[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


Hello everyone,

I just wanted to share my WvW Warrior build with you:


I use it for zerg fights only. You’re main role is to tank and CC your enemies. The damage is mediocre but you’ll probably never die and you can protect your squishy back line.


  • High HP/Toughness
  • (AoE)CC
  • Decent damage against stunned foes
  • Burst skills (lots of Adrenaline / low CD)
  • -65% Condition Duration / -25% Stun Duration
  • 2 Stun Breaker
  • 2 Endure Pain + Berserker Stance (+25% Duration)
  • Vigor
  • Battle Standard
  • Combo Finishers


  • Mediocre sustain (Water fields help a lot)
  • Low damage for a Warrior
  • Mobility
  • Only melee

Your job:
Stay in front of your zerg. The enemies can’t kill you so feel free to tank for the rest of the team. Once the fight starts you can try to kill/CC the enemy back line or protect your own back line. Both Earthshaker and Stomp help a lot.

If you ever take any damage use Endure Pain and Berserker Stance. Take more damage? Use your Heal skill and Finishers in Water fields. More damage? Don’t worry, the second Endure Pain will save you. Otherwise dodge since you have Vigor all the time.

If any allies are downed use your Battle Standard.


Why Hammer and Mace/Shield?
Both sets are great for zerg fights and offer everything you need.

Why no damage?
Feel free to join the other 549 Glass Cannons in your zerg. This build is not supposed to deal tons of damage. You’re the Raid Boss. You’ll be the last one standing.

Why no Shouts, Signets or Banners?
Shouts are nice although I think Stances are superior for a tank. Especially double Endure Pain gives you a lot of survivability. For a support build Shouts are better. Signets are a bad choice for zerg fights and Banners are too immobile (they’re great during a siege though).

Why no Cleansing Ire?
Healing Rain + Berserker Stance + Mending + -65% Condition Duration are enough Condition Removal.

Soldier’s instead of Cleric’s?
You’re already invincible.

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


Feel free to ask any questions!

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: atreyu.9624


Thank you for linking us a build which has been linked in this forum for atleast a couple of months if not an year.

And a bad one at that. Cleansing ire is probably the best Trait we have. You are taking the worst healing skill out of the three we have, just to get some condi removal which would be TOTALLY out-classed by simply having Cleansing Ire, and on top of that having the possibility to run HealSign or HealingSurge.

And why? To get Defy Pain. LoL.

Defy Pain is not worth it. Not at all.
Hammer builds are DoggedMarch(debatable, your choice) – Cleansing Ire(Mandatory) – Merciless Hammer (Quite mandatory)

little big wizard – Eu

(edited by atreyu.9624)

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Seems decent enough, I don’t have problems that "cleansing ire " is missing.
I’m missing stability. If you’re infront of the zerg you need stability. In any case you need stability. Get rid of the stomp (you have earthshaker up every ~8s anyways) and put in either balanced stance (since you are using vigor with stance) or dolyak signet (more passive toughness+stability on activation).

[Piken Square]

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Who brings a mace to a zerg fight?It’s like bringing a knife to a gun fight only instead of guns they use bazookas.Skullcrack is single target and counterblow it’s wack in a zerg fight.Also no stability? How are you planning to cc your enemies if you are stunlocked yourself ?

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: atreyu.9624


Who brings a mace to a zerg fight?It’s like bringing a knife to a gun fight only instead of guns they use bazookas.Skullcrack is single target and counterblow it’s wack in a zerg fight.Also no stability? How are you planning to cc your enemies if you are stunlocked yourself ?

Also this.

Missing stability

Mace is pretty much pointless in zerg-warfare.
Get a sword – shield/warhorn for mobility+utility.

And Dogged March is much MUCH better than Sure-Footed.
You are almost immune (almost) to Chill/Immobilize/Cripple , with your melandrus runes and that Food and dogged march.
And this is quite important especially in zerging where those condis are flying around like nothing.

little big wizard – Eu

(edited by atreyu.9624)

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: Mirsa.1628


So if you’re supposed to be a tank, why are you putting points into a trait lines that are offensive?

