Did warrior get buffed for running away?

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Simple answer is no no buffs to mobility. Warrior can not out run a thief unless they run S/X in both weapon sets.

For any warrior who think they are the ultra mobile elite.a a good thief will have shadowstep and bow or dagger. Factually if a thief just want to keep up with you its entirely possible because they have the gap closing mobility to do it no matter your set. There is no way around it. If you ran fro ma thief and got OOC the thief either blew their cool downs and you didn’t or they simply sucked.

While Warriors need Sword and GS with perma swiftness to outrun a thief, they can very much do so.


Bull’s Charge = 900 Rush 1,200 Savage Leap = 900 Whirlwind Attack =450

Total distance = 3,450
Total application time = 4 seconds

Shadowstep = 1.200 steal = 900 Infiltrator’s Arrow x 2= 1,800

Total distance = 3,900
Total activation time = Anywhere from 1 second to to 3 seconds Fast cast ground target could theoretically make it nearly instantaneous.

This is all assuming the thief doesn’t have any initiative traits. If he has base of 15 instead of 12 then you can get a Infiltrator’s Strike or a Heartseeker for an extra 600 or 450 range respectively. Even then at base iniative rechange of 1.33 seconds per point you could still get either one of these moves off in the time it takes for the warrior to complete his running way combo. CD reduction on warrior skills on GS would not effect the sprint portion of catching up.

Also note this does not factor in Infiltrator’s Signet, Roll for Initiative, Withdraw, and Scorpion Wire Wire acting as additional movement skills and gap closers. And does not factor in the use of Sprint for warrior.

All of warriors movement abilitys besides sword leap go further than what is said on the tool tip while the warrior has swiftness on. I wouldn’t say it’s exactly 33% further, but it is significant

Read my last 2 post. If you substitute HS for IS there is no advantage having swiftness up. Even so remember if using IS then the thief is using SB which means they do not have to be in melee to keep up with you. I will say it again if a thief wants to catch you they will.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

(edited by TheGuy.3568)

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Shortbow isn’t that good for chasing when you have comrades. I always stick to S/D and try to apply constant cripple which works 90% of the time since most people don’t run anti conditions and the constant cripple will allow the rest of the zerg to catch up and murder him. Shortbow won’t be able to kill any competent warrior and will just drag out the inevitable. There isn’t any cripples on the shortbow so that’s why I don’t like using it.

For S/D, you only need to remain in 900m range as well to apply the cripple. Obviously the warrior(s) in question was almost immune to it or used something like shield stance. Either way, they were quite skilled at running and timed their dodges skillfully. In fact, the build I was using is quite good at catching people. (3 shadow steps, spammable cripple, 25% movement signet, swiftness on dodge, sword #2 immobilize + panic strike 4s immobilize on HP < 50% which is insta death usually)

All is vain.

(edited by Excalibur.9748)

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: Uncle Shags.9017

Uncle Shags.9017

You have a lot to say but you back it up with 0 math so your point was? I am right deal with it.

Whirlwind: 8s cd 450range=56range/s
Rush: 16s cd 1200range=75r/s
Leap: 8s cd 900range=112r/s
Bullrush: 40s cd 600range=15r/s
Total: 258r/s + 33% speed

Shadow Step: 50s cd 1200range=24r/s
Infiltrator Signet: 30s cd 900range=30r/s
Infiltrator’s Arrow or HS: 8s cd (based on 1.33i/s) 900 range=112r/s
Steal: 28s cd 900 range=32r/s
Total: 198r/s + 25% speed

What’s my point? Clear from the first post I thought. After the warrior shrugs off the thief’s initial catch the warrior’s cds are up much more quickly, allowing the warrior to break away. And if the warrior is starting with a decent lead the thief will never catch up.

Uncle Shags: The Barely Competent

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I can’t believe duration reduction stacking hasn’t been changed yet. I’d have thought even a 10 year old would be smart enough not to program it that way. Guess not.

Duration increasing works the exact same way…

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


You have a lot to say but you back it up with 0 math so your point was? I am right deal with it.

Whirlwind: 8s cd 450range=56range/s
Rush: 16s cd 1200range=75r/s
Leap: 8s cd 900range=112r/s
Bullrush: 40s cd 600range=15r/s
Total: 258r/s + 33% speed

Shadow Step: 50s cd 1200range=24r/s
Infiltrator Signet: 30s cd 900range=30r/s
Infiltrator’s Arrow or HS: 8s cd (based on 1.33i/s) 900 range=112r/s
Steal: 28s cd 900 range=32r/s
Total: 198r/s + 25% speed

What’s my point? Clear from the first post I thought. After the warrior shrugs off the thief’s initial catch the warrior’s cds are up much more quickly, allowing the warrior to break away. And if the warrior is starting with a decent lead the thief will never catch up.

