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This is really sad. Warrior is one of the easiest classes to survive on in full berserker in PvE, if not the easiest. shame on you for suggesting people waste money on unnecessary gear.
He is free to suggest whatever build he wants to. If someone watches the video, likes it and decides to buy Knight gear it is not a shame or waste of money, nor is it any of your business.
You could have gone about expressing your opinion in a decent manner without attacking him.
Oh come on. He is free to suggest whatever build he wants, sure, and since he put it in a public forum I presume he is looking to solicit feedback. The simple fact is the build is really bad and hopefully no one is fooled into spending hard earned gold on it for PvE.
I can understand if someone wants to use different stat prefixes, whatever floats their boat. But to call this build a DPS variant…?
Also… hammer… in PvE…
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Actually, what I think you did was take your pre-existing WvW build, right build down to the sigils, and slapped a “pve” label on it and try to pass it off as some new pve build with zero thought or effort put into it.
I just don’t understand what the point of hammer is. Why do you need to use earthshaker at all?
In PvE very few mobs evade/run away, and hammer is a weapon purely used for cc purposes.
I’m not trying to be unkind I just find your choices to be illogical. Like I said, it’s fine if you want to use tankier stat prefixes because you find it too tough to stay alive. In fact, I encourage that you learn in different setups and work your way up to the best, as that will help some players ease their way into GW2’s combat system!
So I promise you the knight’s gear isn’t what I’m shaking my head at, it’s the sigil choices, the traits, and the hammer as secondary weapon are all just… I dunno, pointless?
What exactly are you doing in PvE that requires earthshakers?
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Hammer itself has an extremely strong auto attack, so it pairs better with the high power stats of the build than something like the Axe which relies on large critical hits to be effective.
Why do you think that hammer works better with power and axe better with crits?
First of all you’re overhyping hammer. It does not have a strong autoattack, it’s actually quite awful. It’s similar to greatsword’s autoattack chain, which is also really slow. Greatsword has horrible autoattacks but the rest of its skills are very good damage-wise. Hammer’s however are not high damage, and like I said are only used for soft + hard cc. If you use it in groups, you can interrupt attacks, yes, but you’re also pushing mobs away making it slower to kill mobs and therefore increasing the amount of opportunities for them to attack. Due to the significantly slower kill times, you will be absorbing more and more damage over time.
Also whether or not you’re critting, axe always has the most efficient autoattack chain. You don’t need to highlight that it’s not optimal for speedrunning either… that part I know, and since you want my feedback I’ll give it.
Ok so for traits, you’re taking defense specialization over arms so you don’t get signet mastery or furious, making your adrenaline accumulate very slowly. You will not maintain berserker’s power as a result.
Additionally, you aren’t taking forceful greatsword which is arguably one of the, if not the best trait(s) warrior has. Sacrificing 10% extra damage with every greatsword attack, along with might accumulation on critical hits with no ICD, along with 20% reduced cooldowns on every GS skill, just for 10% of your power to get converted to vitality… is a pretty huge mistake. You value vitality too much here.
Leeching and hydromancy skills are pointless because if you’re taking tanky traits/equipment then why would you need to leech health? You also have healing signet which is pretty much one of the most OP healing skills in the game, and such high health anyways so this sigil is just a waste when you could be taking things that are way way better and help 100% of the time.
Same thing with hyrodmancy sigil, do you need to chill enemies if they aren’t even moving? The damage loss is huge, and the benefit of chilling mobs for just a second or two is negligible and will not serve any purpose.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I’m not entirely sure the point of the build.
Well, I do but
It feels like you’re trying to force the gs/hammer PvP build into PvE.
Whilst trying to alleviate problems that simply don’t exist in PvE (the problem being the ability to survive) things such as endure pain, stability, they are really not worth while, almost ever. Sure there might be niche uses of them but having them be the default skills on your bar is totally unnecessary.
Miku commented on the traits, aswell as the sigils.
If you need to survive, at most I’d suggest just using the standard meta for Warrior whilst slapping on some Knights, or something along these lines.
Anyway, don’t know why I’m making a comment on it, Miku said everything that needs to be said really about the build.
Mysteriax, i commend you on your goals and intentions….i myself like to experiment with diff builds and when im going solo in open world i do just that i often rock a GS/Hammer or heck even GS Axe/Shield just to mess around in Silverwastes and ORR, but i do that SOLO. Anything works in open world.
However, i will say the Meta Zerker GS Axe/Mace build with Phalanx Strength and Foreful Greatsword is just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than anything that i could come up with that i feel its pretty much a no brainer.
Also the gameplay with GS Axe/Mace is not boring for me. I do change my armor/sigils because frankly i dont want to buy/make multiple sets of zerker weapons for WvW/PVE etc and i dont do speedruns so its not a big deal.
But i def agree that a hammer in dungeons (on a warrior) is definitely hurting your DPS and the team.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
My original intention was to create a warrior build that didn’t strictly follow the meta but was able to perform effectively in dungeons.
Personally I would like to see more variety in builds for each class but it’s hard to rationalise much change because alot of what there is to offer in the ways of different traits and utils just isn’t very relevant to what’s needed in dungeons.
(edited by J Eberle.9312)
My original intention was to create a warrior build that didn’t strictly follow the meta but was able to perform effectively in dungeons.
Personally I would like to see more variety in builds for each class but it’s hard to rationalise much change because alot of what there is to offer in the ways of different traits and utils just isn’t very relevant to what’s needed in dungeons.
Unfortunately due to the specializations variety is pretty much out of the question as far as traits are concerned. We have way fewer options now so most builds will inevitably use the same traits in most cases, with a few exceptions.
My original intention was to create a warrior build that didn’t strictly follow the meta but was able to perform effectively in dungeons.
Personally I would like to see more variety in builds for each class but it’s hard to rationalise much change because alot of what there is to offer in the ways of different traits and utils just isn’t very relevant to what’s needed in dungeons.
Unfortunately due to the specializations variety is pretty much out of the question as far as traits are concerned. We have way fewer options now so most builds will inevitably use the same traits in most cases, with a few exceptions.
Yes with only 3 choices per slot now and no possibility of slotting an adept in a master slot or master in GM slot, the only variations are likely to be rune/sigil/armor choices.
Welcome to Dumb Wars 2
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "