Dissapointed in wvwvw
What weapon sets do you use?
Glass cannon warrior, perhaps? A little toughness goes a long way.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Glass cannon warrior, perhaps? A little toughness goes a long way.
Doesn’t solve the vulnerability to movement impairing conditions. It’s a bit like Mesmers who are kinda forced to use runes of Centaur or Air to get decent movement speed, Warrior can laugh at conditions with Soldier runes and Shout utilities, but it takes it’s toll.
Warrior is a difficult class to play effectively in WvW with so many conditions being thrown around. It will eventually get balance but at the moment we are I little on the weak side. Sure we have great burst damage but that don’t mean much on prolonged skirmishes cause our supposedly strong bodies are like wet toilet paper when conditions get applied and reapplied and reapplied.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
Weird that the best guilds run mainly warrior/guardian specs with some eles, mesmers and necros
Warrior is great in WvW, one of the stronger classes. PvP is an other story…
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
Weird that the best guilds run mainly warrior/guardian specs with some eles, mesmers and necros
Warrior is great in WvW, one of the stronger classes. PvP is an other story…
WvW Warriors running within an organized guild are a different story precisely because the team is covering it’s weaknesses. Just like in a dungeon, the only reason you can stay in melee dealing high DPS is because the Guardian beside you is keeping you alive. PUG WvW Warriors on the other hand have a really hard time when roaming solo or with a poorly organized group.
Maybe, I should have mentioned the team aspect. I was describing warriors from the solo perspective and we do suck at solo compared to other classes although we are not the worst. When part the of coordinated team the warrior does kick kitten. When you pair our burst with condition from necro and mesmer along with boons from the guardians we apply a lot of hurt.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
I’m not sure how a Warrior manages to lose to a Guardian and Necro.
If things get bad we can simply disengage from both of those classes and they can’t reach us.
The problem is WvW Warriors are mostly composed of baddies on cheesy builds such as Killshot, so you get the feel they are easy targets.
Any decent Warrior will kite a Guardian’s cooldowns/boons then kill him easily, and vs Necros it’s just a little bit trickier.
Use the condition duration reduction food. It gets factored in after all enemy duration addition stats, so is considerably more powerful.
Doesn’t solve the vulnerability to movement impairing conditions.
Actually, I’ve just been having a really great time in WvW on my Warrior because I’ve developed a build that specifically excels at resisting/removing movement impairments, and is IMO the most mobile build in the game. Sword/Warhorn and Greatsword gives 3 speed burst movement skills, add in bull’s charge, permanent swiftness and effective condition removal with the Warhorn trait, and most importantly the trait that breaks immobilize with movement skills, and you have an unstoppable running machine.
I use him to run supply, take down dolyaks, sentries, supply camps and players by dashing in and out of combat whenever I want (to heal up to full if needed, with the enemy players still suffering from bleeds). Not only can no one catch him, no one can run away .
(edited by Boottspurr.9184)
Hate to break it to ya, but if you are playing any kinda pvp then warrior isn’t the class for you. You will just be frustrated at how every other class in the hands of an equally or worse skilled player will trump you. Its currently the weakest on 1v1 or 1v2 of any class. Till Anet applies the upcoming changes -which judging by the timeline for the useless nerfing to thieves, it will take a few months-.
Keeping that in mind:
If you’re going solo in WvW -many if not all classes will trump you if properly built and geared with semi-decent players-:
GS+Axe/shield. 0/20/30/0/20, full zerker. Someone posted their build with videos on the forums on Guru. He gets all the credit. I tried it for a bit of time and it is a lot of fun. Obviously you blow against OP classes played by semi-decent players.
Great for getting away from zergs. Couple it with sword/warhorn from your bag when traveling and every class has trouble chasing you, almost.
Good mobility, dmg mitigation with shield 5.
Burst is 100b and using GS3 before 100b finishes, quickly switch to axe shield then either shield 4 then burst or burst axe right away. Most people have a hard time coming back from it.
bulls charge, shake it off and endure pain.
Requires a bit of smart play but is balanced.
Need food buffs to compliment it.
You aren’t squishy
No frenzy involved.
Good escape from snares.
Good damage mitigation.
Great burst.
Ok mitigation of conditions.
Good for downed targets: 100b and GS 3 on downed people to kill them without risking a lengthy stomp.
No chain CC. Gotta rely on smart timing to take down better classes and even then meh.
No good sustained aoe dps/cc.
No frenzy stomping.
Good gap closer.
For group runs:
Axe/mace and hammer
0/30/30/10/0 (10 is optional)
Gear is a mix of knight and valk with zerker jewlery and weapons. If you are going full zerker make sure you don’t go in 1st unless you have endure pain OP.
Frenzy, bulls and endure pain. You get another frenzy when opponent is 25% health for a total of 8-9 seconds frenzy. Yes I know its nerfed but you unload mace 5, switch to hammer and chain cc.
the 10 is to get immobilze on snares i.e. your number 3 on axe and hammer. Good since it basically is a stun for 1 second as far as the opponent is concerned.