[GS] Gun Squad
Guild Master

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: Agony.3542


Someone went very far with 3 ascended weapons and 6 AR+ infusions …
Stomp(ed) is what you will get with this kind of build, and like the posters before me already pointed out the outlines of the build are neither new, nor is the build very good in it’s own regard- Passing up cleansing ire (op trait) or Last stand (another stability) for defy pain is just a waste. 4 more seconds of survival wont help you if you are chain ccd by blinds/knockdowns/roots&more.

RIP game 2012-2014

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


There are always threads asking for WvW builds and that’s why I wanted to share mine. I’m sure there are similar builds (maybe even exactly the same) so feel free to link it here so those people can find it.

I will try Cleansing Ire again although I didn’t like it the last few times. Maybe this improves the build.

Mending is mainly there for the instant Condition Removal. Healing Signet doesn’t have enough burst heal imo. Healing Surge is great although I prefer the instant Condition Removal.

I’m not sure why you hate Defy Pain that much. It’s really good if you’re in the middle of the enemy zerg and it also works during lags because there are too many players around (which is a huge benefit if you play on a big server).

I will try Sword although I like it better for Condition builds. Mace synergizes well with the rest of the CC-heavy build.

Thanks for pointing that out. Yes, the build lacks stability which I didn’t mention. This is not a huge problem though since there are many Guardian in the enemy zerg as well. I usually don’t miss Balanced Stance. If you have problems because there is not enough Stability Balanced Stance is definitely a superior choice.

Because the traits synergize really well with the rest of the build. Lower Burst CD is also good since you can spam Earthshaker more often. The Critical Damage is only good while Unsuspecting Foe is active.

It works great for me. The weaknesses you pointed out are usually compensated by a strong zerg (mainly Eles and Guardians) and that’s why I prefer to have 4 more seconds.

Feel free to post your builds. I would love to try them and improve.

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: atreyu.9624


I’m not sure why you hate Defy Pain that much. It’s really good if you’re in the middle of the enemy zerg and it also works during lags because there are too many players around (which is a huge benefit if you play on a big server).

Defy pain is not bad. It’s just not needed. Especially if you run already Endure Pain. An hammer warrior is losing quite a lot without Merciless Hammer. Still if you really want all the tankiness out there okay…but it still not worth it I would say.
The 25% damage is pre-calculated on cc-skills, that means every hammer CC-skill will ALWAYS hit 25% harder.

And yes you should definitely try Cleansing Ire again. It’s probably the best trait Warrior’s have at their disposal.
And it is present in like every godkitten build, from power to condi.

If you don’t like healing signet, then go for Healing Surge + Cleansing Ire. All the conditions removal you will ever need, mending is so outdated since Cleansing Ire it’s not even fun.

Cleansing ire has the potential to remove from 3 to 6 conditions every 7,5 seconds. That’s some crazy kitten kitten. (and in zerg missing those Adrenalines skills is like…impossibile?)

little big wizard – Eu

(edited by atreyu.9624)

[Build] Raid Boss Build (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


I’m not sure why you hate Defy Pain that much. It’s really good if you’re in the middle of the enemy zerg and it also works during lags because there are too many players around (which is a huge benefit if you play on a big server).

Defy pain is not bad. It’s just not needed. Especially if you run already Endure Pain. An hammer warrior is losing quite a lot without Merciless Hammer. Still is u really want all the tankiness out there okay…but it still not worth it I would say.
The 25% damage is pre-calculated on CC, that means every hammer CC skill will ALWAYS hit 25% harder.

And yes you should definitely try Cleansing Ire again. It’s probably the best trait Warrior’s have at their disposal.
And it is present in like every godkitten build, from power to condi.

If you don’t like healing signet, then go for Healing Surge + Cleansing Ire. All the conditions removal you will ever need.

Cleansing ire has the potential to remove from 3 to 6 conditions every 7,5 seconds. That’s some crasy kitten kitten. (and in zerg missing those Adrenalines skills is like…impossibile?)

Thanks for your explanation. I will try it again once I’m not in queue anymore (2h already…).