Countdown to throwing the towel for warriors
That it doesn’t fit in your build doesn’t mean it is useless, there are plenty of ranger warriors out there that like to keep their distance. .
Don’t be silly, if it isn’t used by some build expert on the forums its bad… OK :P …. jk
.. you’d think people would understand that not everything works for every build. But that’s what you get on the warrior forums, ignorant 1 build warriors that haven’t tried anything outside of a build used on the first forum thread they checked.
If it’s not full offensive zerker GS/X, Bulls Charge, Frenzy, X, then you’re not helping your team! Right?! Wrong! I use GS/Longbow, but I don’t rely on Bulls Charge to Frenzy to land burst and expecting to kill someone with that burst. That just does not work any more unless you catch someone off guard. I don’t know why people still hold onto that type of build, because it’s so easy to counter. I guess for some people it’s either do tons of damage, or do nothing at all?
People still run Frenzy? :o
By the way for those zerkers, run mace 4sec stun —> frenzy+100b. You get a daze and a block aswel. And there are going to be less stunbreakers out there.
No the changes are good, mate of mine plays a lot of pvp on his warrior and he is pretty good and these changes are a direct buff to his build.
Don’t think we can complain and I hope these changes are real.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
we don’t know the changes yet; so until we it happens, we can only speculate. it might be or might not be what we think it is. but rest assured, warriors will always have a part to play in gw2.
Just warhorn = streamline <3
Always Loyal
I like the changes overall, sword revamp is what I’m looking forward to the most, I can’t wait to test out some weapon combos with that, sword/shield with warrior’s sprint seems like it might be a good control build.
… Guardians do not have nearly the movement you can achieve with …
Guardians with low mobility are urban legends. Try a greatsword / Sword&Focus build with a couple of Meditation skills and “Save yourselfs” or “Retreat”, and stop your none sense about guardian having no mobility, if you want to build around mobility with a Guardian it is totaly possible. The only hik comes from the fact Guardian needs a target to move around, wich isn’t a problem in WvW with all ennemies NPCs lurking around.
Not the case. Check out this build –;T0Ag0CtUbp0iqLjXCvsi56SK2CjRG7IA
Here’s the link from a guy who created the non stop swiftness guardian –
I don’t understand how people thinks sword MH has got a buff. No. It’s got a nerf.
Think about it, Final Thrust as it stands now is the highest damage dealing skill for the sword. As it works currently, it has no cool down, meaning you can use it every 2 seconds’ish because you just need to spam auto attack to use it. After the patch it will be put on skill #3 and HAVE a cooldown, making it non spammable. In general the damage will be significantly lower because we can only use it as much as the cooldown allows us too.
AKA nerf. I’d rather they didn’t touch sword and leave it how it is.
I don’t understand how people thinks sword MH has got a buff. No. It’s got a nerf.
Think about it, Final Thrust as it stands now is the highest damage dealing skill for the sword. As it works currently, it has no cool down, meaning you can use it every 2 seconds’ish because you just need to spam auto attack to use it. After the patch it will be put on skill #3 and HAVE a cooldown, making it non spammable. In general the damage will be significantly lower because we can only use it as much as the cooldown allows us too.
AKA nerf. I’d rather they didn’t touch sword and leave it how it is.
Well you’re not considering all the variables changed:
-Final Thrust is also getting a damage buff (my guess is it’s small, like 6-10%)
-Final Thrust will also do even more damage vs a foe with 50% HP
-Your auto attack will cleave and cripple, making it easier to keep on your target
-Your leap will also cripple
At the least, I’d consider all those changes to break even. But personally, I think it’s a good change if only because you can just leap + final thrust someone who’s running away.
But I hope the cooldown on Final Thrust isn’t higher than 15sec (prefer 10sec).
I hope they’ll buff it more, considering that now is on a cooldown.
And let’s hope Hamstring damage will be tweaked, so that we retain almost the same auto attack.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Halting Strike: Damage dealt when interrupting enemies has been increased by 500%.Healing Signet’s Active Cast Time: 1¼…
So… when your interrupted, based on the leaks… you now not only not get healed, you take BACKSTAB DAMAGE!
Lold. Good one. How absurd.
Halting Strike: Damage dealt when interrupting enemies has been increased by 500%.Healing Signet’s Active Cast Time: 1¼…
So… when your interrupted, based on the leaks… you now not only not get healed, you take BACKSTAB DAMAGE!
Just saying… do you know how much dmg does Halting Strike deal now?
(hint: 200. yes, i didn’t miss any number. two hundred dmg. 500% of 200 = 1k dmg. OP!)
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
I don’t understand how people thinks sword MH has got a buff. No. It’s got a nerf.
