Burst skills aren't useful!
o.o;; Why?
You must be new at pressing f1. You can keybind it to another key you know.
Or worse, press it with a mouse.
Always Loyal
(edited by Sovereign.1093)
Hammer longbow and axe’s burst skill are usefull
Hammer AoE stun with range
longbow huge AoE burn
and axe quick burst damage with leap and big sway
but sword is just a PoS..
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
(edited by Lighter.5631)
Killshot’s 14k damage isn’t so bad too, especially when it pierces through targets.
Killshot’s 14k damage isn’t so bad too, especially when it pierces through targets.
Always Loyal
Depends on whether you are doing PvE or PvP.
In both circumstances, GS burst is useless. I much rather have the extra damage and crit chance from full adrenaline.
For axe, hell yea~ (If you traited in some adrenaline)
Rifle, only PvP
Longbow for both! Awesome to have a combo field
Hammer… I love that F1… in my opinion, thee best burst skill in the game lol
Unfortunately thieves have a spammable eviscerate (Heart Seeker) that’ll make any Warrior jealous.
Unfortunately thieves have a spammable eviscerate (Heart Seeker) that’ll make any Warrior jealous.
And we can have 3 times their HP and double their armor plus wear a shield with block, reflect and interrupt, that would make any thief jealous but most warriors play like thief wannabe so…
Stealth? Don’t even get me started..
Main idea was that thieves have spammable eviscerates which is somewhat unfair.
The problem with Burst skills is that all it takes is 20 Trait points to make saving your Adrenaline being the more attractive option. 9% Critical Hit Chance and a whooping 12% damage boost for being at full Adrenaline?
Yes please!
Not to mention Healing Surge: blowing your Adrenaline on a Burst is potentially dangerous because your healing becomes a lot weaker afterwards.
Do you even lift, bro?
The problem with Burst skills is that all it takes is 20 Trait points to make saving your Adrenaline being the more attractive option. 9% Critical Hit Chance and a whooping 12% damage boost for being at full Adrenaline?
Yes please!
Not to mention Healing Surge: blowing your Adrenaline on a Burst is potentially dangerous because your healing becomes a lot weaker afterwards.
You can solve this w/ traits that grant adrenaline w/ weapon, change, crit hit, certain weapon, etc.
But yea…
Stealth? Don’t even get me started..
Main idea was that thieves have spammable eviscerates which is somewhat unfair.
Exactly, each class is different and exceed at different roles. Building and gearing to fill a role where the other is better will only bring pointless comparisons.
back on topic
burst (and adrenaline) have lots of traits to get bonus from it… of course they are usefull. Try to find one that suits your build and play style. If none convince you, I’m sorry.
(edited by Mesket.5728)
The problem with Burst skills is that all it takes is 20 Trait points to make saving your Adrenaline being the more attractive option. 9% Critical Hit Chance and a whooping 12% damage boost for being at full Adrenaline?
Yes please!
Not to mention Healing Surge: blowing your Adrenaline on a Burst is potentially dangerous because your healing becomes a lot weaker afterwards.
You can solve this w/ traits that grant adrenaline w/ weapon, change, crit hit, certain weapon, etc.
But yea…
It’s not really solving it though, it’s just patching up the wound a bit. Using burst skills still lowers your dps (and technically survivability via Adrenal Health and Healing Surge) for little over half of all our weapon options.
The current adrenaline system is just plain not good, irrespective of the fact that most Burst skills are lackluster.
The problem with Burst skills is that all it takes is 20 Trait points to make saving your Adrenaline being the more attractive option. 9% Critical Hit Chance and a whooping 12% damage boost for being at full Adrenaline?
Yes please!
Not to mention Healing Surge: blowing your Adrenaline on a Burst is potentially dangerous because your healing becomes a lot weaker afterwards.
You can solve this w/ traits that grant adrenaline w/ weapon, change, crit hit, certain weapon, etc.
But yea…It’s not really solving it though, it’s just patching up the wound a bit. Using burst skills still lowers your dps (and technically survivability via Adrenal Health and Healing Surge) for little over half of all our weapon options.
The current adrenaline system is just plain not good, irrespective of the fact that most Burst skills are lackluster.
You’re talking about GS right?
I love my burst skill on Axe, on Hammer, on Mace, on Bow, on Riffle, on Sword…
Burst skills are awesome, if you complain about burst in GS then the topic should be completely different.
