Build of Force: +100% damage

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Wooboost.8527


5 superior runes of infiltration – 10% damage when target below 50% hp
Superior sigil of impact – 10% damage to stunned or knocked down foe
Bowl of seaweed salad -10% damage while moving

Traits – 0/30/20/20/0
*10% damage to bleeding foes
*5% damage to weakened foes
*25% damage to disabled foes
*2% damage per boon on you
*20% while below 50% hp

Has anyone ever tried a build like this? This would be a wvw hammer build for zerg surfing or coordinated small group skirmishing. Yes I know you wouldn’t be getting the +% damage max all the time but say all the conditions were met, what kind of damage would this do? Would the +% damage be inferior to just having stats like power & precision? Or would it hit so hard the enemy gets no down state and is blasted straight to the repair LA?

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Zach.3264


I put the build into editor, using Valky gear and cavalier trinkets for some survivability. Was looking at 2.3k power (3.5k attack) , 1.7k toughness, 29% crit chance (base), 62% crit damage, 23k health. You’d then need to look at the + damage from traits aswell, but it looks fairly solid in my opinion.

The only thing I dislike is not having Cleansing Ire.

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: gwfanboy.2496


So your target has to be:



Stunned or KB or down

you’re 20 percent health




Too situational to build around :P

Necromancer, Devonas Rest Are My Harlots [PIMP]

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

So your target has to be:



Stunned or KB or down

you’re 20 percent health




Too situational to build around :P

Might be good for big boss fights that have all the conditions on them for most of the fight. I wonder if they all stack.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Molch.2078


They even stack multiplicative, not additive (thats a good thing – its actual ~150% damage.)

(edited by Molch.2078)

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

This might be might my new Teq spec if the numbers check out with some modifications.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

(edited by Julie Yann.5379)

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Drek Thalon.5490

Drek Thalon.5490

This build looks very situational at best.

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

More reliable version would be 30/30/0/10/0:
+5% (sigil of force)
+5% (Rune of Strength)
+15% (zerk power)
+20% (when your hp <50%)
+10% (vs bleeders)
+3% (endurance not full)

+58% with the only real requisite being that you sit below 50% hp.
Eviscerate would hit like 20k dmg.

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Caino.7130


be aware also the wiki says the food has been bugged since launch. Given Anets record dont believe it would have been fixed yet ^^

rank 500+ Piken / Rank 60 PvP
Warrior – Teined
Guardian – Nomoreroomformyname

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

This might be might my new Teq spec if the numbers check out with some modifications.

This is a hammer spec, 25% to disabled is hammer only trait and teq is not going to be disabled. Probably better off taking stick and move (3% but it’s a minor for berserker’s power so w/e), berserker’s power (15%), attack of opportunity (10%), desperate power (20%) if you’re just trying to stack modifiers. Then compare axe w/dual wield (5%) (not axe mastery as this is crits only) to greatsword slashing power (10%). Would also be curious what crack shot hitting at least both claws and running the nonweapon specific mods would be like.

Other spots in strength and arms you can fill in with great fortitude and furious reaction for more vit and vigor and if you have desperate power, you could go 15 in that tree to have the revive speed minor trait, only place in game i could see it being useful :P

(edited by Player Character.9467)

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

This might be might my new Teq spec if the numbers check out with some modifications.

This is a hammer spec, 25% to disabled is hammer only trait and teq is not going to be disabled. Probably better off taking stick and move (3% but it’s a minor for berserker’s power so w/e), berserker’s power (15%), attack of opportunity (10%), desperate power (20%) if you’re just trying to stack modifiers. Then compare axe w/dual wield (5%) (not axe mastery as this is crits only) to greatsword slashing power (10%). Would also be curious what crack shot hitting at least both claws and running the nonweapon specific mods would be like.

Other spots in strength and arms you can fill in with great fortitude and furious reaction for more vit and vigor and if you have desperate power, you could go 15 in that tree to have the revive speed minor trait, only place in game i could see it being useful :P

That’s why I said with some modifications. At the moment I have been going with 30-0-0-30-10 full PTV with Hoelbrak runes. If I can squeeze more hurt by stacking modifiers I will.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Wanze.8410


I did some damage multiplier stacking with my celestial perplexity build (to troll around).

I switched out some pieces with Zerker and Knights for more crit chance, power and toughness and was around 3800 attack, 3400 armor, 55% crit chance, 60% crit damage, including food and nourishment, signet of rage active and 25 stacks of bloodlust from another weapon, disregarding borderland bloodlust.
For damage multipliers i used zerker power (15%), Empowered (10% for 5 boons from SoR and Warhorn), 5% sigil of force, Merciless Hammer, 25%.

1.15*1.1*1.05*1.25=66% extra damage with full adrenaline and 5 boons against stunned foes.

I would wait somewhere where i could jump down on an enemy, pop Signet of Rage and Healing Surge for Boons, might and Adrenaline, blow my warhorn, switch to hammer, jump down and ideally deal the first AoE interrupt with Death from Above putting 9 stacks of confusion on my target, then hammer shock for ranged damage, bulls, charge to get close and maybe 2nd interupt plus 2 sec stun, then back breaker, staggering blow and earthshaker.

If the target is not downed, i switch to mace/warhorn to refresh boons and finish him off.

If my target manages to get a skill off, i deal 2.5k damage per tick at 18 stacks of confusion due to my condi damage from celestial gear.

Works like a charm.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


That’s why I said with some modifications. At the moment I have been going with 30-0-0-30-10 full PTV with Hoelbrak runes. If I can squeeze more hurt by stacking modifiers I will.

Try moving those 10pts in Disc to Defense IV “Cull the Weak” +5% dmg to Weakened foes. Teq has weakness up constantly. Something like this.

If you can maintain <50% health without getting downed, Desperate Power + Mango Pie might be an option, just swap the Scholar Runes to something else if you’re using them.

5x Rune of Infiltration could also be interesting for the <50% burn phase: +10% vs target with <50% health

Or 6x Rune of the Thief if you can stand beside Teq, which is pretty close to where the zerg stacks. +5% dmg when behind or beside the target.

(edited by kurtosis.9526)