Think about it, Final Thrust as it stands now is the highest damage dealing skill for the sword. As it works currently, it has no cool down, meaning you can use it every 2 seconds’ish because you just need to spam auto attack to use it. After the patch it will be put on skill #3 and HAVE a cooldown, making it non spammable. In general the damage will be significantly lower because we can only use it as much as the cooldown allows us too.
AKA nerf. I’d rather they didn’t touch sword and leave it how it is.
Well you’re not considering all the variables changed:
-Final Thrust is also getting a damage buff (my guess is it’s small, like 6-10%)
-Final Thrust will also do even more damage vs a foe with 50% HP
-Your auto attack will cleave and cripple, making it easier to keep on your target
-Your leap will also crippleAt the least, I’d consider all those changes to break even. But personally, I think it’s a good change if only because you can just leap + final thrust someone who’s running away.
But I hope the cooldown on Final Thrust isn’t higher than 15sec (prefer 10sec).
I just hope that damage gets boosted to a decent amount. The cripples are nice for the long haul, but I liked how the sword had a bit oomph in its auto attack, and in PvE the cripples don’t really do much other than to run around a bit longer to heal more. (From the non PvP side) I never really thought that the sword needed more CC between the number 3 and it’s burst. If anything I was stuck trying to decide to go full condition or do a hybrid of direct damage and condition.
My attack chain usually was something along these lines, if that helps explain my (I’d rather have damage on an auto attack than more cc) thinking.
Pin Down → Combustive Shot → Arcing Arrow, switch to sword/shield, Savage Leap —> Shield Bash —> Flurry —> Hamstring
according to the new patch notes, the changes are actually good now, sure there’s some stuff might seem bad but overall its good.lets hope anet apply the new notes instead of the old one, because if not………………………:(
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Seriously what the heck is A-Net thinking?
Is it really so hard to tell what they are thinking? They are thinking pure DPS warriors are significantly above the target values, and in no small part because they are able to pin opponents long enough to deliver 1,000 blades with absolutely overwhelming regularity. The central nerf was less cripple and therefore less automatic success of long, immobile damage cycles. Associated nerfs deal with easy maxing out the adrenal pool at the open of the fight to again deliver 1kB as the core gambit of every encounter for those builds.
They poked a couple high damage, bursty builds in the eye with a sharp stick, and buffed dang near every other aspect of warriors. What they think pretty much speaks for itself when looking at the game as a whole rather than championing 1-2 specific builds that are popular precisely because they are over-performers. Warriors get to be a bit better overall, but that mode of play is getting a boot on its neck, and believe me every single player at the receiving end of it is breathing a sigh of relief. Being immobilized and then ground to nothing by 1kB is simply NOT FUN.
Sorry if you were running what got the hammer. Adapt or move on. But the reasons those things are getting nerfed aren’t exactly a mystery.
First of all, its Hundred Blades…not sure if you’re trying to be funny or accentuate your anger over nothing.
Secondly, what the hell class do you play that has an issue with HB? If you get stuck in that entire attack at this point you’re just a complete noob. Sorry but Quickness was nerfed, Bolas hardly hits a target, Bull’s Charge is easy to dodge, and if you bring one stunbreaker or condi clear you’re fine. How could you possibly let that full attack land on you? I’d like you to explain how you fail to use one break and win. List class, build, gear, and sPvP/WvW so we could all get some context on why you’re angry at the noob-killer build.
From what I got from the official Patch Notes:
Guardians buffed a lot in damage and survivability.
Rangers buffed a lot in utility and survivability.
Necromancers buffed a lot in utility and survivability.
Elementalist buffed in damage and defensive utility.
Warriors nerfed a lot in damage, utility, hybrid and given a little survivability to compensate, to bad it only works when we don’t need it…
Tier S: (special)
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
From what I got from the official Patch Notes:
Guardians buffed a lot in damage and survivability.
Rangers buffed a lot in utility and survivability.
Necromancers buffed a lot in utility and survivability.
Elementalist buffed in damage and defensive utility.Warriors nerfed a lot in damage, utility, hybrid and given a little survivability to compensate, to bad it only works when we don’t need it…
Hint for you: “lolwat” = “your patch notes summary and considerations are completely mad”
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
(edited by AndrewSX.3794)
Ok, the changes are good for now. I am convinced
Now some skills are viable.
That it doesn’t fit in your build doesn’t mean it is useless, there are plenty of ranger warriors out there that like to keep their distance. .
Don’t be silly, if it isn’t used by some build expert on the forums its bad… OK :P …. jk
.. you’d think people would understand that not everything works for every build. But that’s what you get on the warrior forums, ignorant 1 build warriors that haven’t tried anything outside of a build used on the first forum thread they checked.
Ha this is hilarious, you know nothing about me and are calling me a 1 build warrior, and that I haven’t tried anything else.
