(edited by Steelo.4597)
Bruce Lee - Duel Build
No condition protection. You’re a dead man in an scenario from 1v1 to 5v5.
While I don’t like to be OVERLY negative Drek is correct, you’ve sacrificed all condition mitigation/removal in order to get this build. In PvP there’s plenty of condition builds considering it’s the meta and in WvW it’s the exact same thing. I actually do want mostly physical utility skills to be viable but because they offer little ACTUAL UTILITY. If you are really set on those skills the best suggestion I could offer is:
At least with those runes/Traits you can have some condition counters but a many classes will still simply wear you down before you ever get to do any real damage. Axe has also been nerfed hard with most of its damage being moved to the easily dodged final strike in Triple Chop. Also, Evis deals nearly no damage if it doesn’t crit so I swapped the position of the shield and mace and added Unsuspecting Foe. If you you Evis after a Shield Bakitten should be a 100% crit. But that being said I still can’t see this as being viable.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
the build has 82% crit Chance, you dont need unsuspecting foe you can set up easy eviscerates with tremor or bullsrush / kick or use shield stun and swap. yes this build is weak against tanky/very evasive condition classes that you cant chain to death quickly, but its bruce lee, what do you expect :P on the other hand you’ll rip through any kind of zerker build with ease and have the control to deal with tankier power builds aswell. “before you get to do any real damage” is hardly the case with this build – gap closing is in it, chill and cripple – only have to watch out for stability and avoid CCing while its up. also you got stability yourself to make sure you land that devastating chain without interruption and stomp easily.
Burr i see your point, but i think you sacrifice a looot of damage and kinda take the “joke” from this build which is hitting like 10 trucks while chaining CCs to bring the enemy down in a 4-6 second spike.
(edited by Steelo.4597)
If we’re gonna do joke builds than how about this, the ultimate CC’er.
Hells yah.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
Hurrr Burrr, i tried to get it to you in decent terms, but how about this: you screwed up the build and made it viable for absolutely nothing when it was viable in some situations before. also, nice build for trolling i guess but your not gonna kill anyone with just CC.
(edited by Steelo.4597)
Hurrr Burrr, i tried to get it to you in decent terms, but how about this: you screwed up the build and made it viable for absolutely nothing when it was viable in some situations before. also, nice build for trolling i guess but your not gonna kill anyone with just CC.
Too be fair, the original wasn’t viable either because it had no condi counters so any Necro/Engi/Certain Mesmers/Rangers/Condi Warriors/Blind thieves/evade thieves…you get it.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
which is what i said all along. though generally have had no problems dealing with thieves so far, not lost a single duel against thieves yet. but yeah like i wrote.. not good against bunkers and tanky condition classes. but i guess you havent tried the build at all and thus didnt understand it in the first place.
which is what i said all along. though generally have had no problems dealing with thieves so far, not lost a single duel against thieves yet. but yeah like i wrote.. not good against bunkers and tanky condition classes. but i guess you havent tried the build at all and thus didnt understand it in the first place.
I wouldn’t really run a build that is weak against what half the playerbase plays though…
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
Steelo, I get what you’re doing but the above posters are right. In sPvP I go over the top on condition removals for a reason. I run Hoelbrak in PvP (and WvW), pick up dogged march, and run berserker stance and cleansing ire.
Also, the way I deal with necros is actually with some chain stunning but via my weapons. Burr joked above but I run a build like that without the physical utilities. I run Hammer, Shield/Mace. Stun the crap out of them. Sure you can pull the ol’ skullcrack 100b combo but I prefer more.
0/10/30/0/30 – you likely know it.
Now if you want this “Bruce Lee” type name to hold true this build isn’t for you. I’m just telling you what’s viable. I’ve received many comments about what a pain in the rear I am.
Run zerker amulet with 30 in burst means hammer and mace do good damage and can down people.
The comment you made about thieves is simply odd to me; no problems with thieves? I wonder if you’ve run into the latest sword/dagger thieves that are actually skilled players? They can go zerker on you and literally not take any risk with their evade swings, stunbreaker shadowsteps, boon removals, blinds, stealths, etc. It’s over the top and needs nerfing.
Believe it or not, if specced right, the warrior these days with their utilities up and the right spec is really the anti-necro right now.
this isnt a build for spvp, its for dueling :P if i was to make a build for spvp i would run bunker of some sort , especially after the changes to healing. i was intrigued a long time by unsuspecting foe with lots of CC, but couldnt really make it work despite trying a lot of things. hammer / mace stunning is fine and you can make it a sustain build (though i dont think you stand a chance against bunkers aswell), but thats not what im aiming at, this build is a quick burster for brutal rollovers. if you land a proper CC it means the enemy is probably dead. i have dueled a sword/dagger thief 3:0 (no idea how skilled he was – probably not very much), his problem was running out of initiative to dodge my CC and when i landed a tremor or bulls it was GG. im not saying this is a viable build for spvp, please the title says Duel Build – i could also add a “crappy” before “duel”, it wouldnt matter to me.. but ist hellova lot of fun to play and its good enough to kill 95% of the players in wvw, at least i havent lost a single duel yet in wvw (though many in spvp). wait thats not true, actually i lost a duel against a GS / LB warrior.. but out of pure arrogance xD it IS viable against all kinds of glassy builds though. give it a try, enjoy how its played and put it aside again. its Bruce Lee, you dont want to take him against guns and towers of a good heavy engineer, but that zerker build of almost any class will be in for a surprise when attacking you, it has a lot of “wtf” potential just like hammer / mace.
also, please be welcome to change this build into something better against whatever you think its lacking. but it wont be bruce lee if you take the principle away from it which is big spike damage while CC chaining and yes the phyiscal utility, the bruce-kick. and when you finish someone with a kick to the face, well.. tell me how it feels.
also in wvw i actually build different because i can maintain a high crit chance from gear, cleansing ire for condition removal, extra regen, way more heavy.. but in spvp i cant do those tradeoffs, if i lack damage the build doesnt work anymore because i cant go into long sustained battles.
also.. are you seriously running rampage? :X
(edited by Steelo.4597)
…I was 100% joking with that build, haven’t actually used Rampage post patch. Changes seem interesting but not sure it’s worth using over SoR/Banner.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
it is best used to gtfo with 1k imbarush (now you can use it 3 times). cant see any proper usage except maybe zerg vs zerg fighting. but CD is still ridiculous 150 seconds.
Consider running zerker stance instead of kick
good suggestion to make it better against conditions, though the build features a lot of adrenaline gaining already (triple adrenaline from crits with a 82% chance). but then could just aswell drop the physical utility tbh and do someting overall better / different since kick is the main reason for physical utility or the other way round.
edit: if you guys insist on condition removal – prolly mending will do the trick, but well lose a bit of healing. but the adrenaline gaining loss isnt breaking the build.
(edited by Steelo.4597)