Charr vs. human warrior

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


Hey guys..

I’m still not sure what to pick.. either my lvl 80 charr or my lvl 80 warrior..

Nice name (Devoke)
700k karma
Abyss dye
Full arah gear
54% completion
No nice cultural armors for human

Decent name (Roays)
120k karma
No gear, (but i’d buy t3 + arah for this, if i decide to stick with charr)
Expensive to gear up
88% completion

I think that’s about it.. What would you guys decide to stick with? I need ONE of these warriors to stick with, since i wan’t to spend my 82 laurels and buy legendary later on for it.. please help me :P

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903



15 charr.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
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Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


15 charr?? oO

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


and btw.. would you just buy another abyss dye for ur charr warrior if thats the case?
i already got celestial and abyss dye on my thief as well

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Honestly, I don’t know why you would ever keep two warrior characters and outfit them. So no, economically speaking you would do best sticking with your (puny) human warrior. Charr is what a warrior is supposed to look like, IMO of course. So if you favor the looks as much as I do, yiu might still want to think about keeping the charr.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


yeah, i won’t delete any of them, i just want 1 i can stick to, and spend all my laurels on..
its a tough decision tho, thats why i need a lot of suggestions and opinions :P

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


yeah, i won’t delete any of them, i just want 1 i can stick to, and spend all my laurels on..
its a tough decision tho, thats why i need a lot of suggestions and opinions :P

Humans have the cleanest weapon and skill animations of any class. They don’t look dumb when they run. Their animations aren’t clunky, and their char model is perfect for jump puzzles.

Also are you serriously making a forum post about this lol
Another thing: You’ve never seen a movie about a charr warrior but thousands made about some warrior gladiator. If you’re into role play lol.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


well, why wouldnt i make a forum post? oO i clearly need help deciding what i should pick since i have lots of doubts, i have actually no idea which of them i should go for..

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


well, why wouldnt i make a forum post? oO i clearly need help deciding what i should pick since i have lots of doubts, i have actually no idea which of them i should go for..

post something relevant instead. this is something that doesn’t regard class balance or skill play.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


I really don’t see the problem? I need some help and suggestions for which of them i should pick?
There’s plenty other irrelevant topics at this section..

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Serval.6458


You can change the charr’s name for 800 gems, if it bothers you.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Hey guys..

I’m still not sure what to pick.. either my lvl 80 charr or my lvl 80 warrior..

Nice name (Devoke)
700k karma
Abyss dye
Full arah gear
54% completion
No nice cultural armors for human

Decent name (Roays)
120k karma
No gear, (but i’d buy t3 + arah for this, if i decide to stick with charr)
Expensive to gear up
88% completion

I think that’s about it.. What would you guys decide to stick with? I need ONE of these warriors to stick with, since i wan’t to spend my 82 laurels and buy legendary later on for it.. please help me :P

Farming arah again is a pain. I think Charr look cool though, the 100b sounds like they are frothing at the mouth while doing it :P Their charges are great, too. Voice over is meh but I’m sure the human is worse.

Why delete one?Your better off buying another character slot then deleting either.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ackfu.8407


My vote is for the Charr

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


I would say go for a Char, humans in this game look like they will cry if they clip a nail. Charr/Norn are the only warriors who are actually warrior like.

But you made a thread about this before, people gave you your answer but you didnt accept it and now created another one. Even if people tell you what to pick and why you wont do it.

Take a step back, search your own feelings, stop being so indecisive and pick one.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Grounder.7381


I’ll go human.. for visibility issue.. and a “just right” height..
i’ve made a biggest norn.. and kinda regretting it, because sometimes.. its really hard to spot enemy’s animation right in front of me, cause the model blocked my view.. especially true against the smallest asura..

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


Yes, i made some other topics about my little issue here, but i just asked about the race..

here i stated what both of the chars had, maybe you would pick something else now u see what they both has. ^^

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


Soooo? more opinions before im biting the bullet? ^^

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Puandro.3245


Charr warrior is the only way to go.

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Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I don’t know what u need opinions for.. r u a narcist or something? I would say go human, ur character doesnt not fit charr race by any means.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


i think its nice with some second opinions, for example if people like their race or not, they can explain why, it might affect me.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


The game and its art assets are primarily focused on Humans; all craftable armour has obviously been made to fit a Human model, then stretched to fit other races.

In addition, while Charr look utterly awesome when running with weapons sheathed, when they draw said weapon, the running animation is more of a waddling one.
They lose all felince grace as soon as they enter combat.
The female Charr in particular, while they did an awesome job at making them discernible from male Charr, looks awkward and gangly when in combat.

Male Charr can get away with looking hulking, but female Charr, not so much.

ArenaNet need to do some serious polishing of Charr, in particular their armours, in order for them to get to a place I’d be happy with them.
There is no difference between male and female Charr armours, so they cheaped out here, halving the amount of assets they had to create.
And for the Gods’ sake, the Charr tier 3 light cultural armour doesn’t even take the tail into account, so it clips through the skirt.

So if you want a warrior that doesn’t feel like ArenaNet only made a half-baked effort, go Human.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Clipping issues aside, Charr t3 combined with a few other pieces (like t2 shoulders) is the most BA look in the game. IMHO of course.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Stelli.3607


If you want to know, I have a human warrior sitting at level 80, fully geared up and at fractal level 20+ and already bought alot of laurel stuff for him and still started a new charr warrior…and for me…it was totally worth it

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


If you want to know, I have a human warrior sitting at level 80, fully geared up and at fractal level 20+ and already bought alot of laurel stuff for him and still started a new charr warrior…and for me…it was totally worth it

Now this is what i call following your heart!

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


Awesome :P
Well, problem solved, i decided to buy abyss + t3 gear for my charr, its a kitten now..

any suggestions for a GS untill i have my twilight? :P

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Knox.3748


best thread EU

delete both then delete thread plz

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Knox.3748


Awesome :P
Well, problem solved, i decided to buy abyss + t3 gear for my charr, its a kitten now..

any suggestions for a GS untill i have my twilight? :P

Ur asking people how you should play YOUR game.

So lame..

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


how am i asking how i should play my game?
im asking for SUGGESTIONS for a gs untill i have my twilight? not what i SHOULD buy

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Knox.3748


Suggestion: do what you want. dont ask on foruns what gear you should get (skins)

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Track.5029


Whats the problem knox?
I AM doing what i want, im asking for suggestions for a GS, what looks ok, untill i get my twilight, did anyone in here said i should get twilight? no, i said that myself, cause i think it looks cool, but i want another cool GS than molten untill i have my twilight.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Tyrannus Blade.3408

Tyrannus Blade.3408

You say you’ve got abyss on your T3, I use Abyss and Lifesblood on mine and the greatswords I’m eyeing up include the CoE Inquest Greatsword, SE Dark Asuran Greatsword or Naegling. If you want the Charr look though there’s always the Legionnaire skins.

Charr vs. human warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


Flip a coin, in that moment you will decide which one you really want to keep.

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