Do Warriors Have Bunker Builds?
The support that you bring to your team is a going to be generally healing like regen from the banner trait or shout heals as opposed to the boon support that some classes like guard’s can bring.
You can tick a good amount of healing on your party if you want to, but other classes do it better. So, I think the idea is to let the warrior do what it does best (damage) and let other classes take the support role if they want to.
i’ve tried doing the bunker warrior in WvW, and to make a long long story incredibly short, warriors don’t bunker.
that’s not to say that there aren’t incredibly talented people who have found a way to bunker on warrior, but those people would be better doing it on any other class.
warriors do damage, we have some incredible utilities, but damage is our main thing.
As I understand it the bunker is really a role in tPvP. the problem with the warrior is still the limited access to condi cleanses and heals (which will hopefully change with the next balance patch). The closest I got to a viable cc bunker build are these:
Hammer/mace/shield with cleric ammy and soldier runes
Hammer/mace/shield with Valkyrie ammy and soldier runes.
With the clerics you get a little more than 2k with each shout (you have 3) and the maximum from healing surge (using both shouts before healing surge ensures higher adrenaline and thus a better heal). I found the damage is pretty weak though, albeit the cc can make a difference.
I prefer the Valkyrie version, since it gives you noticeably more damage and crit damage while your shouts still heal more than 1.6k and healing surge is almost as good.
Having said all that with the current (im)balance you’re still not as good a bunker as other classes unfortunately, but we can dream.
I doubt either of these builds (or any other bunker build for that matter) would translate well to WvW or PvE, but who knows. Hope this helps.
No they cannot bunker. They don’t have any good condi removal, protection, or source of sustain. Its better to go all DPS.
That’s disappointing. Thanks for the replies everyone. I’m still having an enjoyable time using the rifle to snipe enemies. Guess I’ll just jump on the band wagon!
Can’t bunker without protection.
Warrior can bunker really well. So good even that you can completely ignore 2 thiefs attacking you. They can clean of tons of conditions and heal their team for a decent amount. Only problem is, there are only a few builds vailable to do this. And you got to be a good player. Timing your shouts and warhorn skills really well to get the best benefit out of it. You can have a pretty good protection and regen uptime with if it if you do it well.
And your damage will still be high enough to not be ignored. Full PVT still gives a lot of power and you got 100% fury uptime. Combine it with the right food and you still be able to dish out enough damage to kill your enemies. So yea, because warrior hits like a truck, you can go full defensive.
Never ever go full zerker in WvW, those are laughable warriors. People see them as walking loot bags. Bunker is the way. And believe me, I tried all build. I have full exotic armor sets on my warrior, all weapons in many different stats and a great deal of exotic and ascended jewelery. I am nearing the 100 exotics mark now ^^.
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Bunker is mostly a term that is used for sPvP in terms of their ability to hold capture points very well through a combination of boon generation, condition removal, tankiness, sustainability, CC as well as damage that will eventually cause the opponent to die if they try to engage the bunker for too long.
Can warriors I guess “bunker” in WvW? The answer would be for the most part yes because they can achieve very high HP and toughness, hammer is probably the best CC wep in the game on the warrior, you can stack condition reduction very well, use shout heals if you want, etc.
Can they bunker in sPvP? The answer is absolutely not. At least 4 other classes I can name can bunker in sPvP better than a warrior. They just don’t have the boon generation, sustainability and reliable damage output to do it if you go that build.
To me though Guardians do it much better. They have a lot of boon generation, heals, retaliation and burns for some great damage, CC, lots of blocks, etc.
A bunker guardian also outdamages a bunker warrior by far due to the combination of their symbols, retaliation and burns. At least when sPvP is concerned.
Bunker is mostly a term that is used for sPvP in terms of their ability to hold capture points very well through a combination of boon generation, condition removal, tankiness, sustainability, CC as well as damage that will eventually cause the opponent to die if they try to engage the bunker for too long.
Can warriors I guess “bunker” in WvW? The answer would be for the most part yes because they can achieve very high HP and toughness, hammer is probably the best CC wep in the game on the warrior, you can stack condition reduction very well, use shout heals if you want, etc.
