(edited by Korossive.7085)
Can a wvw roamer be built this way?
Warrior scaling with HP is absolutely horrendous (except for vigorous shouts). Its possible to never die, but trust me in that you will NEVER kill a single person with this build, and itll take like 10 minutes to solo a single camp. Its not worth it
I dont think you’d kill anyone who got a good head on their shoulders and for sure not killing any condition necromancer with this but oh well at least allies around will love you…wasn’t hard to make a full regen warrior
replace with healing shouts if you want some burst healing instead or want to zerg with something like this
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
(edited by Oslaf Beinir.5842)
Only healing set that is viable for 1v1 small fights is settlers/apothecary. That is a condition build and its not easy to play but you will have fantastic healing and armor and can still do damage with conditions.
The clerics set is a no because power builds need precision and crit damage and it has none.
The new power/precision/healing power is interesting but I think it will be squishy which defeats the purpose of using healing power.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
Interesting. Thank you guys for the answers, Apothecary was closest to what I had in mind, but as you say this will be useless.
Back to Knight with all the rest then? :-(
I will give you my roaming build I use for camps and “dueling” which is more like noob gutting. Against a pro I get wiped like 95% of the rest of the players in wvw.
100% celestial gear, im rocking ascended with toughness infusions and cnd dmg infusions.
Rune of the soldier
sword/sword, leeching + corruption
longbow, leeching
defense 20pt
*blocking reflects
*cleansing ire
tactics 30pt
*stronger bowstrings
*shrug it off
*vigerous shouts
discipline 20pt
*warriors sprint
*inspiring shouts
Healing signet
For great justice
shake it off
fear me
and I cheat and use snow leopard ;-)
if you want more offensive, dump defense line and 10pts out of discipline and put them into arms and pickup
*deep cuts
change tacitcs trait
*shrug it off
*leg specialist
gives much more physical dmg and even another 300 condi dmg.
I flip camps from start to end in like 1.5-2min. Not super speedy but you can hold your own. I take camps with noobs in them frequently. I wipe same rank players as me frequently. Its those rare spvpers that teach me a lesson ;-)
I eat thieves frequently, its my pride ;-)
If I get into 2 foes I will fight for a few sec and decide if im going to wipe fast or not. If I think I got a shot I fight if not I snow leopard. 3 or more I just snow leopard lol.
Key to roaming is don’t be so predictable after you start encountering enemy players at camps. Wp to spawn and head other direction or do 1 of the events on the side before continuing to let map cool off.
if you want to use apothecary you dont have to go beyond 1k healing power. 900-1000 is healthy enough for shout builds the rest can be invested in dire/setteler.
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
It’s not worth it when you put it in comparison to a Guardian, really. The best you can go is shout-based build with 30 in tactics. Even with that you have 4 shouts(trait-shout and 3 actual utilities) with 30, 25(20)x2, and 60(48). 0.9 is the healing power coefficient, and with the fact that you are probably going to use a healing signet or defiant stance(which have no real power ratio attached to it – signet enjoys 0.5 on ACTIVE which is never used, defiant stance enjoys 0.4 which is not even laughable when you take cooldown into consideration.). There is always mending and Adrenaline Surge, but even with them, the healing ratios are way too low. And the only other thing that actually heals in warrior kitten nal is a trait in defense with 0.05 healing power scaling per second at max adrenaline, which is a big joke.
I’m using a 10 to 1 to compare to Vitality. On Guardian, healing power was good enough to heal me 10 times my healing power in about 15-20 seconds, and with the fact that it spreads AOE it was certainly a valuable stat. On a Warrior, you can go ahead and blow up all shouts and Healing Surge(not really worth it) at once, only to reach half that value. And it can easily be seen how that is a pointless idea. You simply can’t make healing power work good enough even if you try :-0 while it’s true you can 5 people for 0.9 so each shout technically has a 4.5 co-efficient, that is simply nothing compared to what Guardian and Elementalist do.
You are a Warrior, not a sissy healer anyway. You are not supposed to do that. That much I can tell.
the condition toughness healing shout build is the most versatile build for warrior in wvw roaming – can be killed by pretty much nothing. example of a build is in my sig…
what ive been trying recently and seems to work quite good aswell is using a cleric armor with soldier runes and put all the rest into zerker (weapons, trinkets and all that jazz, can also use some cavalier pieces). you will have OK healing (lower then the apothecary version, but higher then most and ok condition removal even without investing points into defense cleansing ire. the traits i am running now are 0 30 0 30 10 – healing shouts and traited warhorn, last chance in Arms – quite impressive damage and full mobility with GS / sword & horn. good arenaline generation from shouting, around 55% crit chance with fury and around 50% crit damage. so quite a hard hitter and able to get away from anything.