Double 1h sword need some love(Dual Wield)
well i just love, swords, and be able to use 2 swords is a range bleeding(bad damage btw,) or be close range and do some bad damage too
I think the sword is to be used for condition damage, not necessarily burst. It’s one of the few (if not the only) single handed warrior weapon that applies any condition dmg.
If you want to dual wield for burst dmg, use the something like dual axes, not swords.
As far as GW is concerned, swords have always been about pressure over burst.
Ive tried these, you get 60% chance on crit for bleeding, then the 33% chance to bleed in traits, go pure condition/precision, and these become incredibly viable in PvE (providing the rest of your group or event folks dont stack bleeds too).
Ive managed to get 21 stacks of bleed on a single target with this combo, which each tick hitting just over 100
Ive tried these, you get 60% chance on crit for bleeding, then the 33% chance to bleed in traits, go pure condition/precision, and these become incredibly viable in PvE (providing the rest of your group or event folks dont stack bleeds too).
Ive managed to get 21 stacks of bleed on a single target with this combo, which each tick hitting just over 100
Have you tried out this condition dmg build in pvp? Just curious.
Ive tried these, you get 60% chance on crit for bleeding, then the 33% chance to bleed in traits, go pure condition/precision, and these become incredibly viable in PvE (providing the rest of your group or event folks dont stack bleeds too).
Ive managed to get 21 stacks of bleed on a single target with this combo, which each tick hitting just over 100
Have you tried out this condition dmg build in pvp? Just curious.
I have tried it, but its hit and miss unfortunately. It can destroy players who don’t understand the concept of condition removal, but against classes such as a guardian… Well any condition build just falls apart
on pve is fine the problem is i cant use that on spvp, no matter if you can stack 21 bleeding, a necro/eng even a ranger can stak more and from far away.
sPvP warrior are GS/axe+shield or double axe/axe+shield.
i want to use sword+shield/Sword+sword but i cant stack bleeding on any half decent player, he going to kite me, knock me, stun me, or evem heal through my bleeding.
double axe is fine yet the animation are just bad, using 1 axe for atk when you got 2? that is non sense.
riposte and rip are just bad off hand skills, they have no use on pvp, and need a rework or got removed, wy i would block just 1 atk when i can swap shield and block for 5 and get 1 stun and if right traits 90 toughness
Edit:Just another think, the sword and axe animation when dual wielding are the same as not using a weapon at all or puting any think on the other hand, same combo,same damage and same animation, i fell like they kitten lazy and dint work on it.
(edited by Cafesoneca.3548)
i want to use sword+shield/Sword+sword but i cant stack bleeding on any half decent player, he going to kite me, knock me, stun me, or evem heal through my bleeding.
Gotta use those gap closing abilites. Warriors have the root, the bull rush, shield bash, etc. Also Anet added the dodging to help with the stunning, knock downs, etc. They can make the entire difference in a fight.
If you’re going for condition dmg build, it may be worth while to get a bit more sustainability (the longer you live, the more you can keep your stacks refreshed), but I haven’t tested anything out to know for sure.
I love the dual sword abilities. The 4 ability is awesome for people trying to kite you. Its at least 6k damage worth of bleeds. Riposte is also amazing to use when those thieves stealth and try to backstab you. Block it and put another 6k worth of bleeds on. Too bad there are too many condition removals in pvp.
I’m running a Sword main and axe offhand, it does some pretty decent damage.
I love the dual sword abilities. The 4 ability is awesome for people trying to kite you. Its at least 6k damage worth of bleeds. Riposte is also amazing to use when those thieves stealth and try to backstab you. Block it and put another 6k worth of bleeds on. Too bad there are too many condition removals in pvp.
any point is conditon removals kill a dual wielding warrior.
and a 20 seconds bleed and 15 second block easy to dodge, cant stand against a 100blades or whirling axe,both out damage that in all ways, damage,burst, got remember that whirling axe make you invunerable to CC, and does quite bit damage.
i cant see dual sword be used in sPvP and ArenaNet sad we could build almost any build nad use them on pvp, you can that’s right but they are not viable as other builds.
and a 20 seconds bleed and 15 second block easy to dodge, cant stand against a 100blades or whirling axe,both out damage that in all ways, damage,burst, got remember that whirling axe make you invunerable to CC, and does quite bit damage.
i cant see dual sword be used in sPvP and ArenaNet sad we could build almost any build nad use them on pvp, you can that’s right but they are not viable as other builds.
AFAIK, whirling axe doesn’t make you immune to CC (I could be wrong).
Also remember than 100 blades may do more dmg but it doesn’t have the maneuverability since you’re rooted in place. Honestly whirling axes and 100 blades are easier to dodge/block (since they’re channeled) than many sword moves I would say.
Also, dual axe build tends to rely on eviscerate and if someone blocks that, you’re up the creek. Condition dmg with swords doesn’t run into that problem as often.
i guess you didn’t run to a very good spvp team, my team has 3 class the can conditon removal in area, and i too got a condition removal,thief removal bleeding when the dodge or i was necro cant remember, enginer got area removal if exilir gun and if you shot projectile and remove evem more…
My only gripe with dw swords are the animations. They are all the same as using 1h sword. So some variety there would be great.
Damage wise with the right stats dw swords can dish out insane damage. 25 stacks of bleed do 2500 dmg/sec for my warrior,. Mobility is fine. Coupled with longbow, swords are great.
While I disagree on the damage, I definitely agree that it needs usability changes.
1) The range bleed needs a crisper cast, sound/animation, and the secondary effect needs to be MUCH easier to use.
2) Block/parry abilities in general need their responsiveness improved with an option to interrupt casting. They should be much more skill-based reactionary abilities, not slow to cast queued abilities which makes them very counter-intuitive.
3) The sword leap is great, but really awkward and won’t hit targets that are on even a slightly lower elevation.
4) Hamstring should not go on such a long cooldown if it misses all targets.
5) The “burst” ability should similarly not go on such a long cooldown if it misses all targets, and should be cancelable much earlier. As it works now, if you attempt to use it and miss, you will be rooted for a few seconds.
I think the problem that one may encounter is not necessarily the dmg on the bleed conditions but the fact that most classes can remove conditions some way (warrior heal, necro has too many to count, engys kits/elixir gun, etc). I suppose it depends on how fast the player can reapply conditions and how long they can survive the scuffle.
i wish they change the animation on 2 wield skills and give a new burst skill for swords, that flury is ok but i guess it could have diferent animation when you are 1h or dual wielding.
I love impale/rip, but yeah the damage can be a little underwhelming at times. Still, I have a lot of fun with dual-wielding swords, and I refuse to be one of them bandwagon frenzy HB popping warriors.
I love impale/rip, but yeah the damage can be a little underwhelming at times. Still, I have a lot of fun with dual-wielding swords, and I refuse to be one of them bandwagon frenzy HB popping warriors.
the question is i know its is fun but the animation is bad,and two you cant use that on spvp.
when i mean spvp is tornaments with good teams.
they need to buffs dual wielding and chagne those animations.
I love impale/rip, but yeah the damage can be a little underwhelming at times. Still, I have a lot of fun with dual-wielding swords, and I refuse to be one of them bandwagon frenzy HB popping warriors.
the question is i know its is fun but the animation is bad,and two you cant use that on spvp.
when i mean spvp is tornaments with good teams.they need to buffs dual wielding and chagne those animations.
I feel the animations are fine. They have a sense of impact about em (for humans models imo). But yeah, they could do with a minor buff. This game is SO fricking bursty that these skills just fall flat in the long run.