[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367


The one thing I’d liked about Wild Blow was the idea that I could utilize it to send someone flying off point. In any regular build I was running though, it had no place. So the other day when I was thinking about the bunk and picnic meta I wondered how I might put together a Berserker Bunker who could not only knock an enemy bunker off point, but decap and cap it out from under him too. So I came up with the above.

I’ve been playing around with two amulets, Sentinels for the ultimate sustain bunker, and Valkyrie for a more damaging varient. Cavalier is the third option that I’ve not run. Really though my feelings are that the best amulet would come down to knowing your teams comp. Failing that, full solo, it’s probably a matter of what you’re facing and how you feel after your morning coffee -_-u. Sentinels is a superior bunk, but valk opens up the option of killing things more satisfactorily.

Weapons might seem a little odd but these are for superior mobility. You can make it to far to stop a cap at the start of a match if you want. After that you have some solid damage dealing capability, defence, and CC for when your +1’s arrive.

So the build has no discipline which, I know, is a huge warrior fo-par. Since I always run zerker wars I understand the concern for having no fast hands. However because of the nature of this build I didn’t feel the loss of its presence. The build gives you a lot of time especially against your typical meta matchups. Making good use of your skills and dodges easily holds you over for the 10s between swaps.

Rune is Dolyak for extra healing ticks, but I also considered Scrapper. There might be a superior option someone could suggest.

Heavy, prolonged condi pressure is the builds greatest weakness. You do have a full clear, and the resistance from healing sig, which is nothing to shake a stick at. The only trouble is if someones smart enough to interrupt your casts of them. Otherwise they’ll keep you going.

Final thoughts: Honestly the most satisfying part of this build is looking those annoying bunker druid, tempest, and chrono’s in the eye then sending them flying off point with Wild Blow, decapping their point, and then bunking them out of it till the match is up or someone rotates your way. Given enough time you can repeat Wild Blow and slowly cap the point XD It’s a nice build for what it does, but I’m still not 100% sure about it simply because I’d need to give it some more time. Perhaps some warrior pros have some suggestions :D

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Okay getting this out of the way right now.


NOTE: why is there no grammatical way to emphasize sarcasm?

Anyway, interesting build. I’ll try it out.

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Okay getting this out of the way right now.


NOTE: why is there no grammatical way to emphasize sarcasm?

Anyway, interesting build. I’ll try it out.

Landing that Wild Blow is pretty crucial. I’ll probably start training myself to do so off the back of Shield Bash or Headbutt, to ensure the hit goes through.

I also considered Crusader Amulet, but the reason I opted for the other two was for the larger HP pool.

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Pfft… you’re not playing a mesmer here, Ross, you can’t just break rules and do whatever you want…. XD

Good luck with it, and please report back once you’ve run it through the paces. Video would be even better, if you can swing it. I don’t personally know how I’d run a build like this, but it’s always good to see and learn new approaches.

On a build note, have you considered running Tempest over Dolyak runes? If you expect a lot of +1 fights and incoming stuns, then it would synergize well with Rousing Resilience.

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[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Pfft… you’re not playing a mesmer here, Ross, you can’t just break rules and do whatever you want…. XD

Good luck with it, and please report back once you’ve run it through the paces. Video would be even better, if you can swing it. I don’t personally know how I’d run a build like this, but it’s always good to see and learn new approaches.

On a build note, have you considered running Tempest over Dolyak runes? If you expect a lot of +1 fights and incoming stuns, then it would synergize well with Rousing Resilience.

Having suggested it to someone before I did consider it, but to be honest this is all new territory to me. I’ve pretty much played the +1 roaming DPS role exclusivly, so one question hanging over my head is how exactly I should apply this build. Rush to far and hold out there, go home, team fights, solely decapping etc. Guess I’ll see, and I’ll take some vids too.

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


So the build has no discipline which, I know, is a huge warrior fo-par.

Silent scream.

I like those recent trait set ups with Berserker and Rousing Resilience. Playing one in PvE myself. That being said: Why Signets? I can get behind HS but that’s about it. Arms does help with your offense but I don’t really see this as core purpose of your build?

Have you tried Tactics with Shouts? I found former Healing Surge to be pretty neat for playing a Beserker to have a second free full-Adrenaline button. As others suggested, then going with Tempest Runes and a Celestial Amulet will grant you more supportive capabilities which might ulitmatively be more beneficial to your team than some offense.

Something like this?

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

So the build has no discipline which, I know, is a huge warrior fo-par.

Silent scream.

