Defektive is our master

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


Because of that please post here all your tested builds. Think would be nice for other people, either.

Grimkram [sS]

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Why can’t I be a master?

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Hosen.6801


Why can’t I be a master?

I’d vote for you, but I think the higher ups might put the breaks on you.

Lord and Commander of all things Pants.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

Why can’t I be a master?

Because you’re not

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


We are not kittening slaves so we don’t need master. Go kiss someone else’s kitten . Or maybe form a build on your own.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


This is cute.

Embarassing, but cute.

Here’s a build:;1RK-Q0d4NL-60;9;5TJ-J;127A0;357-LRV4;2CoF2CoF25kh

I’m streaming it:

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Ottohi.2871


This made sitting down and looking through the forums after work a little funnier.

If anyone here ever wants a condi build, I’m your sylvari!

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


We are not kittening slaves so we don’t need master. Go kiss someone else’s kitten . Or maybe form a build on your own.

It isn’t like the OP is preaching the Lectitio Defektivitatus. No need to get angry.

Plus, it’s adorbs.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Why can’t I be a master?

I’d vote for you, but I think the higher ups might put the breaks on you.

What higher ups :/ I’m good to buster.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Why can’t I be a master?

Because you’re not


(edited by Callahan.3180)

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Jae.5138


my god. watching him play single handedly made me ignore all those QQ posts on the forum and consider rolling a warrior.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that comfortable with his class

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Raven.7824

Red Raven.7824

Ashkandhi Champion Legionnaire
Skull n’ Bones sPvP Build

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Jae.5138


defektive have my babies

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Rance Webster.2635

Rance Webster.2635

HOLD IT! Rampage? O_O… I would say “Are you kidding me”, but I am not that great when it comes to making builds (even though my first one when the game launched, turns about to be one of the variations people used for their greatswords pre-patch XD)

(edited by Rance Webster.2635)

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Raven.7824

Red Raven.7824

HOLD IT! Rampage? O_O… I would say “Are you kidding me”, but I am not that great when it comes to making builds (even though my first one when the game launched, turns about to be one of the variations people used for their greatswords pre-patch XD)

Yes, Rampage indeed.

Signet of Rage offers nothing for a Bunker defending point.

Rampage provides the CC you need on point to lock out players who have limited access to stability.

Ashkandhi Champion Legionnaire
Skull n’ Bones sPvP Build

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Because of that please post here all your tested builds. Think would be nice for other people, either.

Because you cannot figure out a build on your own,and have to rely on using the builds from other people… ? And therefor thinking,that the people that bost these builds have the best builds..? The best builds arent being shared you know.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Rance Webster.2635

Rance Webster.2635

Because of that please post here all your tested builds. Think would be nice for other people, either.

Because you cannot figure out a build on your own,and have to rely on using the builds from other people… ? And therefor thinking,that the people that bost these builds have the best builds..? The best builds arent being shared you know.

Some people aren’t that great when it comes to making their own build XD, I tried to make my own build for the thief… it sucked so much that I could have heard Grenth weeping for me for the amount of times I get killed XD

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


Because of that please post here all your tested builds. Think would be nice for other people, either.

Because you cannot figure out a build on your own,and have to rely on using the builds from other people… ? And therefor thinking,that the people that bost these builds have the best builds..? The best builds arent being shared you know.

Are you kidding me? I asked him because of his great PvP and Tpvp experience. Thats all. If you want to troll, please do this where ever you want but not here.

Grimkram [sS]

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


The title of this thread made me remember this guy… because he just loves hotdogs and objects of similar shape and… well, sometimes, size.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


Because of that please post here all your tested builds. Think would be nice for other people, either.

Because you cannot figure out a build on your own,and have to rely on using the builds from other people… ? And therefor thinking,that the people that bost these builds have the best builds..? The best builds arent being shared you know.

If the “best builds” aren’t being shared, then odds are they aren’t being critically analyzed enough for iterative improvement. I question how long they’ll stay “the best” under the lack of magnification that an elitist microscope has.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


my god. watching him play single handedly made me ignore all those QQ posts on the forum and consider rolling a warrior.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that comfortable with his class

Thanks for the kind words :P
But I’m pretty sure it’s only because I have like 99% of play time on a Warrior XD

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

HOLD IT! Rampage? O_O… I would say “Are you kidding me”, but I am not that great when it comes to making builds (even though my first one when the game launched, turns about to be one of the variations people used for their greatswords pre-patch XD)

Yes, Rampage indeed.

