Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Jerry.1893


I have been solo roaming with a condition warrior for the past three months and I have finally found a suitable build. With this build I win 90% of the 1v1 fights that I go into. If I can’t down the player, which is uncommon, my tank and mobility give me ample ability to flee.

Here is the build….

Ok so here are some notes….

The idea behind this build is Attrition Warfare :

Attrition Warfare is a military strategy in which a belligerent side attempts to win a war by wearing down its enemy to the point of collapse

Stats : With full stacks… guard, corruption, and malice I sit at 30k hp, 3.5k Armor, and 2k condition damage.

Perplexity over undead – This just does so much damage. I went back and forth from perplex to undead 3 times and finalized on this because of the fact it adds another condition. When your conditions are getting stripped one at a time perplexity allows for more consistent damage to be applied to the target than a % boost to your already crazy condition damage.

Shield rather than sword – Many of the condo builds I see run sword in the off hand. I did this as well but I have come to love my shield. With bash not only do I get a brief stun but also my perplex applies. Torment is good but defense is just as much a part of this build as offense. Block basically offers an endure pain on 30s cool down and I can not count how many times it has saved me from a fatal hit or stun.

Dire – I ran rabid for the first 3 weeks of being a condition warrior. I switched to dire and have never looked back. The beauty of the condition build is you only have to focus on 3 stats, Condition Damage, Vitality, and Toughness. When you try to add in precision in there it just weakens the whole build. This build is not focused on crits at all. If something does proc a bleed or a bonus it is just that… a bonus.

Retaliation – I just started running this and after seeing a ranger and guard do 3k+ damage to themselves I am sold. This is basically another tick of damage similar to a condition and is up +50% of the time. Choosing this trait also increases our toughness.

I run ascended but of course this build can be nearly as effective with exotics.

I am open to any suggestions and feedback. If you try it, I hope you like it as much as I do!

- Epoc

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


This build has been posted several times, with minor variations.

It is not hard to play due to the insane passive defense and still extremely effective.

Let me suggest you drop Spiked Armor, as it scales with power of which you have none. You can use those trait points to get awesome other traits, like Burst Mastery or Short Temper.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Jerry.1893


Yup, not trying to reinvent the wheel here just trying to make it run smoother. Thanks for the suggestions!

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: ShadowNinja.1238


Show some duels against the more OP classes like condition necro.

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Naii.9810


What stat do you use for weapons and trinkets?

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: SplinterCell.6974


Hey great post!

IMO more important than your build is your thorough explanation of the how-s and why-s…. I really appreciate that.

you use shield but did not take the shield trait- why? the shield skills have such a long cooldown…

Dire stats are only available with ascended gear?


Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


lack of sustain, but besides that strong build. would hurt my pride though running this xD

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


lack of sustain, but besides that strong build. would hurt my pride though running this xD

No. Just no. Apart from the insane base stats in armor and HP, passive healing signet regen, you have the shield block (which could definitely be traited) and sword 2/bull’s rush to kite for some quick healing. This build will IMO lose only against the classes that condibunker better (engie and necro).

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Btw sword offhand is way better : shorter cooldown block , bleeds on counter and torment is just crazy damage . Shield bash is worthless if yo get leg specialist , you can use savage leap to immob then land the flurry .

He uses shield for more interrupts and lolzyoufinallygotmelowsoiblockeverythingpwn.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Yeah, condition warriors are so faceroll and just stupid to play that I haven’t used that build in several months. But personal thoughts aside.

I think you should drop spiked armor and get shield mastery. Stun and block on lower CD.

Even with the -40% duration food, SoS and CI, you would still probably lose to great condi-based engis, thieves, and rangers. Necros not so much because most are not traited for a lot of condition removal/transfer. Thieves are just a pain in the *** if they go P/D because you won’t be able to hit them and they can stealth a lot. Rangers if they go healing-condi bunker you probably won’t be able to beat them because they can inflict a lot of poison, clear conditions very easily and heal a buttload. Engis, well, you probably already know.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Jerry.1893


Show some duels against the more OP classes like condition necro.

I have 0 issues with necro’s. Necro’s can definitely beat this build but I have yet to come across one that is traited/slotted to directly counter. If fraps didn’t hurt my game so badly I would be happy to post some videos. What program do you guys use for recording gameplay?

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Show some duels against the more OP classes like condition necro.

I have 0 issues with necro’s. Necro’s can definitely beat this build but I have yet to come across one that is traited/slotted to directly counter. If fraps didn’t hurt my game so badly I would be happy to post some videos. What program do you guys use for recording gameplay?

I use Fraps at the moment, it does provide the best recording quality but obviously the issue is that your FPS takes a complete dump. I’ve managed to roam while recording at around 20-30 FPS, although it is difficult.

Another program is DXTory, also a very decent program that provides decent quality. Your FPS still takes a dump but it isn’t as bad as Fraps.

If you have an NVIDIA graphics card that is GTX series 700+, you can grab NVIDIA Shadowplay for free. The quality may not be as great but I think it is still in beta which means it has room for improvement. It has little to no FPS dropoff, and also has interesting features where Shadowplay “shadows” gameplay meaning that if you forgot to press the record button, it still has that gameplay available for you up to a certain point.