I have been playing warrior since launch and have tried almost if not evey set of combinations of traits and gear.
Whose ignorant? I am saying for most warriors kick is the opposite of what we want. Of course the ranger warriors are going to use kick. Seriously don’t try and be all high and mighty, and talk down to people spewing false information about them, when you don’t even know the person.
These changes still do nothing to help us with being kited, lack of sustain, and being blinded to death. From what I have heard about cleansing ire and what common sense tells me that “Cure a condition for every bar of adrenaline SPENT” adrenaline is not spent when we use burst it is spent AFTER the burst lands and hits a foe. This just makes blind that much stronger on us, using a burst skill to clear condies, but missing due to blind causes 0 adrenaline to be spent, therefore 0 condies cleansed.
Not too mention the new condie is going to FURTHER put pressure on our sustain and we can be really shutdown. Cripple or chill plus a few stacks of torment, and we are going to be meat shields.
That’s only if these patch notes are true.
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW
Ha this is hilarious, you know nothing about me and are calling me a 1 build warrior, and that I haven’t tried anything else.
ROFL wut?
Go read it again and then work it out lol. ( if you can’t let me know and I’ll help )
My post was with MilkZz and had nothing to do with you, so if you need help getting off your high horse let me know and I’ll bring a step ladder and give you a hand.
(edited by Ajaxx.3157)
Ha this is hilarious, you know nothing about me and are calling me a 1 build warrior, and that I haven’t tried anything else.
ROFL wut?
Go read it again and then work it out lol. ( if you can’t let me know and I’ll help )
My post was with MilkZz and had nothing to do with you, so if you need help getting off your high horse let me know and I’ll bring a step ladder and give you a hand.
Milkzz post was responding to my post about kick being bad, saying that just because it doesn’t fit in my build doesn’t mean it’s bad. THEN you quoted milkzz and agreed with what he replied to me with. After agreeing with Milkzz, you started talking down to other warriors aka (your high horse), which included me as Milkzz post was directed at me.
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW
(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)
Read it again, then keep reading it until you get it.
First of all, its Hundred Blades…not sure if you’re trying to be funny or accentuate your anger over nothing.
Sorry, “1,000 blades” is an old wuxia movies term and I just got it stuck in my head . And I’m not angry at all – just pointing out that the underlying theme, consequence, and DESIGNER INTENT of the changes is obvious – the combinations being disrupted aren’t being disrupted accidentally. Those combinations are the primary target of the warrior changes.
Secondly, what the hell class do you play that has an issue with HB?
I play the “I’m older and slower than I was 10, much less 30, years ago” class. Fortunately my build comes with a really sweet tax bracket and lots of free time to play games like this. I’m much sharper with stunbreaks out in WvW than I was even a month ago. But fact remains across 8+ years of MMOs that there is nothing I find more tiresome than “mez’d to death” gameplay. The pattern of Warrior changes is an old and familiar one – less burst and more sustain so that fights are not decided in a single combination. I’ve found quite a few MMOs committed to PvP evolve towards slower time-to-kill rulesets and that’s what I see in many of the changes described in the leak.
How could you possibly let that full attack land on you?
Hmm. How could they possibly have felt a need to distribute stun breaks more widely…? Oh! I know! Pick me pick me!
Because we weren’t all carrying stun breaks?
I guess maybe they thought they’d make some changes so people in set-ups other than 100% roamer would get victimized a little less often on their way from place to place that actually has scoring value.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Whose ignorant? I am saying for most warriors kick is the opposite of what we want. Of course the ranger warriors are going to use kick. Seriously don’t try and be all high and mighty, and talk down to people spewing false information about them, when you don’t even know the person.
Well, high horses can be ridden by both parties.
Nothing wrong with a pushing interrupt to stop someone from stomping or what have you. But I guess since you don’t like it yet I do, that somehow makes my perspective invalid. But then I’m not accusing anyone of being build single-minded or standing on a pedestal.
These changes still do nothing to help us with being kited, lack of sustain, and being blinded to death. From what I have heard about cleansing ire and what common sense tells me that “Cure a condition for every bar of adrenaline SPENT” adrenaline is not spent when we use burst it is spent AFTER the burst lands and hits a foe. This just makes blind that much stronger on us, using a burst skill to clear condies, but missing due to blind causes 0 adrenaline to be spent, therefore 0 condies cleansed.
Not true for all burst. You can still use Flurry or Combustive Shot. One hits 12 times in the span of two seconds and the other creates a field regardless if you’re blind or not.
Beyond those two, perhaps it is intended for blind to be the counter to some burst skills? Why do you think it’s necessary that mechanics in the game not have counters? So if you are up against a warrior (or anyone really), spamming blinds can ruin their day.
Working as intended.