Read my three previous post before you go applying perma swiftness and cd reductions for warrior without applying initiative management for thief. It is a little disgusting to go over this over and over. Lets not even get into boon stealing an removing swiftness all together. You are using a very specific set up in your example that is for optimized mobility use the same for thief then we can talk. Understand?

About your lead. If any class with decent mobility has a lead and access to reverse camera CC ranged stuns or a low CD movement weapon they might not get caught. A wide enough gaps leads 2 things. Getting OOC which allows you to port. And the capability to simply sprint out of LOS. Even on engineer I could do this wit rocket boots supply drop and nades and CC on the run until I have a large enough gap to get OOC. Or ele I could do this and just get FGS get out of combat and port. Any class can do that because the gap was large enough in the first place that simply porting was an option. The funny thing is the most likely class to close the gap quick enough to stop your retreat is still thief.

A little piece of advice. You have to no matter what in a comparison of mobility include travel times/skill activation times. They factor. The first time I posted on this issue it was points out out to me that travel skills besides port are not instantaneous. You /s second math is off due to the fact that the warrior is not moving over this distances in a an instant. The thief is literally moving faster once he starts of shadow stepping. It is completely possible for thief to catch up to you before you finish your entire chain of skills. Once again this is all still assuming you do not get basilisk venom, crippled, on you or boon robbed in the process of activation.

You also concede in your example that thief will catch the warrior in the sprint.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


I think more warriors are running sword now that axe got hit with that Damage nerf..

Wait, axe didn’t get hit with a damage nerf….?

People are talking about how they balanced the damage on the auto-attack chain so that it’s roughly 25% on Chop, 25% on Double Chop and 50% on Triple Chop.

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: Uncle Shags.9017

Uncle Shags.9017

It seems like your thief, you’re a bit slow. I’ll make it easy for you. Go race a GS Sw/Wh warrior from S camp to SE camp. You’ll lose.

Uncle Shags: The Barely Competent

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I think more warriors are running sword now that axe got hit with that Damage nerf..

Wait, axe didn’t get hit with a damage nerf….?

People are talking about how they balanced the damage on the auto-attack chain so that it’s roughly 25% on Chop, 25% on Double Chop and 50% on Triple Chop.

but gl actually landing triple chop on somebody…

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


I think more warriors are running sword now that axe got hit with that Damage nerf..

Wait, axe didn’t get hit with a damage nerf….?

People are talking about how they balanced the damage on the auto-attack chain so that it’s roughly 25% on Chop, 25% on Double Chop and 50% on Triple Chop.

but gl actually landing triple chop on somebody…

In addition they moved berserker power and heightened focus which affected sustained damage the most, I.e. the axe auto attack chain.


Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Berserker stance doubling should be a nice buff too. Just saw a warrior get away from a zerg of 15+ with a commander all chasing. Got away without a scratch almost.

Is warrior mobility being underestimated?

All is vain.

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


Berserker stance doubling should be a nice buff too. Just saw a warrior get away from a zerg of 15+ with a commander all chasing. Got away without a scratch almost.

Is warrior mobility being underestimated?

I think pretty much anybody knows that Warrior is fast. Not as fast as Thief or Ele, but he’s fast enough.

The problem is that big escapes rely on Rush and if you have Cripple and/or Chill on yourself then Rush is barely going to move you.

Did warrior get buffed for running away?

in Warrior

Posted by: wish.1027


Well I wasn’t running D/P so I didn’t have a spammable shadowstep.

Doesn’t matter what you’re playing. You still have more mobility than anyone in the game.

What were you playing? MH sword? You have a teleport with an immobilize and no cooldown.

MH D? Then you were playing D/P. Were you playing D/D? Bad thief. No reason to play D/D when D/P is superior at roughly everything. Even so Heartseeker is a hell of a chaser.

What was in your offhand? Not a shortbow? Bad thief.

What were your utilities? Infiltrator’s signet? Shadowstep? Why not? If you were an evasion thief you should be using the former. If you weren’t you should be using the later. You should also be using 50% movement speed on stealth if you’re a stealth thief. No one else can get 50% MS.

Was your steal on cooldown? What about traits?


I guess you get a pass if you blew all of your cooldowns on some other kill/fight, and he didn’t… At which point, I guess, if you have a lower mobility setup, he (or anyone else really) could get away…

I would like to respond to this and say that any thief worth a crap knows not to spam all their ini/cooldowns to chase people. Especially not a warrior, 1 CC from a warrior while you have nothing is all it takes to die. It’s annoying that they can run from you, but once you notice they have melandru/lemongrass and are running, its best to simply go the opposite direction and laugh at them.

Jade Quarry Warrior Strike Force [SF]
w/ an alt Thief and Guardian.
Math is your friend.