Dual Axe?

Dual Axe?

in Warrior

Posted by: Hypebeast.3259


I want to try something different with my warrior. What do you guys think of dual axe? Any other weapon suggestions? (except greatsword, longbow, rifle, warhorn)

Dual Axe?

in Warrior

Posted by: lmaonade.9207


Dual Sword


Dual Axe?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deus Fatorum.2473

Deus Fatorum.2473

experimented with dual axe, zerker warrior, myself. Had nice burst and perma fury. Never fully decided on weapon sigils.

However it needed the runes of rage, and the 6th bonus is bugged, so you will miss out on 5% crit damage under fury(not that big considering you could put a ruby orb in the last armor, and get 3% crit dam. and other stats.)

rough build


Important notes,
signet mastery+ #2 on rage rune allows for perma fury;
pop sig of rage and then for great justice consecutively, when for great justice comes off cd pop again. Repeat this pattern and ta-da perma-fury.

axe 4 and #4 on rune of rage help with perma-fury if above is interrupted

All skills other than sig of rage and for great justice are swappable(as it is a rough build)

sigils are swappable(there is probably a better combo)

lastly COMBO, you have a longbow that has a fire field, use it heavily with axe/axe finishers.(also axe/axe + axe/axe gives you flexibility in sigils, could do “swap to this weapon in combat” sigils)

(edited by Deus Fatorum.2473)

Dual Axe?

in Warrior

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

My axe/axe + longbow DPS/Condi hybrid build:

It’s extremely versatile and effective, but requires excellent twitch skills and quick wighing of opportunity costs on dodging due to the lack of mobility.

You’re welcome.

Dual Axe?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kurajin.4607


Wait for the patch, Anet probably buffs OH Axe, giving whirlwind axe a damage increase.

Considering Axe/Axe, its a nice damage setup where you will have 100% Fury uptime, can inflict vulnerability and cripple, have an awesome whirlwind finisher and a good burst skill.
The downside to this build is your lack of mobility (don’t know about you second weapon set)

Dual Axe?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sin.4130


Warrior was nerfed to the ground, axe build is useless now because you will never gain main dmg. Dmg was nerfed by 75%! Those few decent skills in traits cost now 30 points..I thought warrior can’t be broken more, I was wrong badly.

Dual Axe?

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

I was thinking about giving maces another shot. Distracting Strikes gives you some extra umph and the changes to Weakness (seriously!? it’s 50% chance for ALL attacks to fumble? or is that a typo?) on auto for better defense.