Signet of Rage offers nothing for a Bunker defending point.

Rampage provides the CC you need on point to lock out players who have limited access to stability.

It also SUCKS if the other person has boon steal.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: vapor.5390


HOLD IT! Rampage? O_O… I would say “Are you kidding me”, but I am not that great when it comes to making builds (even though my first one when the game launched, turns about to be one of the variations people used for their greatswords pre-patch XD)

Yes, Rampage indeed.

Signet of Rage offers nothing for a Bunker defending point.

Rampage provides the CC you need on point to lock out players who have limited access to stability.

Yes it does, its still damage buff, buffing offence also buffs defence.
Whereas turning into burning savage makes you mechanical mess.
Not worth of being afraid of one class who most likely have not picked that skill to steal boons.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Because of that please post here all your tested builds. Think would be nice for other people, either.

Because you cannot figure out a build on your own,and have to rely on using the builds from other people… ? And therefor thinking,that the people that bost these builds have the best builds..? The best builds arent being shared you know.

If the “best builds” aren’t being shared, then odds are they aren’t being critically analyzed enough for iterative improvement. I question how long they’ll stay “the best” under the lack of magnification that an elitist microscope has.

Just saying it how it is,you don’t have to agree.I just know for a fact that alot of “good” pvp/wvw players do not like sharing their build when everyone copy’s it ( only sharing it with people i know good and wont be throwing it around on every forum ).You dont need 50 different people to share their opinion on a build to improve it,while a good pvp player doesn’t need any other person besides himself to continue on improving his own build.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I didn’t exactly think he was the best coach in the world during the SOAC profession tournament. He literally told me to “zerk it up” and wouldn’t let any of us use our own builds, then everyone wondered why warriors were the first to drop out of the tournament. It’s just my opinion, but please don’t praise him until you’ve worked one-on-one with him.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


I didn’t exactly think he was the best coach in the world during the SOAC profession tournament. He literally told me to “zerk it up” and wouldn’t let any of us use our own builds, then everyone wondered why warriors were the first to drop out of the tournament. It’s just my opinion, but please don’t praise him until you’ve worked one-on-one with him.

There’s two sides to every story:

-Came home from work 10 minutes after the tournament started.
-Didn’t have my co-coach there (K Pop came late).
-Strat was to run 2 hammer support (tanky), 1 longbow, 2 melee zerker warriors.
-What you (the players) wanted to run:
-> Condi longbow (…)
-> Shout Healing
-> War banners
-> Knights amulet GS builds

When I gave out builds this was the feedback I got
“Maybe we should just play the builds we like to play”
At which point I conceded. Not going to argue with people over builds when we have 5 minutes before a match starts.

Considering we had 10 minutes to get ready, there wasn’t a ton of time to refine things.

Enter Match 1:
-Half the players wouldn’t listen to me as to where to go, what points to take.
-Two specific players would try to do 1v1’s between points (for reasons I don’t understand).
-People wouldn’t fight together and often left others alone.

Match 2
-I pointed out before the match where we lacked (team fights, sticking together).
-One warrior dropped out (had to leave) and we received another GS zerker warrior that performed better.
-Match end results with people being more focused was like 430-500 with almost a lord kill.

I’m sorry that it didn’t go the way you wanted, but for someone who can’t play the game with you guys and only give verbal suggestions, I was edged out on a number of things. So please, don’t come in here and sully my good name because of it.

To top it, at the end of the tourny I offered to sit down with anyone if they’d like and we can talk about builds, strategies etc.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

(edited by Defektive.7283)

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I didn’t exactly think he was the best coach in the world during the SOAC profession tournament. He literally told me to “zerk it up” and wouldn’t let any of us use our own builds, then everyone wondered why warriors were the first to drop out of the tournament. It’s just my opinion, but please don’t praise him until you’ve worked one-on-one with him.

-Came home from work 10 minutes after the tournament started.
-Didn’t have my co-coach there (K Pop came late).
-Strat was to run 2 hammer support (tanky), 1 longbow, 2 melee zerker warriors.
-What you (the players) wanted to run:
->Condi longbow (…)
-> Shout Healing
-> War banners
-> Knights amulet GS builds

When I gave out builds this was the feedback I got
“Maybe we should just play the builds we like to play”
At which point I conceded. Not going to argue with people over builds when we have 5 minutes before a match starts.

Considering we had 10 minutes to get ready, there wasn’t a ton of time to refine things.