Not too mention the new condie is going to FURTHER put pressure on our sustain and we can be really shutdown. Cripple or chill plus a few stacks of torment, and we are going to be meat shields.
That’s only if these patch notes are true.
Well at least you added the qualifier of “…but I don’t really know what’s going to happen so I’m just making **** up” because I was going to add that for you.
I find it strange how the moment you step into the Warrior forums, they think every profession can cleanse a trillion conditions a second and Warrior has squat yet should be entitled to full condi clears on less-than-10-sec cooldowns.
Do throw in the towel, it seems many were long over due to.
“We’re tying our survivability.. condition wise, to being able to land hits. However at the same time we talked consistently as to how its difficult to land hits compared to other classes who can spam aoes.” – Defektive.
Not really sure what everyone is complaining about.
I’ve been a solo roamer in WvW on my war for a long time and R35 in spvp. nothing to brag about, but I literally have no issue with most classes, builds, whatever and I’m pretty close to pure zerk with axe/shield and GS. 10/20/0/10/30. I beat the classes people complain about here all the time, eles, thieves, mesmers whatever, sure it’s harder, and I have to really focus, can’t just facemash the keyboard like most other classes 4tehwinz, but hey, I manage.
Everyone always talks about sustain, sustain, sustain. Warrs imo in every other mmo I played aren’t supposed to just eat ridiculous amounts of damage and be able to deal the same, it’s all give and take.
The one thing we do excel at, which may change after patch, idk, is high mobility, putting pressure on people, and insane amounts of damage, it’s insanely easy to control your opponents when you’re making them panic.
Good players will always adapt, and idc if the rest of you fade away. Maybe it’s a L2P issue. I record often, if anyone disputes it I don’t mind posting videos of myself in 1vx situations.
obviously an l2p issue guys I mean the beastmaster ranger said it right here must be true! Go lick your kittening wounds and go back to the outraged little ranger forums where rangers now have to deal the damage themselves
So said the RANGER player…
A 12 second CD 3-4k heal is horrible, because of its cast time… And its horrendous animation. I’m not even going to say anything else because you will just report me.
Actually my first main character was my Warrior, followed by my Guardian, and recently my Ranger. I’ve put up only a few videos of my ranger alt because once I got him to 80 I started recording videos around the same time. Also look at my account name and my warrior’s name in my signiture if you don’t believe me.
(edited by Moderator)
Bahaha. I actually laughed. That was a pretty systematic takedown. xD
But I agree with the warrior forums comment, it’s pretty doomandgloomy here. You guys don’t rely on the Warrior as an IRL livelihood, I’m not sure why or when the Warrior forums turned into a “HE’S A THIEF BURN HIM” witch hunt.
The changes are welcome, at least for me. I spend and accrue Adrenaline as fast as possible in order to build Endurance to dodge more of the opponent’s burst, and so far it’s worked like a charm. My only legitimate weakness is being trained down by conditions, and now I can fight against that doing… exactly what I did before.
So said the RANGER player…
A 12 second CD 3-4k heal is horrible, because of its cast time… And its horrendous animation. I’m not even going to say anything else because you will just report me.
Actually my first main character was my Warrior, followed by my Guardian, and recently my Ranger. I’ve put up only a few videos of my ranger alt because once I got him to 80 I started recording videos around the same time. Also look at my account name and my warrior’s name in my signiture if you don’t believe me. Don’t assume kid, it makes you look stupid.
Is that all you have to say, because that does not matter. My first character was a thief however that does not mean its my most played character, it just means I know how to deal and fight thieves better.
Also it does not discuss the topic at hand at all, it only boosts your ego, something a kid would do.
It feels like your just trying to bury your mistakes.
So said the RANGER player…
A 12 second CD 3-4k heal is horrible, because of its cast time… And its horrendous animation. I’m not even going to say anything else because you will just report me.
Actually my first main character was my Warrior, followed by my Guardian, and recently my Ranger. I’ve put up only a few videos of my ranger alt because once I got him to 80 I started recording videos around the same time. Also look at my account name and my warrior’s name in my signiture if you don’t believe me. Don’t assume kid, it makes you look stupid.
Is that all you have to say, because that does not matter. My first character was a thief however that does not mean its my most played character, it just means I know how to deal and fight thieves better.
Also it does not discuss the topic at hand at all, it only boosts your ego, something a kid would do.
It feels like your just trying to bury your mistakes.
I guess you weren’t paying attention when I said my 1st and primarily main character is my warrior, but that’s cool. You are correct though in that I forgot to contribute to the actual thread at hand, so there’s that.
