Does S/S + LB work with a Power build?

Does S/S + LB work with a Power build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jandau.5349


Having played every other class, I recently rolled a Warrior and was pleasantly surprised by the class. That being said, I decided to avoid the Greatsword if at all possible because 99% of Warriors I meet are using it (and 80% of those seem to be using a full signet build). Of the other weapons, I fell in love with the Longbow and I like the look of dual Swords.

For this combo, I figured a Condition build would be fitting and it’s not bad. However, I’m getting a bit fed up with it and I’d like to switch back to Power. The question that’s bothering me is if these weapons are any good in a Power build?

So, how does a Sword (either main or offhand) compare to other 1 handed options in a standard power/crit setup and can Longbow measure up to a Rifle in that regard?

Does S/S + LB work with a Power build?

in Warrior

Posted by: jmatb.6307


axe is the best mainhand for power/crit.

I’d recommend axe/mace and rifle if you want power/crit because of the two best damaging bursts

Does S/S + LB work with a Power build?

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


I dunno but I don’t think you’l survive long with a rifle+axe/mace. You will have a hard time shaking off a half decent thief or warrior. Test it out for a bit in spvp/wvw and see.

Doesn’t make sense to use two weapons with the intention of using both their bursts for damage. The rifle burst is so slow and obvious that average players see it coming a mile away and simply dodge it or interrupt you. Its useful if you combo it with fear or pick off people in a zerg. Axe burst is overall the easiest one to get off with decent damage.

Did you try longbow with another weapon set?

Does S/S + LB work with a Power build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Tyrion.4259


Not so sold that the rifle burst is so slow. Sure it’s on a timer but when I pop frenzy and for great justice, with my might stacking build, I take down players in about 5 seconds give or take when a series of crits hit.

However, it’s a bit gimmicky and not sustainable.

I agree when I play a rifle greatsword build it doesn’t work in sPvP in most cases unless you want to suicide it and take a few with you. You really need a shield. Axe/shield is the best counter to rifle. And if greatsword, the axe/shield is good too.

You could experiment with mace/shield with rifle if you have the 5 second weapon swap for a daze and stun since quite honestly I don’t really try and land the f2 on rifle unless no one is looking and i’m there as support to help the front lines.

Does S/S + LB work with a Power build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ferawyn.6542


Longbow works well with a power/crit build. Here is the link to defektive’s build:

The longbow burst field ticks for around 1k damage in his setup in addition to the burning.
He uses greatsword mainly for mobility, I guess main hand sword would be ok as well (good mobility using leap). But offhand sword won’t do in a power build, use either shield or warhorn.

Does S/S + LB work with a Power build?

in Warrior

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


On sword, the 3rd autoattack hits pretty hard in a crit build, and Rip(#4 after impale) can hit like a truck, tho i find they are hard to land. Longbow can hit hard too (#2 and 3), but is a bit slow for my liking.