Enter the match:
-Half the players wouldn’t listen to me as to where to go, what points to take.
-Two specific players would try to do 1v1’s between points (for reasons I don’t understand).
-People wouldn’t fight together and often left others alone.

I’m sorry that it didn’t go the way you wanted, but for someone who can’t play the game with you guys and only give verbal suggestions, I was edged out on a number of things. So please, don’t come in here and sully my good name because of it.

To top it, at the end of the tourny I offered to sit down with anyone if they’d like and we can talk about builds, strategies etc.

I have no intention of trying. To belittle you in any way. I was simply saying that we shouldn’t be calling you our “overlord” and have my opinion. My condition bunker build is extremely effective and while you may not think that and there wasn’t enough time to plan, there should be at least some trust in the players. That build I was running before I had to change to a greatsword build (I’ve never used greatsword before that tournament) does absolutely fine against rangers despite their signet of renewal, which is what you were so worried about.

In the end I take the fall for us losing as I had to leave for a work emergency right after the second match, and we had no more bench guys. Maybe we can go over my Condi bunker build so that I can prove to people that it’s actually very functional with a lot of sustain, but maybe not.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Granted, but you certainly did not work with me 1v1 or in any serious manner as your OP suggested.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

I have fallen out of favor of the masses. I must stream again.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


I didn’t exactly think he was the best coach in the world during the SOAC profession tournament. He literally told me to “zerk it up” and wouldn’t let any of us use our own builds, then everyone wondered why warriors were the first to drop out of the tournament. It’s just my opinion, but please don’t praise him until you’ve worked one-on-one with him.

Just to throw this out there, correlation doesn’t imply causation. Had you not gone ‘zerk gear, there’s no guaranteeing Warriors wouldn’t have still dropped out of said tournament first.

Also, people are taking this thread way seriously, and it’s boggling my mind. So your experience with one player coaching others on what to do in a tournament was sour. Besides the fact that subjecting yourself to a coach environment and being upset by him telling you what to do doesn’t make much sense (imagine every high school sport that exists, and how players do what the coach says because he’s the coach), it has no bearing on this thread. It isn’t like people are logging on and saying “Oh, guess I have a new master today, better follow him mindlessly”, and you’re saving them from making some sort of terrible life-changing decision. Some are just showing appreciation for contributions made to the Warrior forums that don’t involve “When will you change us, ANet?”

No need to go out looking for other parades to rain on.

EDIT – Also, Defektive’s story made me laugh a hearty laugh. That’s about what I would expect from a group of gamers.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

(edited by Cogbyrn.7283)

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Kaz.9376


Because of that please post here all your tested builds. Think would be nice for other people, either.

Because you cannot figure out a build on your own,and have to rely on using the builds from other people… ? And therefor thinking,that the people that bost these builds have the best builds..? The best builds arent being shared you know.

I doubt this. In pretty much every MMO the highly skilled players like to put up videos/streams with a link to their build, and I don’t see why GW2 would be any different. A secret society of pro players who only give their god-tier builds to friends seems unlikely.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Because of that please post here all your tested builds. Think would be nice for other people, either.

Because you cannot figure out a build on your own,and have to rely on using the builds from other people… ? And therefor thinking,that the people that bost these builds have the best builds..? The best builds arent being shared you know.

I doubt this. In pretty much every MMO the highly skilled players like to put up videos/streams with a link to their build, and I don’t see why GW2 would be any different. A secret society of pro players who only give their god-tier builds to friends seems unlikely.

As unlikely as that sounds, in the NA tPvP scene has a lot of players who hover around a ‘clic’.

They don’t share, they argue, they act childish. It’s unfortunately all to common.

It’s the player base size, there’s not a lot of tPvP players so people are keeping to themselves.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Kaz.9376


Because of that please post here all your tested builds. Think would be nice for other people, either.

Because you cannot figure out a build on your own,and have to rely on using the builds from other people… ? And therefor thinking,that the people that bost these builds have the best builds..? The best builds arent being shared you know.

I doubt this. In pretty much every MMO the highly skilled players like to put up videos/streams with a link to their build, and I don’t see why GW2 would be any different. A secret society of pro players who only give their god-tier builds to friends seems unlikely.

As unlikely as that sounds, in the NA tPvP scene has a lot of players who hover around a ‘clic’.

They don’t share, they argue, they act childish. It’s unfortunately all to common.

It’s the player base size, there’s not a lot of tPvP players so people are keeping to themselves.

I’m not an expert of tPvP by any means, but you’d assume there’s only so much you can do with viable builds in this game when picking a certain role to play in your group.

