Dual Axe Build

Dual Axe Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Lawnole.4032


Was switching b/w this and GS with my warrior and I’ve decided I like playing Dual Axes more. Pretty new to the game and I was wondering what skills are recommended for Dual Axes. Also, would anyone recommend axe/horn over dual axe?

Dual Axe Build

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


The off-hand axe doesn’t really bring too much to the equation in my opinion. The main-hand axe auto attack already deals all the damage you need, you just need to put your enemy in a position where you can land it.

For this I use an off-hand mace. 1200 range knockdown is pretty good. For PvE mobs Whirling Axe is nice though.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

Dual Axe Build

in Warrior

Posted by: serivahn.9751


“Whirling Axe” is definitely a very fun skill, but ultimately the axe auto-attack does more damage. However I find it’s good for building up adrenaline very fast.

In my humble opinion…

The mace is a good offhand compliment for the Axe.

Having the on-demand interrupt from Mace 5 is invaluable in both PvE and PvP. You also get 2 vulnerabilities (axe2 and mace4) which will give significant benefit to the damage of the axe “burst” attack.

With 2 vulnerability attacks, and the trait that adds vulnerability on crit (in “Arms”, I think) and the axe’s fast attack speed, enemies will constantly be ~15% vulnerability. And because the axe burst is the biggest single target burst (melee) damage attack, it benefits more from that vulnerability than other bursts.

In PVE, I usually pair the axe/mace combo with a hammer. You build up adrenaline fast with axe, and the hammer burst’s is better in certain situations (e.g. hordes of trash mobs). So if i am fighting more than 3 enemies, I typically switch to hammer when my adrenaline is full and use the hammer burst instead. Also the Hammer burst will usually do as much damage instantly as whirling axe does over time.

Dual Axe Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Lawnole.4032


Thanks for the help. Yea I like the spinning axe to build adrenaline. I’ll look into the mace thanks

Dual Axe Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


Also to note the axe offhand truly becomes amazing when you have a high crit chance and multiple on crit effects in your build, such as precise strikes, rending strikes, and the omnomnom ghost food (66% chance on crit to hit mob for ~350 heal and heal you for ~350 with less than 1 sec and possibly no internal cool down) as the spin does a lot of individual hits that can proc the effects

Dual Axe Build

in Warrior

Posted by: The Demonic Spirit.3157

The Demonic Spirit.3157

Whirling Axe damage isn’t the main reason I use it for , but for building adrenaline and switching to the bow to do it’s burst.

All 80es > MM necro is my best ,cleric
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.

Dual Axe Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Whirling Axe damage isn’t the main reason I use it for , but for building adrenaline and switching to the bow to do it’s burst.

This is very intelligent and an underused combo. I don’t usually elaborate/post (because of so much ignorance on the net) but I will in this case.

Lately I run my 0, 10, 0, 30, 30 build. it’s Axe/Axe with Longbow. I make up for having no trait Toughness by wearing Clerics armor with Runes of the Soldier. Timed weapon switching and a constant juicing of Adrenaline from certain traits allow for very fast burst mixed with good healing and Cond. removal. It’s very affective everywhere in the game.

There are many useful ways to use Axe 5. I often feel it is only shunned because so many people playing MMOs jump on build bandwagons. You can see it everywhere on any forum, ‘math wizards’ who always base their argument on a maximized output. In my experience your personal output in GW2 is more fun and of larger benefit when you spread your stats properly.

Dual Axe Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i’d roll OH mace for the knockdown(its small aoe) or shield for a small stun and a nice block
i used to love popping mace knockdown, frenzy and hacking them to pieces with axe1
i’ve won a 3v1 that way believe it or not!
and the shield is really handy when you see a telltale greatsword warrior running towards you, pop block and totally avoid the bullrush/HB or anything similar, like thief backstab

Dual Axe Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Whirling Axe damage isn’t the main reason I use it for , but for building adrenaline and switching to the bow to do it’s burst.

This is very intelligent and an underused combo. I don’t usually elaborate/post (because of so much ignorance on the net) but I will in this case.

Lately I run my 0, 10, 0, 30, 30 build. it’s Axe/Axe with Longbow. I make up for having no trait Toughness by wearing Clerics armor with Runes of the Soldier. Timed weapon switching and a constant juicing of Adrenaline from certain traits allow for very fast burst mixed with good healing and Cond. removal. It’s very affective everywhere in the game.

There are many useful ways to use Axe 5. I often feel it is only shunned because so many people playing MMOs jump on build bandwagons. You can see it everywhere on any forum, ‘math wizards’ who always base their argument on a maximized output. In my experience your personal output in GW2 is more fun and of larger benefit when you spread your stats properly.

If you base your opinion on personal preference and fun then yes you can call anything awesome and effective.
The very point of a maximized output is to get best result. Truth is game is not balanced. Every fun looking build/combo is not effective.
Time you spent toying around Axe 5 + LB burst you could have already killed them with damage-spec.