The problem with Burst skills is that all it takes is 20 Trait points to make saving your Adrenaline being the more attractive option. 9% Critical Hit Chance and a whooping 12% damage boost for being at full Adrenaline?
Yes please!
Not to mention Healing Surge: blowing your Adrenaline on a Burst is potentially dangerous because your healing becomes a lot weaker afterwards.
You can solve this w/ traits that grant adrenaline w/ weapon, change, crit hit, certain weapon, etc.
But yea…It’s not really solving it though, it’s just patching up the wound a bit. Using burst skills still lowers your dps (and technically survivability via Adrenal Health and Healing Surge) for little over half of all our weapon options.
The current adrenaline system is just plain not good, irrespective of the fact that most Burst skills are lackluster.
You’re talking about GS right?
I love my burst skill on Axe, on Hammer, on Mace, on Bow, on Riffle, on Sword…
Burst skills are awesome, if you complain about burst in GS then the topic should be completely different.
i hate that burst skill of sword :\…all you get is that bleeds which get removed so fast and do close to no damage..at the same time you will get hit like a sandbag because you are so close to the enemy you at attacking. if you move it cancel the burst :\then because you have no adrenaline you can’t heal much so get take down real quick
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Stealth? Don’t even get me started..
Main idea was that thieves have spammable eviscerates which is somewhat unfair.
Exactly, each class is different and exceed at different roles. Building and gearing to fill a role where the other is better will only bring pointless comparisons.
back on topic
burst (and adrenaline) have lots of traits to get bonus from it… of course they are usefull. Try to find one that suits your build and play style. If none convince you, I’m sorry.
I let me clarify: Thief > Warrior overall.
I don’t think there’s an argument here. There are plenty of threads to support this statement that I won’t bother mentioning them.
Now back on topic. Do bursts need a buff? Yes.
Does the +burst% in the crit trait tree need a buff? Yes. Because +3% dmg at 30 invested in it is hardly anything. And as I pointed out. You may think eviscerate is useful. But consider that thieves can spam eviscerate. And their stealth offers far more utility for teams.
Stealth? Don’t even get me started..
Main idea was that thieves have spammable eviscerates which is somewhat unfair.
Exactly, each class is different and exceed at different roles. Building and gearing to fill a role where the other is better will only bring pointless comparisons.
back on topic
burst (and adrenaline) have lots of traits to get bonus from it… of course they are usefull. Try to find one that suits your build and play style. If none convince you, I’m sorry.
I let me clarify: Thief > Warrior overall.
I don’t think there’s an argument here. There are plenty of threads to support this statement that I won’t bother mentioning them.
Now back on topic. Do bursts need a buff? Yes.
Does the +burst% in the crit trait tree need a buff? Yes. Because +3% dmg at 30 invested in it is hardly anything. And as I pointed out. You may think eviscerate is useful. But consider that thieves can spam eviscerate. And their stealth offers far more utility for teams.
Change your strat… you wannabe a thief like char able to burst thousends of damage without a single survivality trick of your own you are gonna loose big time. That is their realm and its fine if you loose playing by their rules. Who kills faster? good balance if they do.
With near 35K hp in WvW, 3.5K armor, survivability traits and utilities; axe and shield and hammer; thief charge me, unload all their cooldowns and initiative and I’m still above half HP which is more than their total, when lag is on my side i just need to shield charge as soon as they stealth and voila! dead thief… if not, they will only try to keep escaping cause they have no business with a tough warrior (a real tough warrior, not a dps traits with knight gear and a GS).
(edited by Mesket.5728)
The problem with Burst skills is that all it takes is 20 Trait points to make saving your Adrenaline being the more attractive option. 9% Critical Hit Chance and a whooping 12% damage boost for being at full Adrenaline?
Yes please!
Not to mention Healing Surge: blowing your Adrenaline on a Burst is potentially dangerous because your healing becomes a lot weaker afterwards.
You can solve this w/ traits that grant adrenaline w/ weapon, change, crit hit, certain weapon, etc.
But yea…It’s not really solving it though, it’s just patching up the wound a bit. Using burst skills still lowers your dps (and technically survivability via Adrenal Health and Healing Surge) for little over half of all our weapon options.
The current adrenaline system is just plain not good, irrespective of the fact that most Burst skills are lackluster.
