Blood Reckoning
I’ve asked around, and it’s not really a healing skill per se. Guardians have something similar called Litany of Wrath, and I haven’t met a guardian that said that skill was good. Everyone thinks Litany of Wrath is garbage.
What differentiates litany of wrath and blood reckoning is the increased critical hit chance that comes with blood reckoning- making it more of a utility under the guise of a healing skill.
TLDR: It’s meta for berserker/PS warriors, for the sole purpose of maximizing damage over personal healing. It still needs work though
I’d be surprised that it would be meta since warriors are easily crit capped. Funny enough, I really like litany of wrath, I use it on my medi guard. The skill if used with a damage ability far outheals all the other heals, and it on a short cooldown (24s with trait). I think changing blood reckoning to heal off any damage dealt would be a major improvement. I’m fine with it being used for buffing crit change on builds that lack crit chance.
I dislike blood reckoning in pvp, but in pve it’s actually pretty decent with a high crit build.