Can they bunker in sPvP? The answer is absolutely not. At least 4 other classes I can name can bunker in sPvP better than a warrior. They just don’t have the boon generation, sustainability and reliable damage output to do it if you go that build.
To me though Guardians do it much better. They have a lot of boon generation, heals, retaliation and burns for some great damage, CC, lots of blocks, etc.
A bunker guardian also outdamages a bunker warrior by far due to the combination of their symbols, retaliation and burns. At least when sPvP is concerned.
Agree with this, warrior is in a terrible position in sPvP. But it is hard to balance them in sPvP without making them plain OP in WvW.
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Warrior can bunker really well. So good even that you can completely ignore 2 thiefs attacking you. They can clean of tons of conditions and heal their team for a decent amount. Only problem is, there are only a few builds vailable to do this. And you got to be a good player. Timing your shouts and warhorn skills really well to get the best benefit out of it. You can have a pretty good protection and regen uptime with if it if you do it well.
And your damage will still be high enough to not be ignored. Full PVT still gives a lot of power and you got 100% fury uptime. Combine it with the right food and you still be able to dish out enough damage to kill your enemies. So yea, because warrior hits like a truck, you can go full defensive.
Never ever go full zerker in WvW, those are laughable warriors. People see them as walking loot bags. Bunker is the way
. And believe me, I tried all build. I have full exotic armor sets on my warrior, all weapons in many different stats and a great deal of exotic and ascended jewelery. I am nearing the 100 exotics mark now ^^.
Even though everything you said is wrong, would you please post the few viable builds you mention in your first paragraph.
Warrior can bunker really well. So good even that you can completely ignore 2 thiefs attacking you. They can clean of tons of conditions and heal their team for a decent amount. Only problem is, there are only a few builds vailable to do this. And you got to be a good player. Timing your shouts and warhorn skills really well to get the best benefit out of it. You can have a pretty good protection and regen uptime with if it if you do it well.
And your damage will still be high enough to not be ignored. Full PVT still gives a lot of power and you got 100% fury uptime. Combine it with the right food and you still be able to dish out enough damage to kill your enemies. So yea, because warrior hits like a truck, you can go full defensive.
Never ever go full zerker in WvW, those are laughable warriors. People see them as walking loot bags. Bunker is the way
. And believe me, I tried all build. I have full exotic armor sets on my warrior, all weapons in many different stats and a great deal of exotic and ascended jewelery. I am nearing the 100 exotics mark now ^^.
Even though everything you said is wrong, would you please post the few viable builds you mention in your first paragraph.
Could you point me the things that are wrong? So I can explain why I believe they are right?
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Best golem driver EU
Post the viable builds you mention in your first paragraph please. After that I will dissect your post.
Delete warrior.
Make guardian.
Sorry, couldn’t help myself
Post the viable builds you mention in your first paragraph please. After that I will dissect your post.
Ok, I’ll give you a standard impression of something you already know, but refuse to accept. Note: I kept it very basic.
Now dissect my post, and please don’t talk about sPvP. I have nothing ot do with sPvP or tPvP.
ps.: my build is a variation on this, with ascended trinkets. I kept some things out, because everything needs a personal touch ^^.
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Best golem driver EU
Just one shout build? You said there were a few viable builds in your first post does few mean only one?
I don’t know about other people but I would appreciate it if you used a decent build site like if you don’t mind.
Shout build is kind of horrible, why not just play a guardian? Better healing/much better damage/much better sustain+support.
Just one shout build? You said there were a few viable builds in your first post does few mean only one?
I don’t know about other people but I would appreciate it if you used a decent build site like if you don’t mind.
What is wrong with this one? You have problems with coping with change? I like that site, I needs an update tho. But it is accurate, clean and not heavy to load.
As you can see I left some things out. Those can be variated. I never said the variations where very big. I know some good warriors going 0-0-20-30-20 aswel. For the faster weapon swap and root break. But don’t really see the need for it if you don’t run greatsword. I just gave you the build I like the most. Some people like to set up their traits a bit different aswel. Like 20% shout cd reduction which is significant for the ‘fear’. But you lose a lot of condition removal with it. So I don’t like that trait so much. But again, everyone his own choice.
