Dungeon 5 Signet

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Ivanov.8914


I’ll start off with saying that this topic might sound a bit(or a lot) like a rant.I want it to be a plea though, a plea for the improvement of most(all) warriors in dungeons.

The reason I made this topic is because of a recent event, a run in CoE with a 5 signet warrior who not only had this quite useless dungeon spec, he also had full MF gear, even on his weapon…(seeing the weapon sigil made me ask him, and he did say he had it).
Do understand my frustration, coupled with an elementalist who was allergic to water stance aoe healing,it grew into anger.I used quite the harsh language when trying to convince them to somehow improve.They stuck me with an argument that was intriguing : we will play however we like , you can’t tell us what to do.

Now, if you go PvE solo and kill mobs by yourself, okay, you depend only on you.
But the moment you step into a dungeon,(and in this case- one of the hardest) your success or failure affects the entire group.How you perform will result in your party members paying more/less gold on repairs.I will lie if I say I don’t detest 5 signet builds.Just my FGJ and precision banner give more party damage boost than the whole person altogether.

So, the whole point of this thread(as mentioned above) is to plea to fellow warriors to act accordingly when being in explorable mode.You having fun is good and all, but for a second, think that maybe another person might not find it fun to die 20 times before even getting to the boss.
I don’t think I have more to say really.Best of luck in the item hunting I guess.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: seithan.4823


i prefer shouts, the buff is considerable for me and my company. It also works the same as a shout-healer.

Frankly what i DO notice in dungeons is that whatever i bring in a group, without a Guardian taking the major burn (and surviving) and buffing/healing group while he also tanks and dishes out damage, i cant survive jack even in full def and 3k+ armour.

To carry on my thread derail, we warriors are sooooo infinitelly squishier compared to guardians.

Comming back in the thread i have talked over warriors who went either shout healing or flag healing after laying out those logical arguments about group survival.

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Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I survive perfectly well with my Sword/Warhorn build. Use healing signet, adrenaline regen from Defense tree and a regen food. That’s 3 regens on you at all times. Then, I have my shouts healing and if you want you can even throw in a healing banner instead of one of the shouts. The banner you can pickup use and then drop very easily too. My guy ‘tanks’ all the time.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Warsoul.2647


if you see guy with over 3 signets equipped on warrior,

  1. : leave party
  2. : ask him to change build nicely
  3. : get 3 supporters

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


People seem to ignore the fact that Signet are a viable build if the warrior actually uses them.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


It’s just a game, let people play how they want to.

If you really are completely unable to finish a dungeon with such a player, ask him to change his utilities.. and if he refuses, tell him he will be kicked otherwise. If he still refuses, kick him and replace him with a player that allows you to complete the dungeon.

No reason or point in getting angry or mean at people.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Ivanov.8914


Signet is very, very far from viable even when you use them.
The main reason mass utilities are preferred in dungeons, is because you not only buff yourself, but 4 other people.Signet build provides no such mass utility as you buff only yourself.
As I said, my anger came from 5 signet MF champ saying I need to learn to play cuz he hardly dies if ever, and an elementalist saying there’s no point in using aoe healing cuz people are constantly spread around.
If that was in AC, sure, my grandma and her 12 cats have made that blindfolded, but it was as I said CoE – hard stuff.
It really was my fault that I didn’t ask nicely from the start, but I honestly doubt they would have changed even if I did.
Thanks for the nice replies btw

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: seithan.4823


@Ivanov: Please remember that everyone has an opinion. Even morons.

Rig#1: i2500k@4Ghz/ 8GB Ram @ 1600/ Asus GTX580 CU
Rig#2: Core2duo@3Ghz/ 4GB DDR2/ 9800gtx+

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: fony.5102


i actually don’t mind them. as long as they can dodge i’ll support their burst damage with my healing, cleansing and CC.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


I’ll start off with saying that this topic might sound a bit(or a lot) like a rant.I want it to be a plea though, a plea for the improvement of most(all) warriors in dungeons.

The reason I made this topic is because of a recent event, a run in CoE with a 5 signet warrior who not only had this quite useless dungeon spec, he also had full MF gear, even on his weapon…(seeing the weapon sigil made me ask him, and he did say he had it).
Do understand my frustration, coupled with an elementalist who was allergic to water stance aoe healing,it grew into anger.I used quite the harsh language when trying to convince them to somehow improve.They stuck me with an argument that was intriguing : we will play however we like , you can’t tell us what to do.