Others are either meh or I haven’t tried

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Jerry.1893


What stat do you use for weapons and trinkets?

Dire – I recently added some soldier in for a bit more power. 2k condition damage was my target.

lack of sustain, but besides that strong build. would hurt my pride though running this xD

No. Just no. Apart from the insane base stats in armor and HP, passive healing signet regen, you have the shield block (which could definitely be traited) and sword 2/bull’s rush to kite for some quick healing. This build will IMO lose only against the classes that condibunker better (engie and necro).

^ This! I find the sustain on this build insane. – I will give shield mastery a try.

you use shield but did not take the shield trait- why? the shield skills have such a long cooldown…

Dire stats are only available with ascended gear?


I am going to try shield mastery and see how it does. I really like the added damage of reflect even if it scales with power. Confusion and reflect means that they are getting hit pretty kitten hard every time they try to cast on me, and I dig that.

Dire is on exotic as well.

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: matthen.5024


I agree with everyone above regarding Spiked Armor in this build. Shield Mastery seems better, especially with perplexity runes.

One question: Is the bonus on Perplexity #4 actually “on hit” or is it “on crit”?

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

I was just wondering how often confusion procs with only shield bash and bull’s charge as an interrupt?

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Brando.1374


what server are you on?
I would love to fight a decent condi warrior.

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Jerry.1893


I was just wondering how often confusion procs with only shield bash and bull’s charge as an interrupt?

Often enough. It does take some good timing to land but if you watch for it you can get it off frequently.

I am on Jade Quarry, add me

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Jerry.1893


I agree with everyone above regarding Spiked Armor in this build. Shield Mastery seems better, especially with perplexity runes.

One question: Is the bonus on Perplexity #4 actually “on hit” or is it “on crit”?

It is on hit.

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Brando.1374


I was just wondering how often confusion procs with only shield bash and bull’s charge as an interrupt?

Often enough. It does take some good timing to land but if you watch for it you can get it off frequently.

I am on Jade Quarry, add me

ill add you when I get in game.
I have only recorded 1 fight with a condi warr and he was bad lol

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: DanSH.6143


hey Jerry, nice build.
I suggest you try mace/sword instead of sword/shield, you can take “Deflection Mastery” instead of dogged march or spiked armor.
It adds a lot of CC while having better condition output than sword/shield. It also works great with perplexity.


Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Very difficult for a condi warrior to beat a condi necro who is on top of their transfers.

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Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


hey Jerry, nice build.
I suggest you try mace/sword instead of sword/shield, you can take “Deflection Mastery” instead of dogged march or spiked armor.
It adds a lot of CC while having better condition output than sword/shield. It also works great with perplexity.

I wouldn’t use mace. This build desperately needs sword mainhand for mobility and gap closer. Also, Sword burst is way better for condition damage then a mace which scales with power and can inflict some confusion every 8 seconds.

Sword offhand could be good, but it gives him no extra interrupt.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Show some duels against the more OP classes like condition necro.

I have 0 issues with necro’s. Necro’s can definitely beat this build but I have yet to come across one that is traited/slotted to directly counter. If fraps didn’t hurt my game so badly I would be happy to post some videos. What program do you guys use for recording gameplay?

I use Fraps at the moment, it does provide the best recording quality but obviously the issue is that your FPS takes a complete dump. I’ve managed to roam while recording at around 20-30 FPS, although it is difficult.

Another program is DXTory, also a very decent program that provides decent quality. Your FPS still takes a dump but it isn’t as bad as Fraps.

If you have an NVIDIA graphics card that is GTX series 700+, you can grab NVIDIA Shadowplay for free. The quality may not be as great but I think it is still in beta which means it has room for improvement. It has little to no FPS dropoff, and also has interesting features where Shadowplay “shadows” gameplay meaning that if you forgot to press the record button, it still has that gameplay available for you up to a certain point.

Others are either meh or I haven’t tried

MSI Afterburner – Not fancy but almost Fraps quality without killing your FPS.

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Condi Warrior Build - Perfected and Perplexed

in Warrior

Posted by: Shanks.2907


If you’re using shield and bull’s charge for interrupts, I suggest taking Distracting Strikes with it. It applies 4 extra stacks of confusion with your interrupt. I would drop Deep Cuts and Spiked Armor for it. The 50% bleed duration is made up for in part by the 20% condition duration by the strength line.

My variation of the condition warrior would be:

I’ve swapped out the shield for sword, going for torment over confusion. That means I swapped in torment runes too. The runes have 45% torment duration, plus the 15% condition duration in strength line add up 19.5 seconds of torment on 15 second cooldown. With food you can get up to 24 seconds of torment. Much more consistent to hit the sword throw than interrupt, and I can start combat with it catching people off guard. On top of that the sword is still impaled, so it will keep stacking even if cleansed.

Plays the same way really but I think the torment is far more potent than confusion and retaliation. Also, I use the Doom sigils on both swaps to keep 100% poison uptime to really put some pressure on.

And I dropped the 25% movement speed since signet of rage and balanced state have 42/48 seconds of swiftness uptime.

(edited by Shanks.2907)