Combine condition traits into one trait line

Combine condition traits into one trait line

in Warrior

Posted by: Zylonite.5913


I feel that a lot of the stats are being wasted by having power traits line tied with condition duration and precision tied with condition damage….

If the warrior build is not focused towards a condition damage build then all these bonus stats are basically wasted…but a dps warrior needs power and precision. so why can’t these two be tied into one trait line?

Having 70 traits points is already bad since the total is 150. And then having to go with wasted stats is even worst….

PS. This is not only for warrior class but other classes as well…

Betrayed by the gods of ANet

Combine condition traits into one trait line

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


No, because that would kill build diversity if I can only use 4/5 trait lines if I’m not running conditions.


(edited by peter.9024)

Combine condition traits into one trait line

in Warrior

Posted by: pot.6805


Condi warriors need huge help, not sure if this is the right way to do it though.

Beast mode

Combine condition traits into one trait line

in Warrior

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


The only condition trait I use is 50% more bleeding. I focus the rest on defense and get my damage from gear. I don’t find the confusion trait worth it since my weapons don’t have interrupt.

Combine condition traits into one trait line

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


If the warrior build is not focused towards a condition damage build then all these bonus stats are basically wasted…but a dps warrior needs power and precision. so why can’t these two be tied into one trait line?

Power and Precision cannot be in the same traitline simply because they’re both Primary Attributes.

And let’s be serious for a moment. The primary condition of a condition warrior is Bleeding. And 10 points into Arms gets you +50% bleeding duration. That, along with easy access to +40% from foods makes the +condition duration% from trait lines useless, since it’s capped at 100%.

And you seem to be forgetting something. Condition duration affects all conditions, including Cripples, Weakness and Immobilize. Regardless of whether you build condition or power, those are major conditions.

And honestly, take a look at the potential Secondary Attributes. Condition Damage, Condition Duration, Healing Power, Boon Duration and Critical Damage. Out of those, none would compliment Power. Healing Power and Boon Duration are defensive attributes and Critical Damage goes best with Precision. Leaves you with Condition Damage and Condition Duration.

The only traitline that people go into for the points themselves is the last one with the Recharge Primary Attributes. This is because everything else can and will be gotten from gear, but you cannot get those recharges from elsewhere. And even then, it’s often secondary to the Major Traits that they get from those lines.

Having 70 traits points is already bad since the total is 150. And then having to go with wasted stats is even worst….

Actually, 70 trait points is a very balanced choice. Any less and you end up with traits not being as build-defining as they should be. Any more and you end up with god mode. And if you think not so, just take a look at the traits a Thief would get with a 0/30/30/20/0 setup, e.g. a setup with a mere 80 points. Hell, just consider a 30/20/0/0/30 Warrior. Or a 0/0/20/30/30 Ele.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Combine condition traits into one trait line

in Warrior

Posted by: Drek Thalon.5490

Drek Thalon.5490

Condi warriors need huge help, not sure if this is the right way to do it though.

You need to rethink your build if you are having trouble as a condition warrior.

Combine condition traits into one trait line

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Condi warriors need huge help, not sure if this is the right way to do it though.

You need to rethink your build if you are having trouble as a condition warrior.

Condition warriors put out less damage than direct damage warriors can and have a very limited set of conditions to apply making it much easier to clean them off.

Combine condition traits into one trait line

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Honestly Forceful Greatsword should be moved from precision and stronger bowstrings/bow traits should be moved to precision line.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Combine condition traits into one trait line

in Warrior

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Taking precision away from condi warriors would be a huge deficit to them. That is important for additional condi procs, adrenaline building, and also helps them keep up their direct damage without investing much into power.

“But it’s a condi warrior, why would you want to boost direct damage? You must be stupid.”

Well, I won’t disagree with the last half of that sentence, but direct damage is not useless in a condi build. It might not be your primary form of damage, but if you took away all the direct damage and converted it to condi damage, you’d end up having a much harder time killing people due to the way condi damage can be countered.

Excessive condition duration can also be detrimental. For instance, you can create an engineer build fairly easily that can apply over 1 minute of burning to an enemy in about 2-3 seconds, without the use of food consumables. However, it can be immediately countered, and if you have literally 0 direct damage, then you will have a tough time killing the opponent.

If you throw all your eggs in one basket, don’t be surprised when they all break at once.