You’re talking about GS right?
I love my burst skill on Axe, on Hammer, on Mace, on Bow, on Riffle, on Sword…
Burst skills are awesome, if you complain about burst in GS then the topic should be completely different.
i hate that burst skill of sword :\…all you get is that bleeds which get removed so fast and do close to no damage..at the same time you will get hit like a sandbag because you are so close to the enemy you at attacking. if you move it cancel the burst :\then because you have no adrenaline you can’t heal much so get take down real quick
Its nice for skirmishing, if you are playing with voice com you can call a target, use skill 2 to charge, shield charge to stun 1 sec and then apply burst to root it in place while your group finish it off easily.
@Mesket in reality you’re saying that only defensive stated warriors are viable. Yet we’re talking about burst skills, and they’re only offensive.
Another thing, people don’t complain about warriors in Wv3/PvE. But in TPVP they’re a joke. A sad one.
The problem with Burst skills is that all it takes is 20 Trait points to make saving your Adrenaline being the more attractive option. 9% Critical Hit Chance and a whooping 12% damage boost for being at full Adrenaline?
Yes please!
Not to mention Healing Surge: blowing your Adrenaline on a Burst is potentially dangerous because your healing becomes a lot weaker afterwards.
I think they issue is they didn’t manage to make it balanced for both PvE and WvW.
For instance is Evis hit for 20k it would be great, but in PvP it would be OP.
Anet really just needs to start doing a proper skill splitting.
You can’t have skills balanced for both PvE and PvP.
Hey Sovereign, what’s the song in your Warrior Burst PVP video? (from the first few minutes)
@Mesket in reality you’re saying that only defensive stated warriors are viable. Yet we’re talking about burst skills, and they’re only offensive.
Another thing, people don’t complain about warriors in Wv3/PvE. But in TPVP they’re a joke. A sad one.
Actually James that’s my point. I think that people can make very viable dps warriors but in the end they will lack of one thing or the other compared to other classes that can do as much dps but also have other tricks and I think that is mainly because warriors are not designed to be the very best dps juggernauts out there.
Defensive builds are indeed very viables because that is our terrain, we represent after all 50% of the heavy classes in game. I must confess I’m not an expert in TPvP, just played a few sPvP on low ranks with my warrior.
The fact that burst skills don’t bring much defensive utility doesn’t mean they bring offensive ones, actually they are quite the opposite:
Burst Skills have more utility than offensive purpose. Follow this breakdown:
Pure Damage:
Utility + Damage:
Axe (Leap finisher, very good damage)
Hammer (Nice AOE + Stun + blast finisher)
GS (damage sucks but grants Fury for a long time)
Spear (Good AOE damage + Stun)
Mace (nice insta stun for long time)
Sword (very nice root +bleed stack)
Bow (low AOE damage + huge long fire Combo Field)
As you can see, they are not necessarily offensive and far from useless. Though some of them are very situational
(edited by Mesket.5728)
Stealth? Don’t even get me started..
Main idea was that thieves have spammable eviscerates which is somewhat unfair.
Exactly, each class is different and exceed at different roles. Building and gearing to fill a role where the other is better will only bring pointless comparisons.
back on topic
burst (and adrenaline) have lots of traits to get bonus from it… of course they are usefull. Try to find one that suits your build and play style. If none convince you, I’m sorry.
I let me clarify: Thief > Warrior overall.
I don’t think there’s an argument here. There are plenty of threads to support this statement that I won’t bother mentioning them.
Now back on topic. Do bursts need a buff? Yes.
Does the +burst% in the crit trait tree need a buff? Yes. Because +3% dmg at 30 invested in it is hardly anything. And as I pointed out. You may think eviscerate is useful. But consider that thieves can spam eviscerate. And their stealth offers far more utility for teams.Change your strat… you wannabe a thief like char able to burst thousends of damage without a single survivality trick of your own you are gonna loose big time. That is their realm and its fine if you loose playing by their rules. Who kills faster? good balance if they do.
With near 35K hp in WvW, 3.5K armor, survivability traits and utilities; axe and shield and hammer; thief charge me, unload all their cooldowns and initiative and I’m still above half HP which is more than their total, when lag is on my side i just need to shield charge as soon as they stealth and voila! dead thief… if not, they will only try to keep escaping cause they have no business with a tough warrior (a real tough warrior, not a dps traits with knight gear and a GS).