Still waiting for your dissection tho.
ps.: yea I know, if there is another significant balance change and the site ain’t getting update. It wont be accurate anymore and I will stop using it. But I still prefer it over the rest.
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Best golem driver EU
I just want to see the viable builds you mentioned in the first paragraph of your 1st post since you didn’t post them there.
Still waiting for those builds.
I just want to see the viable builds you mentioned in the first paragraph of your 1st post since you didn’t post them there.
Still waiting for those builds.
I gave you those builds, if you don’t dissect my post, I am going to assume you got nothing on me. Which I already did actually. But as I said before, to another one that didn’t want to point me at my wrongs, enjoy dieing <3.
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Best golem driver EU
Guardians will never have the kind of damage a warrior can dish out, but they kitten sure can get up there
Guardians will never have the kind of damage a warrior can dish out, but they kitten sure can get up there
Berserker Guardian out DPSes Warrior in PVP…
I just want to see the viable builds you mentioned in the first paragraph of your 1st post since you didn’t post them there.
Still waiting for those builds.
I gave you those builds, if you don’t dissect my post, I am going to assume you got nothing on me. Which I already did actually. But as I said before, to another one that didn’t want to point me at my wrongs, enjoy dieing
But you only posted one build? AmI missing something? I’ll go back and reread everything just to be sure.
I just want to see the viable builds you mentioned in the first paragraph of your 1st post since you didn’t post them there.
Still waiting for those builds.
I gave you those builds, if you don’t dissect my post, I am going to assume you got nothing on me. Which I already did actually. But as I said before, to another one that didn’t want to point me at my wrongs, enjoy dieing
But you only posted one build? AmI missing something? I’ll go back and reread everything just to be sure.
You do that, I used words to explain the others. Buildsites ain’t everything.
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I only see that funky pvt gear shout build you posted.
I only see that funky pvt gear shout build you posted.
yea, you can variate that build. Because it is the only viable one in GvG or ZvZ. Condition build is nice at defending, but never liked the bow, so didn’t test that one enough to test it’s viability. Still got all the armor and trinkets for it, so mught pick it up again and polish it. But it also is a shout/heal build, just specced for conditions, so have to dissapoint you there.
Now dissect, you had time enough now to come up with things. Or are you ging to dissapear just like that other guy, wihtout replying ever again….
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Best golem driver EU
Even though I think you’ve been really dishonest with how you’ve replied to me and kind of rude.
I’ll show you why you’re wrong with what you first posted.
Warrior can bunker really well. So good even that you can completely ignore 2 thiefs attacking you. They can clean of tons of conditions and heal their team for a decent amount. Only problem is, there are only a few builds vailable to do this. And you got to be a good player. Timing your shouts and warhorn skills really well to get the best benefit out of it. You can have a pretty good protection and regen uptime with if it if you do it well.
And your damage will still be high enough to not be ignored. Full PVT still gives a lot of power and you got 100% fury uptime. Combine it with the right food and you still be able to dish out enough damage to kill your enemies. So yea, because warrior hits like a truck, you can go full defensive.
Never ever go full zerker in WvW, those are laughable warriors. People see them as walking loot bags. Bunker is the way. And believe me, I tried all build. I have full exotic armor sets on my warrior, all weapons in many different stats and a great deal of exotic and ascended jewelery. I am nearing the 100 exotics mark now ^^.
Warriors do not bunker it’s just wrong to say that because warriors have very bad access to protection you mention they have pretty good access to protection but that’s not true. Warriors need to run a master trait in the Tactic’s line that converts a random condition to a boon and that condition needs to be vulnerability. The warhorn also has a 20 second cooldown 16 when traited. It’s counter intuitive to wait for a specific condition and then hope that rng converts vulnerability into protection.
PVT gear also puts you on the low end of the damage spectrum a place where warriors cannot afford to be. Clerics is a much better choice to supplement going deep into tactics and defense. Running the PvE shouts even in WvW is a very bad idea and severly gimping yourself and the people around you. The healing from the Grandmaster Tactic Vigorous Shouts is too small even in clerics gear which it seems you don’t even run.
With PVT gear who cares that you have 100% fury uptime you do such pitiful damage the Fury boon has no significance in the build.
I don’t think you’ve tried many builds if you still tout a shout build for wvw 10 months after release of this game.
