Celes. Stats Out. Would You Use?

Celes. Stats Out. Would You Use?

in Warrior

Posted by: PlagueParade.7942


I know people talked about how this wouldn’t be that great for warriors but the amount of crit dmg you can possibly get (20%?), is it a set you would use now? ( http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/gw2-celestial-heavy-armor-set.jpg ) [This person seems to have posted helm twice.]

Celes. Stats Out. Would You Use?

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


I might try using the 2h weapons. It might be decent for farming as it looks like a good alternative to running magic find gear… Besides that warriors cant really utilize celestial stats. I thought about min-maxing celestial with clerics. I think for running banner warrior that would be good. Banners would make up for stats, and you would have decent heal power and better stats than a full clerics set. Besides this I cant think of any reason a warrior would run this. We can already min-max Knights and Valkrie or zerker and get better stats.


“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Celes. Stats Out. Would You Use?

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


Few healing sources without significant investment and limited options for access to burning make those two stats less useful to us than other classes, and without making good use of those, you’d be better served specializing by going Knights, Clerics, heavier Condi or something with Critical Damage. That said, I believe we can make good use of that type of gear but not the the degree of Eles or Guards. I expect to see some really strong builds from those two classes and probably Engies.

If I was running X/X/15/30/x in an off DPS/off Support role, I’d use them, but what I’ve learned from most MMOs is that an off/off class is usually just getting carried. You’re good enough to take some pressure off the mains but ultimately, success and failure is tied to them; not you. This is all in a pvp setting of course. In pve, anything works for most people unless they are doing top top top tier content.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)

Celes. Stats Out. Would You Use?

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Prepare for nightmare eles in wvw now.The other battery class -guardian- will benefit from it, too.

Celes. Stats Out. Would You Use?

in Warrior

Posted by: Envy.1679


defektives longbow sword/shield build may work with the celes gear pretty well in wvw. ive been using serker armor, knights rings/acces/ammy and valkyrie weapons with his build and it works pretty good but im curious how itd work with the celes gear. only thing not helping it would be the healing power.


Celes. Stats Out. Would You Use?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kabro.6518


Idk, I would say definitely celestial has some potential. mostly for a nice frontline shout/ support build. I will be experimenting with this, mixing in some zerk no doubt perhaps everything else will be.

Myztìk [vT]-Bromega Power Engy

Celes. Stats Out. Would You Use?

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

10% crit dmg on that bow? zerker 2handers only get 9…

Celes. Stats Out. Would You Use?

in Warrior

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


It’s a shame it has Magic Find.

Celes. Stats Out. Would You Use?

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


The stats are definately out of whack, will need to somehow get a hold of a stack of charged quartz and test it out.