Tank? Actually warriors are the squishiest class in the game and any decent pvpers know this. Even if they set for 100% tank, they cannot outtank necro, guard, ele, ranger, engineers, and yes, even thieves.
Stealth? Don’t even get me started..
Main idea was that thieves have spammable eviscerates which is somewhat unfair.
Exactly, each class is different and exceed at different roles. Building and gearing to fill a role where the other is better will only bring pointless comparisons.
back on topic
burst (and adrenaline) have lots of traits to get bonus from it… of course they are usefull. Try to find one that suits your build and play style. If none convince you, I’m sorry.
I let me clarify: Thief > Warrior overall.
I don’t think there’s an argument here. There are plenty of threads to support this statement that I won’t bother mentioning them.
Now back on topic. Do bursts need a buff? Yes.
Does the +burst% in the crit trait tree need a buff? Yes. Because +3% dmg at 30 invested in it is hardly anything. And as I pointed out. You may think eviscerate is useful. But consider that thieves can spam eviscerate. And their stealth offers far more utility for teams.Change your strat… you wannabe a thief like char able to burst thousends of damage without a single survivality trick of your own you are gonna loose big time. That is their realm and its fine if you loose playing by their rules. Who kills faster? good balance if they do.
With near 35K hp in WvW, 3.5K armor, survivability traits and utilities; axe and shield and hammer; thief charge me, unload all their cooldowns and initiative and I’m still above half HP which is more than their total, when lag is on my side i just need to shield charge as soon as they stealth and voila! dead thief… if not, they will only try to keep escaping cause they have no business with a tough warrior (a real tough warrior, not a dps traits with knight gear and a GS).
Tank? Actually warriors are the squishiest class in the game and any decent pvpers know this. Even if they set for 100% tank, they cannot outtank necro, guard, ele, ranger, engineers, and yes, even thieves.
Sorry, I can’t keep arguing with you… please go and post another COF 1 guide, serious business right there… people need more face-smasher warrior builds and then complain why we are all so squishy. rolleyes
The reason why we’re so squishy is that we aint got no avoidance abilities. Stealth, clones and stuff like Ride The Lightning makes almost all classes be a lot tankier in PvP because they don’t get hit.
Warriors aint got nothing like that, except maybe Defy Pain, but that is still just facetanking damage for 5 seconds.
Do you even lift, bro?
@Mesket in reality you’re saying that only defensive stated warriors are viable. Yet we’re talking about burst skills, and they’re only offensive.
Another thing, people don’t complain about warriors in Wv3/PvE. But in TPVP they’re a joke. A sad one.
Actually James that’s my point. I think that people can make very viable dps warriors but in the end they will lack of one thing or the other compared to other classes that can do as much dps but also have other tricks and I think that is mainly because warriors are not designed to be the very best dps juggernauts out there.
Defensive builds are indeed very viables because that is our terrain, we represent after all 50% of the heavy classes in game. I must confess I’m not an expert in TPvP, just played a few sPvP on low ranks with my warrior.
The fact that burst skills don’t bring much defensive utility doesn’t mean they bring offensive ones, actually they are quite the opposite:
Burst Skills have more utility than offensive purpose. Follow this breakdown:Pure Damage:
HarpoonUtility + Damage:
Axe (Leap finisher, very good damage)
Hammer (Nice AOE + Stun + blast finisher)
GS (damage sucks but grants Fury for a long time)
Spear (Good AOE damage + Stun)
Mace (nice insta stun for long time)
Sword (very nice root +bleed stack)
Bow (low AOE damage + huge long fire Combo Field)As you can see, they are not necessarily offensive and far from useless. Though some of them are very situational
A combo finisher/stun is hardly defensive. All burst skills revolve around doing damage. If you put anything into the discipline trait line you’re forced to invest into damage and crit damage, which are completely offensive.
Anyways, kinda useless arguing. In the end, we’re talking about 2 different scenarios. But as I said before, warriors are a sad joke in tpvp. Try running a defensive build in tpvp and see if you’re successful.
The reason why we’re so squishy is that we aint got no avoidance abilities. Stealth, clones and stuff like Ride The Lightning makes almost all classes be a lot tankier in PvP because they don’t get hit.
Warriors aint got nothing like that, except maybe Defy Pain, but that is still just facetanking damage for 5 seconds.
