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in Warrior

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


Last while waiting for the event I ran the Manor dungeon. In almost all my group that had warriors in they were nothing more than glass cannons. Me being and Eng often ended up kiteing the boss around healing myself so I did not die while the warrior was busy try to get back in action because they were down AGAIN.

This time it was different we had 2 warriors. 1 being the typical glass cannon but the other one WOW he was an old sword and board type of guy. He held aggro and stayed on his feet. This allowed all of use to contribute to the fight as we squishier classes were not always running for our lives or trying to get the glass cannons up. With him I was able to support the entire group with elixir and such and we pretty much breezed through the instance. Before this I have seen guardians do this but never a warrior. I am impressed. However He left before I could ask him his build. You guy have any ideas?


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in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


I do this all the time with my sword and board warrior, my spec is something like this:

I move close to low health allies to heal em with my shouts, if more than one fall I use banner to get them back up and keep my allies buff. The sword burst applies a lot of bleeds and tends to crit quite a lot per hit, so pretty much it adds some damage there via dot. Immobilize allows other players to kite away safer, even if it is one sec and fear me let me handle mobs easier as i can cripple one for focus fire while the others run away.

I done all story modes except HoW and most exploration modes on this build. Currently farming CoF for guildies who want the armor. If I get downed more than twice per dungeon is a miracle unless the fight is an actual impossible situation lol.

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in Warrior

Posted by: Bobaflex.3154


I go 10/0/30/30/0
I use main weapon set Mace/Shield for the weakness build and the extra toughness/ability to block and daze on a relatively short CD. With another class that has a minor weakness application, even bosses with their 50% less duration ability maintain a 90-100% up-time of weakness. This allows for the entire group to be taking glancing blows instead of full damage.
For the point 10 in strength I take 5% power to vitality, this ensures that even gaining power gives me survivability as well as damage throughput.
For the 10/20/30 for defense I slot Turtles Defense/Shield Master/Defy Pain. Turtles defense is to allow me to not take a major hit in my ability if I’m chilled/crippled/immobilized. With this build I don’t have a lot of condition removal – the more option to avoid having to remove these the better. Shield master gives me toughness and 20% less CD on my shield abilities. This is great with shield 5, especially on large packs or hard hitting bosses.
For the 10/20/30 points in Tactics I use Inspiring Banners/Lung Capacity/Inspiring Battle Standard. With Inspiring Banners the uptime of your utility banners is almost 100%. Lung Capacity is chosen for the few shouts I take, including “For Great Justice!” this puts the shout at 20 seconds, and the boon for might lasting +25 seconds (not sure the exact time at the moment.) Inspiring Battle Standard adds regen for banners, and the duration stacks. This gives healing to then entire group every second, stacking up to 34 seconds for when they leave banner range. With the synergy of the defense tree, you claim a passive +300 to healing. Endure Pain is extra survivability for when I drop below 25%.
The utility skills I take are healing signet for healing, “For Great Justice!”, Banner of Defense (subject to change per group,) “Shake it Off!”, and for my elite I take Battle Standard. This allows for 100% Might 3 (up to Might 8 with Battle Standard) and an 80% uptime of Fury. Because of this, I try to stay around 30% passive crit to allow fury to put me at 50%. The Banner of Defense can switch, but this one adds 90 toughness and 90 vitality, adding survivability to myself and allies.
With my gear (3(?) exotics and the rest rares) in combat I have 53% crit, 2950 Power, 3620 Defense, and 24.4k health. Decent damage, weakness being applied, and buffs to my party to increase their damage output for the sacrifice of mine. The self healing in this is pretty insane too, roughly 5-6% per second.|9|60|65|6983|919|1890|10|2366|0|0|0|0|0|0|30|1084|1535|0|30|1513|1510|2371|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|

(edited by Bobaflex.3154)

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in Warrior

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dont hate on the guys who like to play glass cannons, engineers can be just as supportive and useful, however its always nice (speaking as a glass cannon) to have unselfish players who enjoy support builds. That isnt me, but I do appreciate it.

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in Warrior

Posted by: Bobaflex.3154


I didn’t see where he bashed on glass cannon, he simply stated the play style is burst until you die to get rezzed. This is how I play my elementalist, and albeit fun, gets upsetting when everything is a one shot.
He was just asking for how support warriors build to play, that’s all