Now, if you go PvE solo and kill mobs by yourself, okay, you depend only on you.
But the moment you step into a dungeon,(and in this case- one of the hardest) your success or failure affects the entire group.How you perform will result in your party members paying more/less gold on repairs.I will lie if I say I don’t detest 5 signet builds.Just my FGJ and precision banner give more party damage boost than the whole person altogether.

So, the whole point of this thread(as mentioned above) is to plea to fellow warriors to act accordingly when being in explorable mode.You having fun is good and all, but for a second, think that maybe another person might not find it fun to die 20 times before even getting to the boss.
I don’t think I have more to say really.Best of luck in the item hunting I guess.

Well he’s right. He’s entitled to play how he wants. If a PUGs performance bugs you so much start your own pre made dungeon running group. All your problems solved.

P.S. I did over 100 runs of CoF as a 5 signet warrior and never got a single complaint. I’ve since moved on from the build because I got bored with it, however.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Sami.1560


So, the whole point of this thread(as mentioned above) is to plea to fellow warriors to act accordingly when being in explorable mode.You having fun is good and all, but for a second, think that maybe another person might not find it fun to die 20 times before even getting to the boss.
I don’t think I have more to say really.Best of luck in the item hunting I guess.

Bad players will be bad regardless of the class.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


How does scaling work with signet build? Do you get 40 precision per signet or does it get scaled back?
I actually even tried to ask this from one guy in AC run but for some reason he refused to speak with me. I was going to suggest him to actually activate Signet of Rage and use FGJ! but I figured out it would be just waste of time.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Ivanov.8914


The problem lies in the static bonus.40 precision per signet with 5 signets gives 200 precision(or 160 before lvl 30) as soon as level 10.
But! As you level up, you gain stats, and due to that, more stats are needed to get some values.You will need about 30 precision for, lets say, 10% crit chance at level 10, but you’ll need about 100 precision for 10% crit at level 40.(numbers aren’t accurate, giving example)As said, signet build is static boost, so with the leveling up, you would need more and more precision to maintain that high level of crit that is the selling point of the build.And, at level 80, to focus your entire build on a measly 200 precision is complete foolishness.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


Basing your build around 200 precision might be foolish, but using signets does have a time and place, and can be very beneficial to a group. If your party has a solid support framework already, the benefit your group would get from providing more boons is negligible. If the mobs are already being well cc/debuffed, the benefit of providing more cc/debuff is negligible. At that point, being full on “selfish” dps build is the best option.

That doesn’t usually happen, of course. More often than not everyone has some bit of support to add to the group that is more helpful than 40 personal precision would give. But I’ve been in groups where there was too much of the same support being tossed around, it was redundant, and if one of them had instead been more dps focused the group would have been the better for it.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Ivanov.8914


Are you sure that the place you were really was a dungeon?Because in a dungeon, there is no such thing as abundance of support.Not in a game where bosses can 1-2 shot you to death.
Maybe it’s just me, but running every dungeon for tens of times, I’ve yet to see such an abundance of support to the point of it no longer being good, and yet to see a pure dps person not utterly failing.
Aside from signet of rage, all other signets are utterly sub par.All of them.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Sami.1560


Having done a run of CoF expore with 4 defensive builds (defensive guardian, shout Warrior, some form defensive elementalist and I honestly can’t remember what the 4th class was) and one pure DPS (me in full berserker gear), I can tell you that it works fine. One of the smoothest dungeon runs I’ve done. We were going to go 5 support before realising the lack of DPS was going to make it a chore.

5 support would’ve been insane. 4 plus one insane glass cannon (helps I can take a hit or two thanks to the HP) was perfectly fine.

edit: should point out this was a guild group, hence we were “properly” (as proper as my guild ever is!) coordinated.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Anyways my point was that if you are level 80, does that 40 precision get scaled down on lower level areas? (I guess yes).
Anyways, most dungeon paths are quite easily doable with 3-4 guys. So what works fine is quite subjective.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


Are you sure that the place you were really was a dungeon?Because in a dungeon, there is no such thing as abundance of support.Not in a game where bosses can 1-2 shot you to death.
Maybe it’s just me, but running every dungeon for tens of times, I’ve yet to see such an abundance of support to the point of it no longer being good, and yet to see a pure dps person not utterly failing.
Aside from signet of rage, all other signets are utterly sub par.All of them.