How many people complaining about warriors being squishy play with shield? Nothing better than reflecting Mesmer skills and creating my own illusions, that’s an already won battle most of the time lol
Anyway, we still have double HP and healing surge is probably one of the biggest heal in game when adrenaline is full…
I repeat that going full berserk with DPS traits wont help any warrior survive other classes that are better suited to do the same. Better learn to use what we have at hand if what we want to do is survive rather than pretend to have “magical” skills to survive.
Mesket I hate to say this, but you’ll never understand why there are so many 100b warriors until you play tournament pvp.
Nice logical fallacy. Does me leading one of the fastest cof p1 farm group = I play berserker warriors only and not a balanced or tank warrior? I do much more than that. I play all classes as I am a veteran sPvPer. I am lvl 51 in FotM. I have over 1700+ hours /age. I’ve played gw1 for over 7+ years.
You see, I don’t see things in a narrow way for I have a large expansive view on this game and actually know what I’m talking about.
Well, you keep saying LOTS OF HP OP! and shield. There’s another thread arguing against what you’re saying. Allow me to guide you:
The reason why we’re so squishy is that we aint got no avoidance abilities. Stealth, clones and stuff like Ride The Lightning makes almost all classes be a lot tankier in PvP because they don’t get hit.
Warriors aint got nothing like that, except maybe Defy Pain, but that is still just facetanking damage for 5 seconds.
How many people complaining about warriors being squishy play with shield? Nothing better than reflecting Mesmer skills and creating my own illusions, that’s an already won battle most of the time lol
Anyway, we still have double HP and healing surge is probably one of the biggest heal in game when adrenaline is full…
I repeat that going full berserk with DPS traits wont help any warrior survive other classes that are better suited to do the same. Better learn to use what we have at hand if what we want to do is survive rather than pretend to have “magical” skills to survive.
Again, our Health and heavy Armour means nothing (the difference between heavy and light armour is less than 15%!) when we are forced to facetank all the damage thrown at us.
Do you even lift, bro?
In defense of Flurry:
1. In PvE- getting a single bar of adrenaline gets its full effect, since longer immobilize is wasted on Mobs anyway. Hits multiple targets.
2. in PvP, hard to land, but a 3 target 4 second immobilize has its uses. Generally have to land sword 3 (with leg specialist) first.
It is an AoE, too.
You can stop up to three people dead in their tracks.
Do you even lift, bro?
The reason why we’re so squishy is that we aint got no avoidance abilities. Stealth, clones and stuff like Ride The Lightning makes almost all classes be a lot tankier in PvP because they don’t get hit.
Warriors aint got nothing like that, except maybe Defy Pain, but that is still just facetanking damage for 5 seconds.
How many people complaining about warriors being squishy play with shield? Nothing better than reflecting Mesmer skills and creating my own illusions, that’s an already won battle most of the time lol
Anyway, we still have double HP and healing surge is probably one of the biggest heal in game when adrenaline is full…
I repeat that going full berserk with DPS traits wont help any warrior survive other classes that are better suited to do the same. Better learn to use what we have at hand if what we want to do is survive rather than pretend to have “magical” skills to survive.
Again, our Health and heavy Armour means nothing (the difference between heavy and light armour is less than 15%!) when we are forced to facetank all the damage thrown at us.
I agree, health and armor alone means nothing and I also said it in other posts here BUT, that health, armor summed with a shield and traits+utilities to back that up can be quite OP and that doesn’t mean you won’t kill them… you won’t one shot them but for sure you will outlast them.
How do you outlast a Mesmer? A Thief?
You don’t.
They can both disengage at will to heal, and they can stealth. You might be able to kill a terribad Thief or Mesmer, but a good one should have no reason to lose against a Warrior.
Do you even lift, bro?
How do you outlast a Mesmer? A Thief?
You don’t.
They can both disengage at will to heal, and they can stealth. You might be able to kill a terribad Thief or Mesmer, but a good one should have no reason to lose against a Warrior.
DPS Eles, Thieves, Mesmers, Rangers… never should lose to a warrior 1v1. What else is left? Necros, engineers, guardians. Well, we can solo that support necro and maybe an engineer we catch roaming for some reason.
Oh boy!
All four of those I listed can just reset the fight versus a warrior. A good thief with a shortbow can literally kite a warrior indefinitely, even if he never kills him.