I just can’t see players inventing builds that are so much better than the one’s that become available to the public by already skilled players. shrug

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Because of that please post here all your tested builds. Think would be nice for other people, either.

Because you cannot figure out a build on your own,and have to rely on using the builds from other people… ? And therefor thinking,that the people that bost these builds have the best builds..? The best builds arent being shared you know.

I doubt this. In pretty much every MMO the highly skilled players like to put up videos/streams with a link to their build, and I don’t see why GW2 would be any different. A secret society of pro players who only give their god-tier builds to friends seems unlikely.

As unlikely as that sounds, in the NA tPvP scene has a lot of players who hover around a ‘clic’.

They don’t share, they argue, they act childish. It’s unfortunately all to common.

It’s the player base size, there’s not a lot of tPvP players so people are keeping to themselves.

I’m not an expert of tPvP by any means, but you’d assume there’s only so much you can do with viable builds in this game when picking a certain role to play in your group.

I just can’t see players inventing builds that are so much better than the one’s that become available to the public by already skilled players. shrug

100% agree.

Most ‘new’ builds are slight changes to existing builds that provide marginal differences.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Granted, but you certainly did not work with me 1v1 or in any serious manner as your OP suggested.

I never said I worked with you 1v1. My intention was to say that I hadn’t just read one of your build posts or watched your twitch and decided that you were amazing. I explained that my perspective was of you as a coach, not as a player. Just because someone is an excellent player doesn’t always mean they can convey that excellence in their teaching, and that’s what I’m trying to get at. I won’t deny that you play the DPS and control roles very well, but there will always be someone better. That person may not have surfaced yet, and that’s why I’m not going to sit here and worship you like some warrior godsend that the OP seems to think.

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Granted, but you certainly did not work with me 1v1 or in any serious manner as your OP suggested.

I never said I worked with you 1v1. My intention was to say that I hadn’t just read one of your build posts or watched your twitch and decided that you were amazing. I explained that my perspective was of you as a coach, not as a player. Just because someone is an excellent player doesn’t always mean they can convey that excellence in their teaching, and that’s what I’m trying to get at. I won’t deny that you play the DPS and control roles very well, but there will always be someone better. That person may not have surfaced yet, and that’s why I’m not going to sit here and worship you like some warrior godsend that the OP seems to think.

..wouldn’t let any of us use our own builds… It’s just my opinion, but please don’t praise him until you’ve worked one-on-one with him.

But to an extent you are correct. There’s always a bigger fish. And I’m not the greatest coach (or player), but thats why this was supposed to be a dual-coach event.

I lose 1v1’s all the time (not because they don’t matter to me, but I like to think I’m better at playing as a team member).

I lose team fights all the time. Who doesn’t?

I’m just a guy with Microsoft Excel 2007, a good computer that can run twitch, and a willingness to sit down with players and dissect builds and strategies. Just like last night when I sat down with a random guy who messaged me for an hour an showed him how to combo effectively.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

(edited by Defektive.7283)

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: manekineko.3490


I appreciate Defektive because he’s used a longbow for ages. (Longbow for liiiiiife.)

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

I am sorry I could not make the event. I was presenting at a conference. I focus more on 1v1 encounters and Defektive was supposed to organize the team fight perspective. I consider him more productive in the team fights then myself.

In terms of builds, we do not want to change your build because we think a build is bad. We just have to think in terms of team composition. For example 5 longbow warriors will not work well together. We have to run different specs to compliment a team. So do not take it as you have to change your build because we don’t like it.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


I am sorry I could not make the event. I was presenting at a conference. I focus more on 1v1 encounters and Defektive was supposed to organize the team fight perspective. I consider him more productive in the team fights then myself.

In terms of builds, we do not want to change your build because we think a build is bad. We just have to think in terms of team composition. For example 5 longbow warriors will not work well together. We have to run different specs to compliment a team. So do not take it as you have to change your build because we don’t like it.

Wasn’t to dog on you babe, work comes first, hence why I was late as well.
Just wish we had more time. But oh well.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


They should allow warriors to chain combos more often like in fighting games. They could be the masters of cc.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


They should allow warriors to chain combos more often like in fighting games. They could be the masters of cc.

Quarter circle forward, staggering blow.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Defektive is our master

in Warrior

Posted by: Expiatus.4210


They should allow warriors to chain combos more often like in fighting games. They could be the masters of cc.

Can you imagine warriors doing a mace upper cut and yelling, “SHORYUKEN!!”

Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.