I like those recent trait set ups with Berserker and Rousing Resilience. Playing one in PvE myself. That being said: Why Signets? I can get behind HS but that’s about it. Arms does help with your offense but I don’t really see this as core purpose of your build?

Have you tried Tactics with Shouts? I found former Healing Surge to be pretty neat for playing a Beserker to have a second free full-Adrenaline button. As others suggested, then going with Tempest Runes and a Celestial Amulet will grant you more supportive capabilities which might ulitmatively be more beneficial to your team than some offense.

Something like this?

You know, the thing that’s killing me, or the thing I can’t hold out against indefinitely are condi specs dropping condi bombs. Going shouts gives me 4 stun breaks instead of 3 at the cost of my strongest condi immunity/cleanse. The stamina sig also grants endurance which in terms of defense, you can’t shake a stick at more dodges.

The one thing I don’t like about putting to much stock in stun break effects is that, if there are no stuns incoming, or they arent landing, I’m getting no benefit. Tempest runes are also weak in all other areas, and if I’m solo decapping/bunking, I’m giving no benefit to my allies. I see you swapped out GS for Mace/WH too, which, obviously, cuts down on mobility by a lot. That’s fine as you get the extra CC + WH utility, but I wouldnt be able to, say, reach far at the start of a match to stop a cap from happening (can do this reliably).

I’m not sure about celestial. One thing with Sentinels is that I’m a rock a single individual can’t remove. When I go for Valk which gives similar armor/hp as celestial, I feel those hits that land and can’t hold out nearly as long.

All this said, Tactics might be a good line to take, but I’d probably be most interested in something like Leg Specialist. That way I could use my GS 4 cripple to hit a foe once they’ve been blown off point with Wild Blow, to lock them down a little bit harder for more decap/cap time. Wild Blow’s knockdown duration is such that it’ll ensure a decap if you knock them off point. However, if they stun break they can potentially save the cap. An imob would work wonders to lock them down off point for sure.

Anyway I took some vid tonight. Will work on it tomorrow.

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Nihevil.8024


Looks like poop, mind as well play ranger and be incredibly more useful. Also being able to do damage to win 1v1’s.

Elitism in Guild Wars 2. http://i.imgur.com/ZGnzBCI.gif

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Looks like poop, mind as well play ranger and be incredibly more useful. Also being able to do damage to win 1v1’s.

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[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: choovanski.5462


its bunker build with little to no team support. regardless of its tankiness its still an inferior pick for the team when faced with the choice of multiple bunker buids with large amounts of team support. sentinel druid seems a far better choice for the team.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
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[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

its bunker build with little to no team support. regardless of its tankiness its still an inferior pick for the team when faced with the choice of multiple bunker buids with large amounts of team support. sentinel druid seems a far better choice for the team.

It’s definitely a niche build. It doesn’t offer much in a mid team fight, and from playing it I’d have to define it as a roaming decapper. You can fly across the map, and kick anybody off point without needing to kill a thing.

The only thing is you need a supporting team comp to make the most of it. Roaming DPS to +1 for you, or someone else to hold a captured point indefinitely.

At the start of any match I can hold far from capping leading to an easy 100/0 point difference before the enemy team will rotate to force me off. So yah, there’s effectiveness there, but liability also. I just wish I could take a more damaging ammy and still have the same level of sustain of sentinels XD

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


yeah, sorry dude. i tried it today. does not even work well in unranked.

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

yeah, sorry dude. i tried it today. does not even work well in unranked.

Yeah, I’m about 1million times more effective for a team on my zerkerberker. And, I just discovered a superior version I’m now running XD

It was a nice idea but not fit for todays awful meta -_-u

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


It literally has one skill that’s actually used to push people off point for the decap on a 30s CD, it never had a hope of being good for its intended purpose

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

It literally has one skill that’s actually used to push people off point for the decap on a 30s CD, it never had a hope of being good for its intended purpose

True, but that one skill has the duration in and of itself to get the decap, no other skill necessary.

That said you could also run fear me in conjunction with it. But yes, miss that Wild Blow and you might aswell rotate off.

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Nick.7621


No point of running this since off the bat of my head there are three superior builds/classes that do the job that people actually run.

1. Scrapper rifle with Slick Shoes, Blast Gyro, and Sneak Gyro.
2. Druid longbow/staff with Ancient Seeds, and Glyph of the Tides.
3. Thief/Daredevil

Overall, this build serves no purpose. You only have one CC that knocks them back, you can’t stealth, and you’re not going to 1v1 anything.

I rate this -10/10.