Anyone in this thread who says that warriors are anything but squishy have never played a warrior in anything except WvWvW or hotjoin.
Warrior’s burst skills are terrible. The best build for a warrior is a glass cannon 100B build. So for burst skills you have:
Arcing Slice (which is utterly useless)
And one of the sword, hammer, axe or mace burst abilities. The sword is a 4 second immobilize, the hammer is a 2 second aoe stun, the mace is a 2 second instant cast st stun, and axe is just a tiny leap that does 5k damage on crit.
The first three are useful for setting up a 100B. The last one is useful as a finisher. The problem with the first three is that using them reduces the damage of your 100B by about 20% due to traits. The problem with the last one is that it’s 300 range, which is barely enough to hit a moving target in melee range. If you’re chilled, cripplied, have quickness or something similar then it won’t hit a moving target. It’s also ridiculously easy to dodge since it’s like a 1 second animation.
I suppose useless is a harsh word. They’re worse than they should be for a profession mechanic (especially arcing slice…). Really the only weapon that relies on it is the longbow.
Honestly, 100B should be the burst ability of a greatsword. Arcing slice would actually make a good 2 ability.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
Rangers are pretty easy, because they don’t have any sort of disengage ability. Bull’s Charge into their face and most Rangers are toast. All you need is Shake It Off to remove their one Cripple. Or if you wanna turn tables on them, bust out a Rifle and kill them at range. It’s hilarious.
It’s what I do when I get depressed in WvW; find myself a poor Ranger to bully.
Do you even lift, bro?
Depends on whether you are doing PvE or PvP.
In both circumstances, GS burst is useless. I much rather have the extra damage and crit chance from full adrenaline.
For axe, hell yea~ (If you traited in some adrenaline)
Rifle, only PvP
Longbow for both! Awesome to have a combo field
Hammer… I love that F1… in my opinion, thee best burst skill in the game lol
And this is why those traits are getting reworked.
Wow That was some serious necro post revival!
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Actually it’s the work of the new chronomancer, so OP it’ll make our burst skills go back 2 years
[Cleasing Ire]?
ok guys this post is made back in 2013 feb when cleansing ire didnt exist and healing signet was useless.
now /thread
warrior on zerker spec (especially if wanting to be able to play full melee) needs way more than just cleansing ire…it’s to easily countered in numerous ways making it near impossible to land vs player that aren’t even considered high level pvp…warrior needs passive condi removal every X seconds like many other classes have as well, imo warrior (except on boring shoutbow wich imo is a monks job) has been completely ruined as a fun class to play in pvp, warrior should be THE number one choice as a viable dps/burst class but now it’s playstyle excells at kiting in circles like a ballerina blowing warhorn to cleanse condi and healshout and dropping an occasional firefield…no, just no…just my opinion tho, ps eviscerate needs increased range and maintain it’s range when on quickness…seriously
(edited by Darksteel.8412)
Oh look…another axe warrior whining about shoutbow. That’s not getting old. ;P
Oh look…another axe warrior whining about shoutbow. That’s not getting old. ;P
power spec to fast for ya?
Uh not really. I never said anything about specs being slow or fast, just pointing out that you’re being a whiner.
Do you want some cheese with that whine?
Uh not really. I never said anything about specs being slow or fast, just pointing out that you’re being a whiner.
Do you want some cheese with that whine?
ahahaha ahaha
I got some gouda. You want some gouda?
ok, but seriously why should the range of eviscerate for example be shortened when on quickness?
ok, but seriously why should the range of eviscerate for example be shortened when on quickness?
This is not something specific to Eviscerate. Quickness shortens all leap skills because it only speeds up activation speeds, animations and aftercasts on skills and attacks. It does not make you travel faster, so because the skill simply finishes quicker with Quickness you do not travel as far due to the hardcapped movement speed increase and Quickness having no effect on movement speed to begin with.
who says anything about traveling faster…and tbh it should in this case….and if not, well ok….shortening the range of any leap skill is just bollox tho…especially for warrior since taking frenzy alrdy sacrifices taking another very important utility skill…it will have you take more damage as well…and it ruins ranged leap attacks.. so many are just wrong now…and warrior suffers most of all from this…..only viable build in wvw and pvp competitive level now is dancing around like a ballerina cleansing condis on warhorn and shout around and place some firefields….booohoooooooooringgggggggggg