note this is brain storming so it isn’t going to be perfect in terms of balance however feel free to do the same also this is also my opinion keep that in mind instead of bashing me or anyone else please k. Also these are new traits.
Strength. Strengh does a lot giving access to confusion improves our banners and granting us adrenaline. I wanted to come up with a trait that would encourage a more effective play style that would synergize well.
Great Force- this trait will make all physical skills unblockable physical skills do 50% more damage to blocking foes. this was a tricky one to avoid making it op but making it reasonably good. this synergizes well with distracting strikes making both traits potentially deadly. it encourages more skill play in predicting your opponent and landing one of your skills to interrupt them as well as punishing those who use exceedingly long channel skills. special note is that since distracting strikes and physical training can not be used to gether it is reasonably punishing to miss a single skill. as both bola and kick have the lowest cd at 20 seconds
oh arms how I love you but sadly as a condition warrior user I must now show some of my biast and explain why I have my opinion >=). condtion warriors have 1 adept trait and one minor trait that are useful. the traits are deep cuts 50% bleed duration and precise strikes 33% on crit to inflict a weak bleed. but that’s kinda it. this kinda upsets me because conditions are a D.O.T attack. allowing for some nice numbers but you have to survive to actually make good of the effect. no problem with condition warrior right well lets think about this. warrior currently have only 2 weapons that can inflict condition based damage with out a trait.
sword main hand ( off hand as well) and bow.
here is my personal pet peeve. swords are really not that great of a condition weapon when you think about it. infact i’d say their barely decent. they have lot of EXTREMELY short lived bleeds on flurry but said skill roots you to the ground and due to the nature of DOT you can easially receive as much or more damage while trying to get all the bleeds. it’s got a good immobilize ofc but the fact that most good warrior will cancel the skill and use another weapon is telling of just the shape flurry is in their is no point in finshing flurry.
impale got hit HARD in one of our recent patchs and holds the record of effecting my warrior more then any nerf. the fact I feel it was unfair as the skill’s projectile is rather slow with a reasonably obvious animation and only affected 1 person. it means that warrior now must rely mostly on their auto attack to inflict bleeds more so then prior to which is where we run into a few more problems. warrior auto attack inflictls 1 bleed for around 8 sec’s with no boost and can go up to 16 seconds.
the problem is how easy it is to be killed even with defensive gear in melee range I want to make clear that I am by NO NADA saying that condition warriors are not viable. I am saying that I feel the risk vs reward of being a DOT style combat in melee feels off to me esp on a class with limited damage mitigation as a SS/LB
so how do we fix this increase the bleed rate but do it reasonably.
Sharp Blade
preciste strikes increased proc chance while main hand sword is equipped (chance 100%) . it makes warrior’s able to stack bleeds up quite quickly but only while in 1 weapon set it gives flurry enough to be a genuine useful skill. over doubles the stated bleed rate making close range warrior’s quite deadly but still keeps it low enough to make you have to stay focused on survival. requiring quite heavy investment in arms as well.
cons it’s VERY limited only effecting the sword it would have to avoid be given to the longbow flurry will hurt a lot now but it’s still a easy enough skill to interrupt. synergizes quite well with the trait line. also as we are using precise strikes as a base line it needs to be noted at MOST you will get 6 second bleeds with it if you have 100% condition duration mind you (or bleed duration)