Moving away from our healing signet debate since I get the feeling we’ll be going in circles about it until that actual patch hits, warrior dps isn’t going to suffer a substantial loss as you and a few others are saying. Yeah berserker’s power is getting bumped to grandmaster, but it is also getting increased percentages as well (going from 3/7/12 —> 5/10/15.) This also allows you to gain access to having increased damage when endurance is not full via stick and move minor trait. Even if that damage increased is <5% it’s all percentages that will build up your damage output.
As for conditions / being kited to death: soldier’s runes (for shouts), runes of hoelbrak (-20% condition duration), Lyssa runes (lose all conditions and gain all boons on using elites), Melandru runes (-15% condition duration, -15% stun duration), sigil of generosity (60% chance to give 1 condition to an enemy), and sigil of purity (60% chance to just remove a condition) are just some of the ways that you can shed conditions without even having a specific condition cleanse utility in your hotbar or using any condition counter traits. If you choose not to use any of these or the condition cleanse stuff available to warriors then don’t cry when you get bogged down with conditions. If they were that much of a problem you’d adapt your build to be able to counter it. Not to mention with mending on a 20 sec cooldown soon not only can you sustain yourself with a moderate heal, but you shave off 2 conditions right off the bat.
If you can’t adapt your build to optimize it for not only how you want to play, but anticipating how an enemy player may use conditions in their favor against your build then you’re destined to fail.
So said the RANGER player…
A 12 second CD 3-4k heal is horrible, because of its cast time… And its horrendous animation. I’m not even going to say anything else because you will just report me.
Actually my first main character was my Warrior, followed by my Guardian, and recently my Ranger. I’ve put up only a few videos of my ranger alt because once I got him to 80 I started recording videos around the same time. Also look at my account name and my warrior’s name in my signiture if you don’t believe me. Don’t assume kid, it makes you look stupid.
Is that all you have to say, because that does not matter. My first character was a thief however that does not mean its my most played character, it just means I know how to deal and fight thieves better.
Also it does not discuss the topic at hand at all, it only boosts your ego, something a kid would do.
It feels like your just trying to bury your mistakes.
I guess you weren’t paying attention when I said my 1st and primarily main character is my warrior, but that’s cool. You are correct though in that I forgot to contribute to the actual thread at hand, so there’s that.
Moving away from our healing signet debate since I get the feeling we’ll be going in circles about it until that actual patch hits, warrior dps isn’t going to suffer a substantial loss as you and a few others are saying. Yeah berserker’s power is getting bumped to grandmaster, but it is also getting increased percentages as well (going from 3/7/12 —> 5/10/15.) This also allows you to gain access to having increased damage when endurance is not full via stick and move minor trait. Even if that damage increased is <5% it’s all percentages that will build up your damage output.
As for conditions / being kited to death: soldier’s runes (for shouts), runes of hoelbrak (-20% condition duration), Lyssa runes (lose all conditions and gain all boons on using elites), Melandru runes (-15% condition duration, -15% stun duration), sigil of generosity (60% chance to give 1 condition to an enemy), and sigil of purity (60% chance to just remove a condition) are just some of the ways that you can shed conditions without even having a specific condition cleanse utility in your hotbar or using any condition counter traits. If you choose not to use any of these or the condition cleanse stuff available to warriors then don’t cry when you get bogged down with conditions. If they were that much of a problem you’d adapt your build to be able to counter it. Not to mention with mending on a 20 sec cooldown soon not only can you sustain yourself with a moderate heal, but you shave off 2 conditions right off the bat.
If you can’t adapt your build to optimize it for not only how you want to play, but anticipating how an enemy player may use conditions in their favor against your build then you’re destined to fail.
The problem is hybrid, we didn’t lose our ability to deal damage. It just takes more to get the same effect we have before, and we lose things like Forceful Greatsword which lowers our overall mobility greatly.
We did lose a lot of damage. If you can’t see that then please reread the patch notes. We lost mobility as well, so we lost the ability to deal our damage better.
Please look at the big picture.
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
The problem is hybrid, we didn’t lose our ability to deal damage. It just takes more to get the same effect we have before, and we lose things like Forceful Greatsword which lowers our overall mobility greatly.
We did lose a lot of damage. If you can’t see that then please reread the patch notes. We lost mobility as well, so we lost the ability to deal our damage better.
Please look at the big picture.
You can still deal tons of damage without those traits. Hell, I’ve dropped 9k eviserates and I don’t use berserker’s power or heightened focus. If anything you’re not seeing the big picture in that by moving those 2 traits to grandmaster slots just by going the full 30 into either one (or both) will award you +300 power, and/or +30% critical damage & +3% to burst skill damage that will stack on top of any additional damage percentages you have already. These are still all unofficial notes, so while speculation is all fine and dandy, jumping to supposed concrete conclusions based on what-if’s and maybe’s is pointless.