Here’s a decent small group/zerg hammer build that doesn’t suck. It works the best with at least 2 phantasm mesmers and a bunker ele.
I personally don’t like the hammer playstyle but my intention when entering this thread was to help the OP get a build posted since Milkzz touted multiple viable builds and failed to deliver.
Agreed with everything above. Good job Al
Warriors do not bunker it’s just wrong to say that because warriors have very bad access to protection you mention they have pretty good access to protection but that’s not true. Warriors need to run a master trait in the Tactic’s line that converts a random condition to a boon and that condition needs to be vulnerability. The warhorn also has a 20 second cooldown 16 when traited. It’s counter intuitive to wait for a specific condition and then hope that rng converts vulnerability into protection.
PVT gear also puts you on the low end of the damage spectrum a place where warriors cannot afford to be. Clerics is a much better choice to supplement going deep into tactics and defense. Running the PvE shouts even in WvW is a very bad idea and severly gimping yourself and the people around you. The healing from the Grandmaster Tactic Vigorous Shouts is too small even in clerics gear which it seems you don’t even run.
With PVT gear who cares that you have 100% fury uptime you do such pitiful damage the Fury boon has no significance in the build.
I don’t think you’ve tried many builds if you still tout a shout build for wvw 10 months after release of this game.
Finally you did what you promised. Now we can start a decent discussion.
I said you had to know your skills really well and time them to get the max out of them. I often find myself with protection and regen, definitely in solo fights. You can’t really time in zergs or groupvsgroup, but guardians give protection there anyway. So the guardian gives you the same advantage he has, only your health pool is almost double his.
Now people have asked me, how do you heal it all back up. As healing surge does +-9k heal which is less than 1/3th of my health. Again this is a zerg build, everytime we regroup with waterfield you heal back to full. Meaning these extra health really helps towards your survivability.
If I would run full clerics as you suggested, my damage would be kitten yes. Almost no crit chance, no crit damage and low power. Clerics gives only a small insignificant boost to your heals. That does not justify the lose of damage and defense. The main power of the build ain’t the shouts that heal, they are a nice extra, because they stack with all the other healing you get. But it is the condition cleaning.
warhorn 4: chill/cripple/immobilize + 1 extra condition
warhorn 5: 1 condition
shake it off: 2 conditions
fear me: 1 condition
for great justice: 1 condition
—> that are 9 conditions cleaned off and 2 boons added + might/fury/movement speed and a debuff and disruption for the enemies.
There is something called overkill in this game. My build hammerstuns for 4k and the auto attack chain goes between 1.2-2.2k damage depending on your oponents armor. The skills deal up to 3k damage. You’ll still hit hard, especially against those squishys with no armor. So if you run in a zerg/organised group, you don’t need more damage than this. Even is solo fights this is often enough to kill your opponent and if you don’t, you just walk away.
Saying fury has no significance is wrong, 20% crit chance is huge and always will be no matter what. It will boost you from around 20% crit chance to 40%. Which I consider as enough.
I played a long time in T1 EU, most of the warriors there are bunkers and shout/heal. I moved down to T5-6 because of the skill lag and got to say that bunkers aren’t that comen here. Most are greatsword warriors missing their combos and just wiping their sword in the air, dealing practicly no damage. It gets even more sad when they don’t have a source of stability. But those things aside, I don’t think there is a decent guild that runs without shout/heal warriors in GroupvsGroups.
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Best golem driver EU
I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying.
If you’re running with a guardian heavy zerg or not there is still absolutely no point for you to be in a shout build at all. Also you have it backwards the way guardians work compared to warriors, guardians have 5 times the health pool warriors have at least.
I don’t think you’re understanding me with the clerics gear statement either. I’m not telling you to switch your PVT gear with Clerics in the terrible shout build you run I don’t care what you run. You do terrible damage in your PVT gear anyways. I’ll repost it for you “Clerics is a much better choice to supplement going deep into tactics and defense.”
Shout healing is garbage with any gear you run. You seem to understand that so you can drop 10 points from tactics now that we came to that understanding.
