Does warrior auto attack need buff?

Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


FYI. .. final thrust or sword 3 can hit 3 target so in tf that 5k dps.. or 7k dps if all of your oponents are under 50% Hp. Well, I guess it’s pretty subjective from there. If you mainly solo than u should mace … in tf sword is strng er than mace dps wise.

It’s not though. That setup, getting three targets below 50% in a position to be cleaved with the same FT and without them seeing the large telegraph to mitigate, is not a common occurrence. It does happen (I downed two people in a 3v1 that way just last night), but it’s rare. Catching more than one person without the expectation that they’re below 50% is more common, though.

Meanwhile, the 3rd hit on the mace auto chain hits for more damage than Final Thrust when targets are above 50%. It can be used every 1.75s, it applies 5 stacks of vulnerability, and nobody tries to dodge it because it’s an auto.

Keep in mind that, despite this, I choose sword over mace pretty much every time on a power build. But it’s not for the damage, it’s for the utility.

Yup,same here and the prowess of sword 3. Get revs with it all the time.

Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: lighter.2708


FYI. .. final thrust or sword 3 can hit 3 target so in tf that 5k dps.. or 7k dps if all of your oponents are under 50% Hp. Well, I guess it’s pretty subjective from there. If you mainly solo than u should mace … in tf sword is strng er than mace dps wise.

It’s not though. That setup, getting three targets below 50% in a position to be cleaved with the same FT and without them seeing the large telegraph to mitigate, is not a common occurrence. It does happen (I downed two people in a 3v1 that way just last night), but it’s rare. Catching more than one person without the expectation that they’re below 50% is more common, though.

Meanwhile, the 3rd hit on the mace auto chain hits for more damage than Final Thrust when targets are above 50%. It can be used every 1.75s, it applies 5 stacks of vulnerability, and nobody tries to dodge it because it’s an auto.

Keep in mind that, despite this, I choose sword over mace pretty much every time on a power build. But it’s not for the damage, it’s for the utility.

Yup,same here and the prowess of sword 3. Get revs with it all the time.

you definitely do, best war NA 5dawgs, those hundred blades to the air were epic as well

Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


FYI. .. final thrust or sword 3 can hit 3 target so in tf that 5k dps.. or 7k dps if all of your oponents are under 50% Hp. Well, I guess it’s pretty subjective from there. If you mainly solo than u should mace … in tf sword is strng er than mace dps wise.

It’s not though. That setup, getting three targets below 50% in a position to be cleaved with the same FT and without them seeing the large telegraph to mitigate, is not a common occurrence. It does happen (I downed two people in a 3v1 that way just last night), but it’s rare. Catching more than one person without the expectation that they’re below 50% is more common, though.

Meanwhile, the 3rd hit on the mace auto chain hits for more damage than Final Thrust when targets are above 50%. It can be used every 1.75s, it applies 5 stacks of vulnerability, and nobody tries to dodge it because it’s an auto.

Keep in mind that, despite this, I choose sword over mace pretty much every time on a power build. But it’s not for the damage, it’s for the utility.

Yup,same here and the prowess of sword 3. Get revs with it all the time.

you definitely do, best war NA 5dawgs, those hundred blades to the air were epic as well

Dude, I 1 vs 1 that spokie ranger all game long. So idk what your are talking about Kappa. But yeah, we should have won that game. But my team rotations sucked.

Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

General rule I have found with auto attack is the could use a slight buff in pve but are ok in pvp

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: tboneking.2531


I think hammer needs some work especially: maybe not damage-wise, but with the aftercast of all of the abilities and the auto attack. With so many interupts, hammer should really be a reactionary weapon: responding to what you see your opponent doing. Which is difficult when you try to interupt an auto attack chain to use a skill and you’re just stuck standing there because the game can’t understand what you’re doing, and the burst skill sometimes takes forever to activate and sometimes leaves you again standing there mashing F1 waiting for the command to go through.

And the Berserk burst skill… I don’t think I’ve ever had a skill more inconsistent, difficult to hit, and underwhelming at the same time.

Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


im really surprised on how this fivedawd irrelevant persone is making this comments is a fact that our outo attacks are trash but regardless this irrelevant persone most of you guys are not seen the main focus here, sword auto attack and LB auto attack too our useless but this skills dps dmg shouldnt be upgraded instead it should be condi base i meen instead of having a 8 sec bleed duration it should be a 4 sec 2 stack bleeding duration, this is just an example, the modification that needs to be implemented MUST be condi base to make condi builds more viable, i personally think bleeding for warriors is insanly weak, just look at our skills:
Sever Artery: 1 miserable stack
Gash:1 miserable stack
Riposte: when u block in a range of 130! you will hit 4 stacks of bleeding… so basicaly u just use this to block. (in 90% of the situations).
Pin Down: this skill definetly needs a cooldown reduction WITHOUT trait, 6 stacks bleeding its alright and the inmovilized too, but for a 25 sec cooldown? come the kitten on.
Impale: this skill use to be great but its not, 8 second torment wich is not intant but instead is over a 1 second interval… u be my guess.


Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: RedDeadFred.1256


No. Warrior is in a pretty good spot for PvE. We have solid damage and good support. I suppose a buff to our ranged weapons wouldn’t hurt, but I think our auto-attack damage on our melee weapons is fine. I like that our dps rotation doesn’t even involve that much auto-attacking. It’s way more enjoyable.

Edit: and more damage isn’t what we need in PvP, so no to that as well.

Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


warrior feels weak because it has no sustain. warriors were never meant to kill as quickly as thieves but thieves but they are meant to be right up in the thick of the fight. Unfortunately warriors cannot stand in a fight. Necromancers out sustian and out damage us at the same time

Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


warrior feels weak because it has no sustain. warriors were never meant to kill as quickly as thieves but thieves but they are meant to be right up in the thick of the fight. Unfortunately warriors cannot stand in a fight. Necromancers out sustian and out damage us at the same time

Speak for yourself friend. I mean a few people include myself who can down 2 necro let alone one. And I always go mid/tf because of my build. So yeah, try to adjust a few things on your build.

Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Speak for yourself friend. I mean a few people include myself who can down 2 necro let alone one. And I always go mid/tf because of my build. So yeah, try to adjust a few things on your build.

I predict some challenges to duel coming your way. If you’re regularly downing two competent necros on your own, then you’ve either discovered something nobody else has or the necros aren’t being played competently.

If they’re both condi necros who group up and forget to boon corrupt and kite against your Berserker Stanced power warrior, then sure. But, beyond that, the size of their health pools combined with their damage output (including from range) shouldn’t allow you to down them both (and that ignores their debuffing outside of Berserker Stance).

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

(edited by Choppy.4183)

Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


Speak for yourself friend. I mean a few people include myself who can down 2 necro let alone one. And I always go mid/tf because of my build. So yeah, try to adjust a few things on your build.

I predict some challenges to duel coming your way. If you’re regularly downing two competent necros on your own, then you’ve either discovered something nobody else has or the necros aren’t being played competently.

If they’re both condi necros who group up and forget to boon corrupt and kite against your Berserker Stanced power warrior, then sure. But, beyond that, the size of their health pools combined with their damage output (including from range) shouldn’t allow you to down them both (and that ignores their debuffing outside of Berserker Stance).

Can as in 55% of the time, but any warrior can 1 vs 1 a necro if he plays right. I almost killed 2 of “HoT dog society guild” necros yesterday. Maybe I went over the line there, but my point still remain we have sustain RR paladin/ marauder/ mercenary is sustain. And the majority of folks who ask for sustain runs bezerker without RR.

Does warrior auto attack need buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


No Necro worth his salt is going to get downed by a warrior 1v1. you may catch them right after a big fight when all their stuff is on cooldown, but a fresh necro vs a fresh warrior of same skill level. the edge goes to the necro every time. againt two of them and you are just asking for a beatdown.