The problem is hybrid, we didn’t lose our ability to deal damage. It just takes more to get the same effect we have before, and we lose things like Forceful Greatsword which lowers our overall mobility greatly.
We did lose a lot of damage. If you can’t see that then please reread the patch notes. We lost mobility as well, so we lost the ability to deal our damage better.
Please look at the big picture.
You can still deal tons of damage without those traits. Hell, I’ve dropped 9k eviserates and I don’t use berserker’s power or heightened focus. If anything you’re not seeing the big picture in that by moving those 2 traits to grandmaster slots just by going the full 30 into either one (or both) will award you +300 power, and/or +30% critical damage & +3% to burst skill damage that will stack on top of any additional damage percentages you have already. These are still all unofficial notes, so while speculation is all fine and dandy, jumping to supposed concrete conclusions based on what-if’s and maybe’s is pointless.
I think it’s pretty safe to say now the gw2hub changes are probably what we are going to see. Or they’ve pretty much ruined any credibility they had.
No he’s right you’re not seeing the big picture by having those in adept slots we had more build/gear diversity this pigeon holes us even more with no compensation for the damage loss.
I’d use kick to knock people off of Clock tower, but i’d rather use something else. By the way we have no idea if these patch notes are real, and even if they are, they’re still good changes over all.
I think it might be possible to chain kick into backbreaker… I can’t remember off hand, it depends how much of an aftercast delay it has. They might recover too quickly and be able to dodge. I guess if you used frenzy it would probably work, but that’s probably not a good use of frenzy.
I’m pretty sure you can chain it into earthshaker though, so that’s always a possibility. You can also probably chain it into tremor.
I still feel like I need to use bull’s charge instead so I can have a closer (or in some cases an escape tool), but I’d really like to take kick if I could fit it… not trading in stomp anytime soon.
I love the way this works.
When you lose adrenaline:
So if I have 8 stacks of confusion, blind, cripple.
Miss the target, take the damage, miss and not cure anything..
Or with just confusion
Hit the target, then cure all that stuff when I don’t need to cure it.
I love the way this works.
When you lose adrenaline:
So if I have 8 stacks of confusion, blind, cripple.
Miss the target, take the damage, miss and not cure anything..
Or with just confusion
Hit the target, then cure all that stuff when I don’t need to cure it.
You can always just not take the trait and use something else. It won’t necessarily be optimal for every build… I know it won’t be for the one I typically run.
So said the RANGER player…
A 12 second CD 3-4k heal is horrible, because of its cast time… And its horrendous animation. I’m not even going to say anything else because you will just report me.
Actually my first main character was my Warrior, followed by my Guardian, and recently my Ranger. I’ve put up only a few videos of my ranger alt because once I got him to 80 I started recording videos around the same time. Also look at my account name and my warrior’s name in my signiture if you don’t believe me. Don’t assume kid, it makes you look stupid.
Is that all you have to say, because that does not matter. My first character was a thief however that does not mean its my most played character, it just means I know how to deal and fight thieves better.
Also it does not discuss the topic at hand at all, it only boosts your ego, something a kid would do.
It feels like your just trying to bury your mistakes.
I guess you weren’t paying attention when I said my 1st and primarily main character is my warrior, but that’s cool. You are correct though in that I forgot to contribute to the actual thread at hand, so there’s that.
Moving away from our healing signet debate since I get the feeling we’ll be going in circles about it until that actual patch hits, warrior dps isn’t going to suffer a substantial loss as you and a few others are saying. Yeah berserker’s power is getting bumped to grandmaster, but it is also getting increased percentages as well (going from 3/7/12 —> 5/10/15.) This also allows you to gain access to having increased damage when endurance is not full via stick and move minor trait. Even if that damage increased is <5% it’s all percentages that will build up your damage output.
As for conditions / being kited to death: soldier’s runes (for shouts), runes of hoelbrak (-20% condition duration), Lyssa runes (lose all conditions and gain all boons on using elites), Melandru runes (-15% condition duration, -15% stun duration), sigil of generosity (60% chance to give 1 condition to an enemy), and sigil of purity (60% chance to just remove a condition) are just some of the ways that you can shed conditions without even having a specific condition cleanse utility in your hotbar or using any condition counter traits. If you choose not to use any of these or the condition cleanse stuff available to warriors then don’t cry when you get bogged down with conditions. If they were that much of a problem you’d adapt your build to be able to counter it. Not to mention with mending on a 20 sec cooldown soon not only can you sustain yourself with a moderate heal, but you shave off 2 conditions right off the bat.
If you can’t adapt your build to optimize it for not only how you want to play, but anticipating how an enemy player may use conditions in their favor against your build then you’re destined to fail.
Yet despite using all of this, every other classes such as necro still walk all over you. Please play against someone competent, and you’ll see just how pathetic a warrior is and how despite all your effort they still destroy you.