You list all your condition cleanses and then mention overkill couldn’t of said it better myself. It’s been almost 5 months since WvW warriors have invested that heavily in condition cleanses. Melandru Runes, Lemongrass Poultry and now Dogged March have sent Soldier Runes into obscurity and before that the Guardian class as a whole is what put Shout builds 6 feet under 9 months ago.
You might get those damage numbers against up leveled glass cannon characters but against a decent lvl 80 in blues you would be lucky to break 1500 damage let alone actually connect cause the hammer is so slow. Even in solo fights against what you usually see roaming in small groups or solo in WvW you would stand no chance against a bunker ele, phantasm mesmer let alone a semi aggressive sword thief in WvW. You would never be able to walk away with just Savage Leap and Swiftness either lol.
Fury in your build has no significance hell your not even at 50% crit rate it’s a wasted stat the way you have your warrior setup.
No one in T1 EU or T5-T6 runs shout warriors and if they do they have no real understanding of the non existent benefit they provide. I get it you think that your setup works but in reality anything works when you zerg with 2 groups of guardians running around in circles spamming staff 1.
I understand I will never convince a person like you and I do not care to. I’m still waiting for you to post those few viable builds for the OP though.
Warriors do not bunker it’s just wrong to say that because warriors have very bad access to protection you mention they have pretty good access to protection but that’s not true. Warriors need to run a master trait in the Tactic’s line that converts a random condition to a boon and that condition needs to be vulnerability. The warhorn also has a 20 second cooldown 16 when traited. It’s counter intuitive to wait for a specific condition and then hope that rng converts vulnerability into protection.
PVT gear also puts you on the low end of the damage spectrum a place where warriors cannot afford to be. Clerics is a much better choice to supplement going deep into tactics and defense. Running the PvE shouts even in WvW is a very bad idea and severly gimping yourself and the people around you. The healing from the Grandmaster Tactic Vigorous Shouts is too small even in clerics gear which it seems you don’t even run.
With PVT gear who cares that you have 100% fury uptime you do such pitiful damage the Fury boon has no significance in the build.
I don’t think you’ve tried many builds if you still tout a shout build for wvw 10 months after release of this game.
Finally you did what you promised. Now we can start a decent discussion.
I said you had to know your skills really well and time them to get the max out of them. I often find myself with protection and regen, definitely in solo fights. You can’t really time in zergs or groupvsgroup, but guardians give protection there anyway. So the guardian gives you the same advantage he has, only your health pool is almost double his.
Now people have asked me, how do you heal it all back up. As healing surge does +-9k heal which is less than 1/3th of my health. Again this is a zerg build, everytime we regroup with waterfield you heal back to full. Meaning these extra health really helps towards your survivability.
If I would run full clerics as you suggested, my damage would be kitten yes. Almost no crit chance, no crit damage and low power. Clerics gives only a small insignificant boost to your heals. That does not justify the lose of damage and defense. The main power of the build ain’t the shouts that heal, they are a nice extra, because they stack with all the other healing you get. But it is the condition cleaning.
warhorn 4: chill/cripple/immobilize + 1 extra condition
warhorn 5: 1 condition
shake it off: 2 conditions
fear me: 1 condition
for great justice: 1 condition
—> that are 9 conditions cleaned off and 2 boons added + might/fury/movement speed and a debuff and disruption for the enemies.There is something called overkill in this game. My build hammerstuns for 4k and the auto attack chain goes between 1.2-2.2k damage depending on your oponents armor. The skills deal up to 3k damage. You’ll still hit hard, especially against those squishys with no armor. So if you run in a zerg/organised group, you don’t need more damage than this. Even is solo fights this is often enough to kill your opponent and if you don’t, you just walk away.
Saying fury has no significance is wrong, 20% crit chance is huge and always will be no matter what. It will boost you from around 20% crit chance to 40%. Which I consider as enough.
I played a long time in T1 EU, most of the warriors there are bunkers and shout/heal. I moved down to T5-6 because of the skill lag and got to say that bunkers aren’t that comen here. Most are greatsword warriors missing their combos and just wiping their sword in the air, dealing practicly no damage. It gets even more sad when they don’t have a source of stability. But those things aside, I don’t think there is a decent guild that runs without shout/heal warriors in GroupvsGroups.
Says warrior has bunker builds, his spec rely on other bunkers in order tu work… LOL
I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying.