If I can provide 100% up time aoe boon X, should my teammates also bring a build that also provides same boon X? The answer, you are proposing, seems to be yes? But, in my experience, that is redundant and not very efficient at all.

I’m a pretty big fan of bringing exactly what you need and nothing more. Because once you have the basics down support wise, all that really remains is to increase your speed and thus efficiency. Dps does that.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

(edited by Ravnodaus.5130)

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Ivanov.8914


Yes, I do care?And where’s the problem in that?
But I’d rather if people just don’t see what some uninformed troll like you posts, for they might get misdirected from a proper advice.The main problem with you is that you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

There is only one(1) buff that has poor stacking, and that has a big impact on dungeons.That is fury.It is the only buff that has such poor stacking and can be easily provided by just 2 people.
ALL other buffs are real help to stack.You ever saw what happens when you constantly chain aegis and protection?It’s…beautiful…but as I said, some clown like you can hardly think such things through.Make all of us a favor and just go back to the thieves’ forum.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


Yeah, I’m really not sure what I am saying is being heard. But that’s ok. I’ll go ahead and explain further and with more details. Hopefully that is helpful.

If you have protection stacked up pretty much all the time, would it help if I brought more protection?

More to the point, I’m really not sure that the warrior is the best profession to be bringing the protection buff, seeing as he can’t, really. Same with aegis.

The warrior does pure stats buffing with banners well, but can also bring swiftness, vigor, might, and fury to the table boon wise. That is part of the reason why banners are as helpful as they are, because they are rather unique. But if you have another warrior in your group running banners, that would still mean you’re pretty freed up in that department. If party has vigor, swiftness, fury and might covered, as well as cleansing, may as well be a dps imo. That really is your best option in that case.

The point I’m making here is: If anyone in the party where to be a full on dps build, the warrior is one of the best profession to do it. They do it rather well.

Edit: Oh, and 100% fury time can be handled by just 1 person.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

(edited by Ravnodaus.5130)

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Ivanov I can hear the, not so reserved, frustration in your words. I do understand. Even though others may not have a build to your liking , its truly up to you to stay or go. Or, to be aid others if it’s within your capacity to do so.

Now, if you waited until you were angered before speaking, how harshly do you think you presented your opinion? If they responded with “we will play however we like , you can’t tell us what to do.” it sounds like you placed them on the defensive rapidly. Did you pleasantly say, “Hey, I noticed your running a 5 sig build. I just read about this AWESOME Warrior build you could try. You’d be invincible with it!” Were you pleasant, positive, and encouragingly selling it? Because even on this thread, I have not seen you posting an actual Warrior dungeon spec for others to follow yet.

What could potentially be a great idea (also also help you from having to suffer like this again) would be to post a new thread with a title like “Warrior Dungeon Build” With all the spec generators available online, you could easily put a great build together and post a link. I’m certain your fellow players will be quite appreciative.

Lastly, I am a Warrior. The other night I was simply running past a Dungeon with yes gasp my magic find gear on It was way late and the zone was quite quiet. I was asked desperately to be the 5th player. I agreed, even though it kept me up way too late. Since I wasn’t properly equipped for it, I lost copious amounts of silver by the time it was all over. Thus, for every time you think others aren’t pulling their weight, know there are those sacrificing for the sake of others too.

That’s one of the things that makes GW2 gamers such a great group of folks to be around!

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


So how often did he die then?

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: sixfeetunder.6508


thats just a typical selfish player in orr..you know the one that stands there watching you die while they auto attack for credit in mob fights lol.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Raidium.3916


The problem isn’t having signets really, It’s not having slots for utilities like “Shake it Off” and “Balanced Stance” for break stun. I mean you can use 4 signets, I don’t mind but as long as you have a break stun utility to counter those control attacks, then you’re fine. I mean you can dodge as much as you want but you can only get enough endurance for 2 quick dodges, having break stuns on standby increases your survivability and also increases your sustained damage.