Coffeerage's Longbow/Axe+Shield Fire Spike
i rarely see longbow coupled with anything but GS so this is new and refreshing. but seems a bit susceptible to being kited when pin down is on CD? (and the cd is rather long) maybe taking bullsrush for utility? my usual longbow rotation is F1 -> #3 -> #5 and then smoldering, fan while closing into melee range to finish.
I run a s/sh and longbow.
One of ma fav things to do is longbow f1 switch to sheild and sheild bash.
Put a fire sheild around u. Fun to see some ppls reation is to back off not knowing wat to do lol.
@steelo I have few problems getting kited, as my mobility isnt based around pin down. Having that permanent warrior’s sprint plus swiftness is all i need. i still have 2 mini leaps to help seal the deal, and dodging into an opponent isnt affected by slows.
I was looking for something like this longbow and axe/axe are my favorite warrior weapons.
@alamore I think delaying the shield bash for your second source of fire shield is better, as it is on a 25 second cooldown, and is an important stun skill. I cant emphasize enough the importance of waiting until after doing damage, then using shield bash a bit later to interrupt the heal to finish them off.
In your build you need to consider a few things:
Team-fight pressure
As long as your shield block is used, you will be like a very easy target for your enemies because you are using berserker amulet without any mobility
This build does have its limits in mobility, but it is designed more as a team fighter, than a hard roamer.
Team Fighting pressure is really high in this build, as you are not supposed to sit back and fire your bow in this build. The Longbow is largely a tool to just get off a quick arcing arrow, and combustive shot, then switch quickly to axe for eviscerate spikes and chop pressure, falling back as need for another arcing arrow and combustive shot.
This build has plenty of burst survivability. Endure Pain, Berserkers Stance, Block, and Protection from lyssa provide a surprising amount durability when used correctly.
Does shield stun allow a full axe rotation?
No, the shield stun does not allow for a full rotation, usually only a hit or two, even if u use sigil of paralyzation. Ideally after spiking your opponent with an eviscerate, i would then pop my shield bash to hopefully interrupt their heal, if they are damaged enough, although sometimes ill use it to lock them in the fire field for another second for an extra stack of burning. Sometimes ill use it for the leap right at the last second before combustive shot ends, as that’ll give me a fire shield for another 5 seconds.