Critical damage vs Critical Chance

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Hey guys, I’m looking for a way of optimizing my warrior damage

I’ve read that increasing or decreasing critical damage depends on your critical chance, and it’s the same the other way around.

So, I have 67% critical chance and 50% critical damage (without buffs)
And some people say my critical damage is a bit low… (I still haven’t finished my set, I’m thinking about getting superior rune of the ogre and ascended berserker accesories. My favorite is the divinity, but is expensive as hell)

As for my equipment, I use a bit mixed AC and CoF exotic, so I can balance my critical chance with critical damage. Maybe I should use a full CoF for a better critical damage instead of 67% critical chance? Is 67% a bit too much?

Power: 1954
Attack: 3054
Precision: 2237

Sorry about my bad english.

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: Prodigy.6971


Can always use Ruby Orbs for armor upgrade instead of divinity runes. They give a decent amount of crit dmg and some power/prec. I’m sitting at 100% crit chance now with about 92 crit dmg. No ascended gear. Actually had to switch my stacking sigil to power cause the prec one was being wasted.

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Ruby orbs instead of runes? That’s kinda unusual… But I see your point, you could get 120 power and 84 precision and using a full berserker gear without losing much critical chance…

But how you got THAT much crit chance and crit dmg? lol

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Well, I made a few tests with some different sets. My conclusion is that yes, I really should change to a total berserker set, I’ll do it ASAP.

But in my tests, the best results were achieved by the use of Superior Rune of the Scholar in the armor set.

Check this out, all tests were with full berserker set, ruby orb on weapons with exotic trinkets + berserker jewel

With ruby orbs:
Power: 2154
Precision: 2009
Crit damage: 85%
Crit chance: 65.05%
Damage: 23.2%
Effective Power: 4984.08

With Superior Rune of Divinity
Power: 2094
Precision: 1985
Critical Damage: 85%
Damage: 23.2%
Critical Chance: 63.9%
Effective Power: 4865.45

With Superior Rune of Scholar
Power: 2199
Precision: 1925
Critical Damage: 81%
Critical Chance: 61.05%
Damage: 35.52%
Effetive Power: 5363.33

Scholar seems the best choice, as keeping a decent critical chance (and the calculator where I did it doesn’t count my signets, that give +40 precision each, increasing the crit chance), a bit lower but very good crit dmg, but with greater power, damage (maybe the calculator of the site is counting the damage with full health?) and effective power.

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: Blacksarevok.8104


It’s most likely assuming you have full health 100% of the time, so it’s probably not accurate. I don’t think you really can accurately measure the contribution of (6) without testing from fight to fight, which isn’t really plausible.

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Yeah, I think I’ll stick with the ruby orbs then, they are incredibly cheap…

Thanks for the help, I didn’t know about these orbs

PS: The problem not will be to change the armor and leggings I have exotic rampager… the CoF ones are really “expensive”, it will take a while

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: Prodigy.6971


Crit chance is 81% with Accuracy Sigil stacked. Keep in mind if you have the Discipline trait for 9% crit with full adren, it doesn’t show up on character sheet (it still works tho). Add the Butternut Squash food buff for 100 prec/10% crit dmg, brings you up more.


Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: Grizzly.8305


The two stats are intertwined. It doesn’t matter if you have hit crit chance if you have low crit damage, and vice versa. At the moment, I recommend you going with a balanced build. Use 3 zerk pieces (shoulders, gauntlets, boots) and 3 knight pieces (helm, chest, legs). Put ruby orbs in the zerk pieces, and emerald orbs in the 3 knight pieces to complement the balance, or just go full ruby orbs if you want to maximize dps. Sadly, a lot of people overlook the orbs in their usage. Fact is, they’re better than runes, and each orb provides 3 stat increases, as opposed to a single stat/buff from a rune. For weapons, go full zerker. For trinkets, for the time being, use emerald orichalcum stuff, with exquisite ruby jewels in them. For the back piece, you can either go for a guild defender backpack with an exquisite ruby jewel put in it by you, or an assassin backpack with the same thing. In the long run, shoot for an ascended amulet, two ascended zerk rings, and two ascended knight earrings/accessories.

For traits, your choice. Either 10/25/25/10/0 if you want mega survivability while sacrificing some DPS, or 20/30/0/0/20 if you want to maximize DPS, or even 20/20/0/10/20 for high DPS and some more survivability/more options, and you could even go 20/25/0/10/15 for higher DPS while still having. The trait possibilities vary greatly. Up to you to decide what you want.

Honestly, and this is entirely my opinion, but I base it on 500+ hours experience as a Warrior, full zerk is only really good when you’re doing dungeon farming (CoF p1, etc), and the like. The rest of the time, you’re much more useful as a balance Warrior with Zerk/Knight. You have great survivability and great DPS.

Ultimate Warrior build in my opinion.

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: HannaDeFreitas.4236


I got to 95% crit chance and it’s just too good.
I even put Perception Sigil on my secondary weps so I can get up to 100%.
It’s a big DPS increase as all your HBs are hitting 25k rather than some 22k and some 15k due to non-crits, all your Killshots/Volleys are 15k blows etc.
I sacrificed about 4% of my damage reduction (sitting on 20% now) but I’m happier this way.
Non-crits just irritate me, I just wanted to get rid of them forever.

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: Liavain Axon.1972

Liavain Axon.1972

If I recall, the best stat distribution to be even is-
Def- legs, feet, head, Back, 1 Ring,1 Earring (Knights)
Off- Chest, shoulder, hands, Neck, 1 Ring,1 Earring (Berserker)

Keeping a backup set in full Zerker is also a good idea.


Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: natanfk.1649


My warrior is full zerk equip, but he has good survivability in WvsW and pvp.

My trait build is actually 10/30/20/0/10

I use 4 signets to improve precision in +160 (trait that gives +40 for each signet, and one of the signets reduces incoming damage) and another trait that gives me passive health regen according to my adrenaline level (I also use traits to make the adrenaline level go up fast), so I get healing signet + health regen by adrenaline + damage reduced by one of the signets and my zerk warrior can resist a lot more damage than most of the usual zerks. It’s not exactly a tank, but he’s able to do a lot of damage while not dying SO easily.

But I gotta admit, I really get a lot of trouble on FoTM, but maybe it’s because I did it only one time and I didn’t how it worked. But I remember finishing it naked, because I died SO many times.

Critical damage vs Critical Chance

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


If you’re gonna run all zerk, why not run the max damage build, 6.7k effective power before any food.|1.1g.h2||1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7|2s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0|p59.p3a.0.0.k65|0.0|e
