Condition warrior is awesome...

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: hobotnicax.7918


Since my axe build got completely nerfed with the recent patch I decided to try something I was considering for a while… and I’m glad.

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Jasper Wijker.3279

Jasper Wijker.3279

Been playing this from the start.

I use a shout thoughness/vitality build being almost indestructable.. This combined with “On my mark” and “Final Trust”.. I’m killing at a fast rate.

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: hobotnicax.7918


What runes are you using if I may ask?

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I like how you use all your burst you can on a trash mob and show a kill time. As if eviscerate wouldn’t 1 shot it…

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Delay.6908


Is this video a joke? That was horrible DPS and it was on a trash mob… what does that prove?

EDIT: Picture shows <1sec kill time, berserker OP.


Dr Winston | [DnT]

(edited by Delay.6908)

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: stylo.4506


Post a dungeon boss fight and some more details about your build, please. I’m aching to try new stuff ^^

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: hobotnicax.7918


I am using all my burst I can? Using Dolyak Signet, cheap food and not even using final thrust. I only used skills that do condition damage. But nice try, maybe next time.

Sure berserker build is obviously better at doing burst damage there is no doubting that, but these kinds of builds also do very well, also note my high HP which let me live longer

I might post a dungeon boss fight when I get the time, I’m mostly a WvW player that farms CS occasionally.
The gear I use is PVCd with 2x afflicted, 2x centaur, 2x krait runes. Corruption sigil for stacks with 5% rate on shield, bow has smoldering sigil. Back and amulet are PTV, rest is PVCd.
Traits are 10/30/0/30/0

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Delay.6908


I am using all my burst I can? Using Dolyak Signet, cheap food and not even using final thrust. I only used skills that do condition damage. But nice try, maybe next time.

Sure berserker build is obviously better at doing burst damage there is no doubting that, but these kinds of builds also do very well, also note my high HP which let me live longer

I might post a dungeon boss fight when I get the time, I’m mostly a WvW player that farms CS occasionally.
The gear I use is PVCd with 2x afflicted, 2x centaur, 2x krait runes. Corruption sigil for stacks with 5% rate on shield, bow has smoldering sigil. Back and amulet are PTV, rest is PVCd.
Traits are 10/30/0/30/0

In PvE high HP isnt all that important.. you should be dodging most attacks and therefore health is pretty irrelevant. And since most PvE content relies on heavy burst… front loded damage is much better then condi.

Dr Winston | [DnT]

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Longbow 3 is a power skill, you’re running 25 stacks, using final thrust would take more time to animate than just killing it from 50%, and you literally used your burst skill. High health (do not say HP, that means healing power… anet coulda picked a name that didn’t conflict with the HP/MP we’ve all been seeing for decades) translates into you taking an extra 1 or 2 hits in a burst scenario relative to somebody with your same armor/healing and that much less health. It doesn’t actually mitigate the DPS you take, it just buys you an extra couple seconds.

(edited by Player Character.9467)

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Condi’s are practically the only viability if you’re playing pvp/wvw solo or in small skirmish. Weakness and blind pretty much destroyed power builds on a good player.

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Condi’s are practically the only viability if you’re playing pvp/wvw solo or in small skirmish. Weakness and blind pretty much destroyed power builds on a good player.

Blinds require more methods to apply than what the warrior has available tho…

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: hobotnicax.7918


This build really shines on WvW tower/keep defending when a full zerg facerolls the gate. Yesterday after the match-up reset a zerg of about 40 people went for our garrison and when they went up from water gate to inner they had their butts handed to them by 5 of us (3 were on ACs), and loot bags just kept coming. The aoe burn ticks at 850/s and when they got bottlenecked at the stairs it was just amazing.

WvW running solo is also pretty decent, although you need to be the first to engage imo and land “Pin down” asap cause for me it does about 25k bleed dmg and immobilizes for 4&1/2s.

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Condi’s are practically the only viability if you’re playing pvp/wvw solo or in small skirmish. Weakness and blind pretty much destroyed power builds on a good player.

Weakness huh? I still lol at that log. “Burst” skill


Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Zoid.2568


lol wtf? you didn’t even use shield bash/leap to get flame aura. This video proved nothing.

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: hobotnicax.7918


I really don’t understand all of you negative nancy’s here, it’s just a video that shows that condition damage builds can also be pretty amazing. Also if some of you read what others and myself wrote it would be great. I only used skills that do direct condition damage, I did this for a reason.
But back to the topic; I think this build and build similar to it, do an amazing job in WvW zerg fights along with some very good PVE damage.
For instance, take your berserker build and take on the ship captain boss in cursed shore along with all the adds around it, and die faster than you can put all your skills on cooldown. This build can kite/run away while still doing considerable damage over time.

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

LBow 3 is not a condition skill. LBow F1 also ticks more from the AoE (which scales on power) than the burn.

Zerker kiting is very easy. Cycle pin down and bladetrail. Total uptime is longer than cooldowns. Blind, pointblank fan of fire, melee burst, whirl away, blade trail, lbow autos/heal time if needed, pin down, lbow 3, repeat.

Alternatively you could run some axe/cc weapons set and stun/daze/knockdown instead of kiting.

(edited by Player Character.9467)

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I am using all my burst I can? Using Dolyak Signet, cheap food and not even using final thrust. I only used skills that do condition damage. But nice try, maybe next time.

Sure berserker build is obviously better at doing burst damage there is no doubting that, but these kinds of builds also do very well, also note my high HP which let me live longer

I might post a dungeon boss fight when I get the time, I’m mostly a WvW player that farms CS occasionally.
The gear I use is PVCd with 2x afflicted, 2x centaur, 2x krait runes. Corruption sigil for stacks with 5% rate on shield, bow has smoldering sigil. Back and amulet are PTV, rest is PVCd.
Traits are 10/30/0/30/0

Beserker deals better damage period. Since the mob just dies faster.
You argue that you didn’t use skills xyz. Eviscerate would literally 1 shot it.
You still used a very weak mob to display what you believe to be great dps, and it took 5 seconds. Try a veteran or something with a substantial amount of hp.
Better yet, get 3 other warriors with this build and a mesmer to do everyones favorite dps check the slave driver.

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: alamore.1974


Shhhh dont tell ppl.

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Condition Warrior is awesome!

Until you play a necromancer…
- Better Utility for group.
- Better Sustain.
- Double the Condition Damage, and can spread it to 5 targets additionally every 16 seconds.
- Range is 1200-900 instead of 130.
- Chill.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Condition Warrior is awesome!

Until you play a necromancer…
- Better Utility for group.
- Better Sustain.
- Double the Condition Damage, and can spread it to 5 targets additionally every 16 seconds.
- Range is 1200-900 instead of 130.
- Chill.

-AoE blind spam
-faster condition application

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Condition Warrior is awesome!

Until you play a necromancer…
- Better Utility for group.
- Better Sustain.
- Double the Condition Damage, and can spread it to 5 targets additionally every 16 seconds.
- Range is 1200-900 instead of 130.
- Chill.

-AoE blind spam
-faster condition application

you forgot chill.

Chill>x2>x3>x4> dead roamer.

Condition warrior is awesome...

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Condition Warrior is awesome!

Until you play a necromancer…
- Better Utility for group.
- Better Sustain.
- Double the Condition Damage, and can spread it to 5 targets additionally every 16 seconds.
- Range is 1200-900 instead of 130.
- Chill.

-AoE blind spam
-faster condition application

you forgot chill.

Chill>x2>x3>x4> dead roamer.

Dae’s list has chill in it…