since you mentioned the spvp I have been working on a spvp title i’ll be honest and say that it doesn’t tend to take me more then 3/4 games in tournies on avg to get that daily done.
what your talking about with conditions and warriors is a major issue that arose because of other issues. namely the number of massive condition aoe there is. a warrior is worthless with out some cleanse. because of this saying a warrior should go back to have 1 cleanse is out right ubsurd. the issue is a simple fix which you seem to miss and I’ve mentioned it repeatedly put a icd on ire.
the issue is not the warrior class which so many people bend out of shape about it’s the ability to abuse one trait. it’s essientally perm stealth for a warrior which has draw backs. although I’ve yet to see a single one really use hambow on me I understand why it would be a frustrating build to go against I also understand how it would be a rather poor build by war standards.
to put it simply the only two instances hambow could be over effective is in zergs (not roaming wvw just zergs)
or point assault or defense. it lacks mobility but when you are in those spots having a char what will take ages to kill might as well not bother with conditions I can see it become a issue.
with that said that is not a reason to go.
why warriors need a nerf. that is not a reason to label the entire profession as op. many of the so called op things have existed from day 1 and still didn’t save the warrior from being worthless.
kill shot for instance I’ve seen people label as op even though by their own admittance they wasted their dodges and a projectile reflect and got 1 shotted on a squishy. I should also point out said class can just as easily 1 shot another class but the point being he got out played he lost he came and whined about it. a lot of warrior issues are nothing more then this.
you want to fix the ability to abuse condition cleanse (ire) it’s simple add a 45 second icd. a minor tweak. they use it once and that’s going to be it.
as far as our cleanse which is always one of the things brought up. removing it is a very bad idea. if a warrior has no condition cleanse in the current environment he will instantly be worthless in spvp and wvw. yes you can give him lyssa runes but even then asking for a profession to be able to do what it’s designed for if it uses a specific set of runes is a good way to limit that classes builds heavily.
all our other cleanses meet the critera of either a heal (you’d waste a vital part of your survivability) kinda weak with a rather long cd (shake it off) extremely strong but huge cd (sig of staminia will cure all don’t expect to use it 2x though) zerk stance is usually brought up .
the thing I am trying to explain is that what is making warrior seem op is that ire needs a tweak it’s fixing a loop hole that isn’t intended to be fixed. however a lot of warrior are going to be concerned with how they fix ire moving it to grandmaster alone will not do anything your just giving warriors perm retaltion from spiked armor or a new trait. while a lot of builds use the skill for simple adrenaline gain. not only making things better actually for this particular build but harder on those who do not abuse it. hell I wouldn’t really care much if the cleanse was removed utterly but that would be unfair to those who do use it for a cleanse. a 45 icd would be a fair simple fix it’s how they fix a lot of issues with warriors that creep up.
you agreed that power level density thank you for that.
with that said I don’t agree with you on population diversity. people shouldn’t have incentives to play another class unless they want to play that class and in gw2 lets be honest changing exp in favor is not going to do anything someone did reach max level in 2 days after all and I’ve done it in 2 weeks when I get serious.
atm warriors are in the same shape as engis in a lot of ways. they have things they can abuse that creep up from time to time that need to be fixed not a big deal. (ire covers warriors main weakness so it does seem a lot worse)
remove that CAREFULLY and suddenly the profession is pretty much in line with others.
the issue many fear is anet decide to hit nail with a sledge hammer and ruin the warrior. it is a valid fear even when ironically many would agree that some things need to be tweaked.
the issue is that way a lot of people and it could be wording but you give me this impression I apologize if I’m wrong. want a huge kitten hole in that armor.
you refered to less cleanse and refered to used too a lot will take this as implying the ability to remove 1 condition…if you waste your heal. which bombs lets be honest way gw2 is atm is a death sentence in wvw roaming or zerge or spvp.
(this will be in two parts to comment on what you said appropriately please take time to read it all as I did yours)