I love the way this works.
When you lose adrenaline:
So if I have 8 stacks of confusion, blind, cripple.
Miss the target, take the damage, miss and not cure anything..
Or with just confusion
Hit the target, then cure all that stuff when I don’t need to cure it.
how about you use your 1 when you see you are blind and not using F1 like an idiot. if you get blind at the last sec all i can say is gg, i lb4 enemy cc at the last second too sometimes. or they just evade your attack …well they evaded it…
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Problem is that good players evade all your dmg. It doesnt matter if he dodge, kite spamming cripple and chilled like engineers or spamming blind as thiefs. But as a warrior you CANT deal dmg CONSTANTLY. And if now miss your burst , you can run away or just die. Its your chose. But at this time sth is wrong with warrior if he get so easily kited.
Problem is that good players evade all your dmg. It doesnt matter if he dodge, kite spamming cripple and chilled like engineers or spamming blind as thiefs. But as a warrior you CANT deal dmg CONSTANTLY. And if now miss your burst , you can run away or just die. Its your chose. But at this time sth is wrong with warrior if he get so easily kited.
now we get almost constant swiftness. and no, even good players cant evade all your attacks, only evade builds can, like the thieves one, which are getting nerfed from what i saw and heard. and if you havent notice yet, no one can be good at countering every class and build. like constant immo stun of engineer..some times you to walk away..maybe those are getting nerfed too, havent read them engi notes yet
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
(edited by Lighter.5631)
You are right not all dmg is evaded. Maybe you can hit 3 autoatacks. A good thief for exmaple cond thief kited you easily while he is dealing permament bleed.
Good engineers spam cripple and chilled… how do you want to fight them?
perma swiftness… oh great… think nobody cares about swiftness when he is crippled and chilled every 2 seconds.
Survivebility is better than high armor and hp. And a class who is forced to be near the enemy to deal dps ,should have the best chance to survive.
Warrior clearly needs better heal cond remove and a chance to deal dmg.
What about f1 burst skill cant miss? seems fair.
Just a wild guess:
Melandru Runes + Dogged March + cleansing Ire + Restorative Strength (with Mending if you need to), equip new Beserker’s Stance.
Use Longbow + Sword and Warhorn / Hammer / Axe/Shield
Maybe that’ll work.
(edited by Matzepeng.1053)
Sorry, “1,000 blades” is an old wuxia movies term and I just got it stuck in my head
. And I’m not angry at all – just pointing out that the underlying theme, consequence, and DESIGNER INTENT of the changes is obvious – the combinations being disrupted aren’t being disrupted accidentally. Those combinations are the primary target of the warrior changes.
Its just that the only people who ever call HB anything more than HB (spelt other ways obviously) have been upset at the skill. That’s why they do it. Its a childish way of showing you don’t like something by changing its name to emphasize a point, and it happens a lot on the forums.
So you’re saying you weren’t doing exactly that? Alright I guess I’ll take your word for it.
I play the “I’m older and slower than I was 10, much less 30, years ago” class. Fortunately my build comes with a really sweet tax bracket and lots of free time to play games like this. I’m much sharper with stunbreaks out in WvW than I was even a month ago. But fact remains across 8+ years of MMOs that there is nothing I find more tiresome than “mez’d to death” gameplay. The pattern of Warrior changes is an old and familiar one – less burst and more sustain so that fights are not decided in a single combination. I’ve found quite a few MMOs committed to PvP evolve towards slower time-to-kill rulesets and that’s what I see in many of the changes described in the leak.
Though I am sympathetic to the human body’s faults as we age, I don’t think that’s really a valid complaint to make against any one particular build. Most games that have PvP gameplay come with the understanding that a little reaction time is necessary.
That does not mean everyone should plan on being able to react in under a second or not play. Personally, I think the Quickness nerf was way overdue. Even the way it is now is just broken. Now it provides almost nothing for a short period of time. Just remove the speed increase on skills and change it to something else. It was never a good idea.
What you’ve said, however, is that players are being pinned long enough for HB to land with “absolutely overwhelming regularity.” I really don’t see that at all. I have a zerk build war that I use in WvW. He’s a lot of fun. I don’t ever land a full HB anymore. Most of the time, the only way I’m hitting people with HB the entire way through is when other players in a larger fight walk in and out of it, taking damage and leaving.
Seriously though, what class do you play?
Hmm. How could they possibly have felt a need to distribute stun breaks more widely…? Oh! I know! Pick me pick me!
They’ve moved the stun breakers from more powerful skills to less used skills so that classes like the warrior can have a chance at landing an attack like Bull’s Charge and actually effect the fight. Check the ele’s cantrips. They can cry foul but its just one more step to leveling them out. In April they were brought from god status to demigod status. Unfortunately for players in the top class, it’s filled with overly zealous PvP class-only individuals that just play the best class available and claim they have “uber” skill.