If you’re running with a guardian heavy zerg or not there is still absolutely no point for you to be in a shout build at all. Also you have it backwards the way guardians work compared to warriors, guardians have 5 times the health pool warriors have at least.
I don’t think you’re understanding me with the clerics gear statement either. I’m not telling you to switch your PVT gear with Clerics in the terrible shout build you run I don’t care what you run. You do terrible damage in your PVT gear anyways. I’ll repost it for you “Clerics is a much better choice to supplement going deep into tactics and defense.”
Shout healing is garbage with any gear you run. You seem to understand that so you can drop 10 points from tactics now that we came to that understanding.
You list all your condition cleanses and then mention overkill couldn’t of said it better myself. It’s been almost 5 months since WvW warriors have invested that heavily in condition cleanses. Melandru Runes, Lemongrass Poultry and now Dogged March have sent Soldier Runes into obscurity and before that the Guardian class as a whole is what put Shout builds 6 feet under 9 months ago.
You might get those damage numbers against up leveled glass cannon characters but against a decent lvl 80 in blues you would be lucky to break 1500 damage let alone actually connect cause the hammer is so slow. Even in solo fights against what you usually see roaming in small groups or solo in WvW you would stand no chance against a bunker ele, phantasm mesmer let alone a semi aggressive sword thief in WvW. You would never be able to walk away with just Savage Leap and Swiftness either lol.
Fury in your build has no significance hell your not even at 50% crit rate it’s a wasted stat the way you have your warrior setup.
No one in T1 EU or T5-T6 runs shout warriors and if they do they have no real understanding of the non existent benefit they provide. I get it you think that your setup works but in reality anything works when you zerg with 2 groups of guardians running around in circles spamming staff 1.
I understand I will never convince a person like you and I do not care to. I’m still waiting for you to post those few viable builds for the OP though.
You haven’t read or understood everything I said either. There are no dedicated healers in this game. Many heals come from regen and empower. Regen does not stack intensity. So there is a cap to how much you can get from these ‘conventional methods’. If you add some warriors in there, their heals do stack ontop all the previous healing. Every healing source is welcome. It is only 4.5k/cycle/person, but still it gives your group that extra that will make you outlast your opponent. Have you ever done a group vs group? I suspect not. But those guilds run shout/heal warriors, because even if you survive with 1k health, you win.
My guild runs them and we have a lot of succes in WvW and GvG. And no, clerics on a warrior are 100% waste. That is one of the only armor sets I don’t have.
Melandru and lemongrass is nice yea, but does it benefit your group at all? No, that is solo build food. I said this was a group build for WvW. As the OP asked for.
I can get away from any player in a solo situation. With almost perma vigor, perma movement speed and this much condition cleanse, there is no way you can pin me down.
And, don’t think I have ever hit under the 1.2k. There are a lot of upscaled in WvW, but even in GroupvsGroups I often go over 3k up to 4k hammerstuns. This is enough damage for me.
And the OP is always free to PM me for tips and questions to why I would build this way or chose certain traits.
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Best golem driver EU
Please refrain from giving other players tips.
Yes… a bunker warrior build completely reliant on your guilds guardians.
Why not just play a guardian?
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
Yeah, Warriors do have bunker builds…
… but they’re all utter bollocks.
Yeah, Warriors do have bunker builds…
… but they’re all utter bollocks.
Warrior bunkering is almost like Thief bunkering without stealth. Don’t do it.
I suppose I’ll have to give both heavy armor professions a try! I’ll see what I like better. So far, I’m really enjoying building up my crit chance and using kill shot.
I run a bunker hammer warrior with runes of the soldier and shout traits. My teammates LOVE me.
The thing you need to remember about being bunker is that it’s not about being able to take more damage per se, it’s about being able to take more risks and recover from mistakes.
A team of 3 bunker warriors with hammers are more than capable of suicide rushing an exposed cata/treb, stunlocking the defenders, and taking it out before going down.
SPvP? Well…
Punching bag build:
You can take a massive beating before going down atleast.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
I find warriors can work pretty well as a defensive build. I play a lot of dungeons and WvWvW and I’m outlasting a lot of my team. I run 20/0/30/20/0 with axe/warhorn and hammer, I have fulll soldier’s gear and berzerkers weapons and I get a nice steady amount of damage out while still able to take a lot of damage.
