I would love to hear everyone’s oppinion on how they use their 2nd Weapon set next to their Greatsword. My goal is maximum DPS.
How I see it:
1: Axe-Mace
Great direct damage, 2 vulnerability skills (8 stacks of vuln), knockdown & cripple for CC, Eviscerate (Especially nice with Burst Crit Trait or Intelligence Sigil), “Dual-Wield” trait (5% damage on offhand wielding a sword/mace/axe)
2: Axe- Warhorn
Great direct damage, a vulnerability skill (4 stacks of vuln), cripple for CC, Swiftness-Weakness and Vigour for survivability.
I place this second because the only way a warhorn is equally/more viable is when you have traited “Cull the Weak” (+5%Dmg vs Weakened targets) and “Quick Breathing” (Warhorn skills convert condi to boon). You lack the extra 4 stacks of vulnerability on warhorn, so you NEED Cull the Weak or lose a lot of DPS. Also warhorn doesn’t pop “Dual-Wield” which will make you lose 5% damage on your 2nd set anyway. The only real upside I see to warhorn over mace is the blast finisher and better survivability. But the lower DPS makes it fall to 2nd place imo.
3: Sword – Mace
Decent mobility with leap, fast autoattacks (goes well with on crit sigils), Very good CC with cripple, knockdown + AoE Immobilize (Burst skill), a vulnerability skill (4 stacks of vuln), “Dual-wield”, Final Thrust.
DPS-wise probably even better than the Axe/Warhorn combo, although what you gain in mobility and CC you lose in burst skills with sword. The only skill you can use to REALLY hurt your enemy with this setup is with Final Thrust, and that’s only when your enemy is under 50% health. Bleeds are not that great in zerker builds, which makes the burst skill and autoattack less viable than those of an Axe. You lack 4 stacks of vulnerability vs. the Axe/Mace setup, which means 4% less damage on your target.
4: Sword – Warhorn
Very good mobility with leap&swiftness, fast autoattacks (goes well with on crit sigils), decent CC with cripple + AoE Immobilize (Burst skill), Swiftness-Weakness and Vigour for survivability, Final Thrust.
I place this fourth because bleeds are not that great in zerker builds, which makes the burst skill and autoattack less viable than those of an Axe. You lack 8 stacks of vulnerability, which means 8% less damage on your target, warhorn doesn’t pop “Dual-Wield” so that makes you lose another 5% damage on your 2nd set. Final Thrust(FT) is your Awesomesauce Sword skill, but is less usefull than Eviscerate imo. This is because the high end damage is only dealt when your target is below 50% health on FT. All the downsides of a warhorn over a mace I explained before go here as well. Therefore I wouldn’t use this combo.
Sure, use it in ranged fights. Other than that you will not dish out the same DPS ranged than you would do in melee with the top 4 listed above.
Sets I don’t even hold in account
Other – Axe: Offhand axe is bad in my oppinion. You can get Fury from so many other skills and the Axe 5 skill makes you unable to use other attacks for a while, and the damage that you deal is not even that impressive.
Other – Sword: Condition build? Sure. But bleeds and torment have nothing to do with a zerker build. You’ll just lose too much DPS compared.
Hammer: Just too slow, Hammer has no actual super burst skill like Eviscerate or Final Thrust. You’d need a very lucky crit to even get near those 2 skills. Maybe by wasting 2 trait slots for “Cull the Weak” AND “Merciless Hammer” (+20% Hammer damage on disabled target") you might get close.
Longbow: Again too many conditions for a zerker build. Also less DPS than a Rifle in ranged fights.
Other – Shield: Stuns and Blocks don’t make you deal more DPS
Mace – Other: Mace is like a small hammer. Just too slow for me DPS wise. Also a block, stun and daze will not make you deal more DPS.