the time highly doubtful
(edited by Wobels.1679)
It’s not a bug. I believe that anything that hits 1 person then another gains dmg for every person it hits. The skills that do this should clearly indicate this. So for all the dumdums this isnt a bug. Ive hit 2-7k on bladetrails when it goes through many ppl.
It’s not a bug. I believe that anything that hits 1 person then another gains dmg for every person it hits. The skills that do this should clearly indicate this. So for all the dumdums this isnt a bug. Ive hit 2-7k on bladetrails when it goes through many ppl.
You really didnt look at the pictures did you? Big difference between 2-7k and 20k+ worth of damage. 20k of damage is way to high for 1 hit. It is a bug.
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Bladetrail huge damage BUG - all info how to replicate it
in Warrior
Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824
It is a bug. You can try this with any other attack that hits people in succession. None of them increase exponentially like this.
it only increases like that when you hit 9 people in the necros case it hit his pets going out and him then coming back in it hit his pets them him last… which means it had greatest dmg on him.. his falt for having sooo many pets? i dunno but its built to increase so of course if it increases off a increase its going to boost up and double the more times it doubles the more effective the dmg is. its not a bug just a bad spot to be in if the warrior can actually get 9+ targets hit anyways if he can then you deserved to die anyways
Sounds like just the thing we need to bust up them stacked groups in WvW, lol.
it only increases like that when you hit 9 people in the necros case it hit his pets going out and him then coming back in it hit his pets them him last… which means it had greatest dmg on him.. his falt for having sooo many pets? i dunno but its built to increase so of course if it increases off a increase its going to boost up and double the more times it doubles the more effective the dmg is. its not a bug just a bad spot to be in if the warrior can actually get 9+ targets hit anyways if he can then you deserved to die anyways
This comment says it all….
I don’t care if its hitting for 20k it’s that necros fault for using his utility skills!?!? Of course he deserves to die for using utility skills that he can’t control the placement of his own pets…. Definitely his fault…
I am so lost for words right now.
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW
I hope that Anet solve this bug soon. Some warriors are using this esploit in WvWvW.
it only increases like that when you hit 9 people in the necros case it hit his pets going out and him then coming back in it hit his pets them him last… which means it had greatest dmg on him.. his falt for having sooo many pets? i dunno but its built to increase so of course if it increases off a increase its going to boost up and double the more times it doubles the more effective the dmg is. its not a bug just a bad spot to be in if the warrior can actually get 9+ targets hit anyways if he can then you deserved to die anyways
This comment says it all….
I don’t care if its hitting for 20k it’s that necros fault for using his utility skills!?!? Of course he deserves to die for using utility skills that he can’t control the placement of his own pets…. Definitely his fault…
I am so lost for words right now.
so are you saying its a bug beacuse it works the way its intended? maybe the necro shouldnt pop up all his pets when he sees a gs warrior? i dont pop furry when somones about to unleash multiple hits that would be like killing your self.. same goes for the necro drop some pets if you go into it with a warrior if you have all of your pets up that allows you to get hit 9times by it maybe leave 1 on cooldown? an yea he gets killed for using all his utilitys just like if the warrior used his utility furry sure it boosts dmg just like the necros case all those pets boost dmg but at the same time it makes you take more dmg in the case of how the skill works it makes him take more dmg.
Cry more Wobels. Arenanet will fix this quickly as they usually do with these kinds of bugs.
lol quickly like the rest of the game? im not crying i dont even use a gs in pvp i use a sword shield an bow.. so i could care less im just saying its not a bug. if its a bug it wouldnt work properly it could be considered over powered cause it does work properly but since it only happens under certian conditions i doubt it will be
It’s clearly a bug that’s doing too much damage. But why are you even here as this doesn’t apply to you.
Also dude…commas….use them.
i fail to see how its a bug. considering the trait its self says it increases dmg per adrinalin when it is 1 attack that hits multiple times so it increases off of its self. avoid it ? its a huge animation you clearly see the warrior throw the sword you see it come at you dodge on its way back? problem solved you only get hit once on the outgoing so the dmg will be minimal if you stand there and wait for it it will hurt if it hits alot.. that being said all skills will hurt you if you dont activly move all you have to do is strafe and it wont follow you its not a heat seaking missle.
no dude… im good.. thanks though…
Can’t be bothered to read something that might give me brain damage.
Although it’s funny to see how your so eager to defend this bug, since your the one who’s telling everyone how you don’t even use gs.
alrighty then we will see if it gets changed or not. and you dont have to believe me about me using great swords or not i personally dont care just telling you how it is
How cool would it be if Whirlwind did this >.>
how does it work agains turtle tactic in WvWvW? does it cut all 30+ ppl in half??))
or mesmer zerg portaling…
Bladetrail huge damage BUG - all info how to replicate it
in Warrior
Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713
I couldn’t reliably reproduce it but still got it once
how does it work agains turtle tactic in WvWvW? does it cut all 30+ ppl in half??
or mesmer zerg portaling…
Someone usually has an Aegis buff (blocks it from going further).
It’s clearly a bug that’s doing too much damage. But why are you even here as this doesn’t apply to you.
Also dude…commas….use them.
Woop woop! Freeze! Grammar police! Proper punctuation only dirtbag!
Ok I saw the pic. I was assuming it was real players but its just the test bots. Its easy to hit 20k on a blade trail to a bunch of enemies. Ive hit bout 12k on 6 ppl standing together. Sounds insane but idk if it is intended to do boat loads of dmg. It should build up for more ppl you hit but not insanely unless your throwing it through about 10-15 people.
Couple of things:
1.) it is a bug, this was confirmed by a red post awhile back, that in some unusual cases that blade trail damage was ramping up way too much.
2.) it is not counting damage cumulatively like a multi-hit skill. The damage you see is the damage its hitting that target for. You can see youtube clips of this bug happening from the victims side, where they get hit by blade trail and eat upwards to 20K damage in 1 hit and are 1 shot. In sPvP mind you. (more likely to happen to a MM necro)
As to when it will be fixed? Dunno. Most people wouldn’t encounter this bug very often anyways
Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous. The bug occurred a few times in WvW today. Like the OP, I had Berserker’s Power. Hopefully it gets fixed in the next patch.