Edit: meant warhorn, not shield, although I change between them often
(edited by Wuflric Glacius.2078)
Most of my whole playing time i have been playing as support warrior, that wasnt my plan when i started the game,things kept pushin me to that direction becouse if you remember the beginning of the game people srlsy kept dying so much, so i decided to do what i was always good at mmos—>keep them alive.
Now i actually did like that role for a long time so yes i did use shield on everything at the beginning and hoarded vitality. During that whole time i kept changing things that looked better in theory to things that actually worked better. For those reason i say that some of the stuff i do change in PVE for different situasion, for example elite skill, last stand,leg specialist and horn.
Yes i have thought about the soldier runes that are so famous, but no. They just do not fit in the pattern that i use and this build already have enough condition removals.
And to explain the water runes: 10%boon lets you keep almost constand vigor and constant swiftness, healing power over vitality/thoughness is obviously better for sustain like everyone brobably do know, and the sixth piece is very big plus becouse: it actually makes the mending heal very close to surgesmax, in this build you are supposed to use burst skills a lot so it is expected that when you heal you do not have full adrenaline and you do not need additional source since the shout pretty much always keep you over 1bar and thats all you really need.
The main weapons and the ones that puts you in the more defensive stance are mace/horn instead of hammer, though you are supposed to master them both and use them both in fights. Mace2 is priceless for fleeing and closing the enemy with the trait. This build gives you all the keys to move like bouncingballorwhatever so you are almost never out of control.
I also teached this build to my friend who wanted to try somehting else for a while and he says oftenly how godlike and unkillable he is in that build while playing www. And yes i know that, it requires good player to kill you in that build becouse you dont get bursted down, you die by being outplayed slowISHly and again if you start playing better or the other worser you will get slowISHly back to starting position.
I did play tournaments for week or so while ago and was able to bunker against high level players, sometimes even against 2nonbunker class when there is some terrario to use.
But im not to stay is it better or worser bunker build than guardian since both of them work. Maby guardian is better for stuffs like pvp and grawl shaman(that i admit) but i also like the option to become full chicken slayer and i anyway like the weapon options warriors have to offer.
Novadays i play as dps since im bored on supporting, but whenever for example i need to get something done like kill legendary karka i will go to that build and go solo champion→put commander mark on and wait that people start coming and seeing that hey this is easy and whatdoyouknow in next 30min we had billion players to kill legendary karka in the same map that was completely empty just a while ago.
Havent played guardian support rlly in pve but i have watched how they oftenly play, safe. I can jus troll around enemies with no fear of sudden death or messing things up, rushin to ress guys in dangerous spot, always feeling safe, like you got this.
i’ve tried doing the bunker warrior in WvW, and to make a long long story incredibly short, warriors don’t bunker.
that’s not to say that there aren’t incredibly talented people who have found a way to bunker on warrior, but those people would be better doing it on any other class.
warriors do damage, we have some incredible utilities, but damage is our main thing.
See, I thought this for a long time, but I’ve come up with a condition bunker build that maintains 20% uptime of aegis, protection and retal as well as permanent fury, swiftness and at least 10 stacks of might at all time. Just with the build as close as I can get it in sPvP/tPvP, I’ve been able to keep on par with D/D elementalists, condition bunker engineers, trap bunker rangers, burst thieves, etc. (all of the top-tiered classes/builds in PvP right now. You get the idea.). I’m unwilling to share the build at the moment, but rest assured, there is such thing as a bunker warrior.
Not sure where this idea of “you must have protection to bunker or gtfo” has come from. Rangers bunker extremely well even without traiting into much protections.
I dont play a warrior so I cant offer much help, but you do not need protection I cant assure you.
Gunnar’s Hold
I think the reason some other classes work as bunker is because they are able to make up their lack of dps with other things. An elementalist can stack might. A ranger’s pet does the same damage no matter what armor the ranger has. The ranger has access to a bunch of forms on conditions on short timers. Condition damage works well with bunker because that is the only stat you need, the other two can be defense.
If a warrior goes defense, he loses a bunch of offense without a good way to make it up.