Problems: No stability or condition removal. Overcome this by guardian in group for stability and condition reduction runes and food. You get a total of 60% condition duration reduction.
It basically relies on the party to give you stability and condition removal while you apply AOE damage with axe and AOE CC with mace and hammer. Very good in a nice group.
Good for applying pressure on a single target with chain cc. Thus good for farming PVErs..I mean..WvWers..
Heavy group dps and AOE/ chain CC. With group support, I often find my long frenzy going well into hitting the downed players. You also have a bit of toughness from the gear with 2 endure pains -the reactive one is 2seconds i think, bugged-.
Frenzy stomping.
Opportunistic or group reliant.
No escapes. Rely on party.
One trick pony if you are solo. You burn through your abilities and one stun break can screw you up.
Bad gap closer
Bad against conditions. Overcome this by food+ runes. Rely on party.
No stability. Rely on party.
Bad against classes with good stability: Ranger. Switch targets or your group necro can rip it off him.
(edited by XII.9401)
For solo roamng on Warrior you kind of have to take certain weapon sets to get the mobility or disengage quickly. Compared to thief that gets mobility in the and stealth(though a few sets have some i.e. dagger and heartseeker, bow) Warrior doesnt really have much for mobility in its utilities except bullscharge. If your looking to solo roam on warrior you can do it you just have to get a feel about what fights you can jump into vs a certain class.
Agree with OP that movement condis are the crux of warriors atm but it is getting addressed. You can read the devs post in the sPvP thread in this forum. My guess is a buff to SIO. Right now I run Sig of Stamina and it pretty much gets the job done but I also run sig mastery if I didnt have sig mastery I think I would kind of be forced into a shout build. You can run resorative strength also to help with those specific condi’s that impair movement. I don’t run Shake it Off cause well its 1 condi o.O
For solo roamng on Warrior you kind of have to take certain weapon sets to get the mobility or disengage quickly. Compared to thief that gets mobility in the and stealth(though a few sets have some i.e. dagger and heartseeker, bow) Warrior doesnt really have much for mobility in its utilities except bullscharge. If your looking to solo roam on warrior you can do it you just have to get a feel about what fights you can jump into vs a certain class.
Agree with OP that movement condis are the crux of warriors atm but it is getting addressed. You can read the devs post in the sPvP thread in this forum. My guess is a buff to SIO. Right now I run Sig of Stamina and it pretty much gets the job done but I also run sig mastery if I didnt have sig mastery I think I would kind of be forced into a shout build. You can run resorative strength also to help with those specific condi’s that impair movement. I don’t run Shake it Off cause well its 1 condi o.O
Get ready to run away.
Pick the fights your guranteed to win: lowbies or someone who is almost dead.
Roll another class till they fix the warrior in 6-8months time.
Unlike every other class in the game, Glass cannon is not viable since you can’t mitigate damage or get rid of conditions/snares well. Tanky isn’t because you won’t be able to kill a good player in a timely manner. Eventually youl be zerged while stretching a long pointless tanky fight.
Every other class in the game can get away with being a glass cannon with good escape mechanims/dmg mitigation or tanky with good damage output.
Currently warriors are neither of the above. Sugar coat is as much as you like but you can achieve twice as good results with half the efforts in other classes.
(edited by XII.9401)
Glass cannon warrior, perhaps? A little toughness goes a long way.
A little toughness does nothing, your better off as a glass cannon.
I know it must be cool to be negative, guys – and you all do have good points, Warriors need some help… But again, all I can tell you is that I’ve really been having a great time in WvW with the mobile build I mentioned. No, it’s not OP, but it’s effective and dominant in the hands of a smart player. More importantly for me, it really is ridiculously fun!
Add in the fact that it has the same trait point distribution as a high damage rifle/longbow banner burst base defense build I thought up, gives it role versatility after a quick change out of combat.
Try running a ranger in WvW. Or don’t because as a player who’s had one since near launch I can say that ranger’s currently are lacking in many aspects including their ability to add to a team. Been trying warrior in WvW and it is nice to actually be able to pump out big numbers consistently from range without having my dps nerfed by a nearly always dead pet that dies to the slightest aoe concentration.
i feel your pain zox, i tried a lv80 ranger in WvW and had to put it down in disgust. i have several guild mates that love it and do extremely well. but i just feel that compared to a warrior rangers don’t do much of anything other then provide a waterfield.
that said i’ve fought many bunker rangers who where nearly unkillable, but because of the nature of WvW there is no point in fighting them because i don’t need to, plenty of open space to just go around them (not like a ranger could catch a warrior anyway)
Try running a ranger in WvW. Or don’t because as a player who’s had one since near launch I can say that ranger’s currently are lacking in many aspects including their ability to add to a team. Been trying warrior in WvW and it is nice to actually be able to pump out big numbers consistently from range without having my dps nerfed by a nearly always dead pet that dies to the slightest aoe concentration.
What pray tell are Rangers Lacking? And please list it and make sure to have a straight face.
I main my warrior in WvW…roam with GS / LB….have 0 issues
maybe its just not your playstyle