Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: alain.1659


Well the topic says it. Any good WvW builds for core killshot? I have been experimenting with some but all trials ended with mediocre damage and bad tagging. Berserker spec and gunflame tags the zerg perfectly, bu I can not seem to do it with core killshot (yea elites are not more powerful bur different blah blah by anet)

Any core warr killshot advices?

Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Short answer, sort of.

Long answer Yes, but you have to find a way to mask your tell. Kill shot has a long cast time. so in a zerg it’s easy to pull off, but 1v1, not so much. in PVP when i run it i like to LOS and begin my cast while whoever is chasing me catches up. they come around the corner and get hit. Another way is stunning the opponent first.

Medium answer: Gunflame is better, Killshot and gunflame are overpowered skills on an underpowered class, they will both be nurfed soon.

Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: alain.1659


In 1v1 I can hold myself vs some. But my problem is with zerg. My killshot seems to vanish in thin air sometimes or does not properly pierce ( I have the trait). Maybe I nees more practice with it dunno.

Thanks for the answer

Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: chibbi.3706


Burst skills are not considered weapon skills. So jt’s normal that you killshort doesn’t pierce with the trait.

Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


No, Kill Shot pierces. Alain, more than likely one of your targets has aegis or some other block, which will stop your shot cold unless it’s unblockable for some reason (e.g. Signet of Might).

As for Kill Shot in wvw, it’s not optimal but it can be fun with a roaming partner. As emkelly said, Gunflame is better in every way.

Look for Vaans’ videos on youtube. Of anyone, I think Vaans’ has put out the most footage on roaming and dueling with Kill Shot of anyone, and more recently Gunflame.

Anyway, I don’t like it personally. I sometimes bring out KS for duels, but otherwise leave it on the shelf.

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Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: alain.1659


Well I just like my warrior and want to play it. I do not have HoT so killshot should suffice But after your help, I studied more carefully and saw my problem. While gunflames projectile effect is “wider”, killshot’s effect is narrower it seems. And yes it is better in ever way. I like playing killshot, it feels fun for me.

Thank you for your help friends

Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


it’s not wider, it just has a burning aoe if you hit somthing with it. gunflame is better becasue it casts faster and you can do multiple gunflames back to back becasue full adrinaline in zerk mode is only 15. Not 30 like in standard warrior.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


it’s not wider, it just has a burning aoe if you hit somthing with it. gunflame is better becasue it casts faster and you can do multiple gunflames back to back becasue full adrinaline in zerk mode is only 15. Not 30 like in standard warrior.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


it’s not wider, it just has a burning aoe if you hit something with it which is pretty much non consequential damage if you are full zerker.. gunflame is better because it casts faster and you can do multiple gunflames back to back becasue full adrenaline in zerk mode is only 15. Not 30 like in standard warrior. gun flame actually hits less harder than normal kill shot. But the traits in zerker spec like the 7% and 10% dammage modifiers effect all power weapons so it hits as hard or harder with traits.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Thuggernaut.1250


Vanilla Killshot can work well with some source of quickness, like Frenzy, and the unblockable buff from Signet of Might. But Frenzy is usually a poor choice because of the long cooldown.

Does killshot works for CORE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Not even joking; I’ve been having an absolute TONNE of fun roaming on my full zerk asc + mighty infusions decked out awesome warrior using the elite spec.

Trust me, you definitely want the elite spec if you want to land them gunflames.

My rotation (depending on who I find): “On My Mark!” -> swap to rifle for intelligence sig -> (optional… rifle skill #4 if you have time) the heal that is the shout for FULL adrenaline -> F2 + F1. Your target should either be dead, 10% HP left or near it, depending if they tanky or not. This is all in a matter of seconds.

The one skill on my bar I constantly change is entirely situational and depends what I encounter but it is mostly either “Signet of Might” because unblockable gunflame… gg anything that is a guardian/block spam…. or “Endure Pain” if I expect them to burst me first.

Make sure you take stability of some sort. You need to guarantee you’ll land that shot.

I take the elite spec because you can MOVE whilst you’re using gunflame, it’s an instant taunt (traited), interrupts the enemy, I can DOWN MULTIPLE people in zergs and I can get up to 3-4 gunflames with berserker mode thing up.

Literally the “kill it before it kills you” game-play; zero survivability other than my dodges, GS skill #3 and Endure Pain if I pick that up. Very very risky but extremely fun.

EDIT: Grammar errors.

(edited by Zephyra.4709)