Because we weren’t all carrying stun breaks?
Most players in PvP carry at least one stun breaker. Even zerk wars. I’m not aware of any instance that a player wasn’t automatically given a host of unfriendly “L2P” arguments for not bringing at least one stun breaker.
I guess maybe they thought they’d make some changes so people in set-ups other than 100% roamer would get victimized a little less often on their way from place to place that actually has scoring value.
And we get to the crux of the matter. You run zerg build and you’re upset that there are players picking you off on your own from place to place. Believe it or not, roaming is important. Picking off players rezzing and running back to reinforce, defending camps, spanking yaks, flipping sentries, harassing keeps and generally putting players on edge are all part of the WvW meta and they all help.
If you want some friendly advice, as you’re transitioning from alone to zerg, find skills, a weapon set, and traits within the same build that give you some help in a small group or 1v1 situation so you can at least leave the fight. The only classes that can’t do that are the guardian and the necro, but those classes can do well with their best 1v1 builds in the zerg anyway.
Just a wild guess:
Melandru Runes + Dogged March + cleansing Ire + Restorative Strength (with Mending if you need to), equip new Beserker’s Stance.
Use Longbow + Sword and Warhorn / Hammer / Axe/Shield
Maybe that’ll work.
So basicly, to be kind of like a guardian.
I need 20 points in my tree, burning a healing skill, runes and specific weapon sets?
Why not just play a guardian and do more damage, have more buffs?
Just a wild guess:
Melandru Runes + Dogged March + cleansing Ire + Restorative Strength (with Mending if you need to), equip new Beserker’s Stance.
Use Longbow + Sword and Warhorn / Hammer / Axe/Shield
Maybe that’ll work.So basicly, to be kind of like a guardian.
I need 20 points in my tree, burning a healing skill, runes and specific weapon sets?
Why not just play a guardian and do more damage, have more buffs?
The people are suggesting that warrior has to make his build around very specific builds of his specific opponents classes to be on even ground. Every single build from every single class will fair well or be the absolute counter of a warrior’s build. No problem there, working as intended.
A warrior only does damage if someone is either playing glass cannon builds or he manages to land his entire HB combo, otherwise he hits like wet noodle. I think most people haven’t tried to kill a bunker ranger or an ele and realized how absolutely pathetic their damage is.
The change was needed to balance class roles in dungeons. Warriors are still extremely viable. If you think otherwise, I doubt any sort of common sense reasoning will work on explaining balance to you.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
The change was needed to balance class roles in dungeons. Warriors are still extremely viable. If you think otherwise, I doubt any sort of common sense reasoning will work on explaining balance to you.
When the kitten has any game that claims to have competitive pvp balanced a class (meaning 1 of 8 classes) on the basis of PVE damage? If they subtracted PVE damage that was also useful in PVP they needed to give compensating PVP damage/sustain/mobility whatever. You can asymmetrically nerf PVE damage while buffing PVP elements, but that’s not what happened.
People don’t sit in place and let you kill them like a target dummy. This is balancing the game to the lowest common denominator of difficulty, and it’s stupid.
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]
So basicly, to be kind of like a guardian.
I need 20 points in my tree, burning a healing skill, runes and specific weapon sets?
Why not just play a guardian and do more damage, have more buffs?
Personally I don’t find it very unreasonable to invest trait points into a defensive trait line to take advantage of a defensive utitility. Just as much as I expect damage oriented utilities in an offensive trait line. (by utilities I don’t mean utility skills btw.)
Naturally there are a few options that give you a offensive bonus in a defensive line (i.e. empowered, merciless hammer…) and vice versa (i.e. Restorative Strength, great fortitude…), but IMO these are more crutches if you decide to invest fully in either offensive or defensive. (and not necessarily always great ones)
And if you want to delve deeper in certain direction, you go for certain runes/weapon sets etc, that’s kind of what they there for. You know like using power and crit damage runes to do more damage.
Of course it’s not like a guardian would use Soldier runes perhaps to increase his condi removal… oh wait.
Anyways I see the potential for warriors not so much in the damage, but in the CC you can potentially dish out with them. I certainly feel that the whole idea of the warrior is to either go CC or Damage or combine them, just have a look at Burst skills and how they scale with adrenaline (4 scale in power, 4 scale in CC and bow scales in power and condi damage).
Other people might want to combine condition pressure with CC or damage or go all out bursty. I hope the patch gives us a little more room to really explore these routes and find viable options. I think the potential is there if the leaked notes are accurate.
PS: I know it’s kind of your catch phrase, but I don’t want to play a guardian I want to play a warrior.