Dungeon runes

Dungeon runes

in Warrior

Posted by: Beltrix.3918


Hello fellow warriors,

At the moment I am equipping full berserker gear, axe/axe with sigils of blood and a 20/30/15/0/5 build. I was wondering which runes should I equip in order to keep my dps at a decent level and increase survivability. I was thinking about runes of the fighter, soldier, vampirism… What do you guys (and ladies) think?

Dungeon runes

in Warrior

Posted by: Soeki.9643


Ruby orbs/Runes of the Scholar for increased dps. Soldier runes are great for a bit added survivability and is quite helpful in a team if you run at least 2 shouts (and there’s noone else focusing on condition removal)

Dungeon runes

in Warrior

Posted by: Amargein.1569


Vampirism is neat and keeps power primary while giving you a survival proc. I’ve never used it, so I can’t say how useful the mistform is, though. I kinda like Svarnir better for the 6 piece bonus, but at least Vampirism has life steal and power and Svarnir just has vitality or toughness or something.

Fighter is okay but gives about the same amount stats as using Orbs or Crests assuming you can use the Might proc 100% of the time. It’s worse if you already can keep Might at 25 stacks.

Soldier is good if you’re using a lot of shouts, otherwise not so much. Vitality primary on a rune is probably not the best for a warrior. I’d say Soldier’s Crests are better for their stats if you’re not using shouts.

If you had to pick one survival stat, I’d pick toughness. You could use Emerald Orbs to maintain some power and precision while increasing your toughness.

If you want a rune proc to help you survive, I think that Vampirism or Svarnir could be a good de facto Endure Pain. Vampirism is probably better if the mistform works well. The 2 piece bonus probably isn’t that useful in the grand scheme of things, though.

Runes of Lyssa are kind of expensive but can give you some very helpful boons if you use Signet of Rage. They also boost Precision which would keep your dps up, as well as having a great 2 piece bonus.

I don’t think Scholar is the best for melee classes because of the predication on being at essentially full HP. I think Divinity runes would keep your DPS high and give you 60 toughness and vitality, but they are also among the most expensive runes in the game. Ogre, Rage, or Strength may fill that role better, although some people claim that these runes’ 6-piece bonuses aren’t working properly.

(edited by Amargein.1569)

Dungeon runes

in Warrior

Posted by: Beltrix.3918


Vampirism is neat and keeps power primary while giving you a survival proc. I’ve never used it, so I can’t say how useful the mistform is, though. I kinda like Svarnir better for the 6 piece bonus, but at least Vampirism has life steal and power and Svarnir just has vitality or toughness or something.

Fighter is okay but gives about the same amount stats as using Orbs or Crests assuming you can use the Might proc 100% of the time. It’s worse if you already can keep Might at 25 stacks.

Soldier is good if you’re using a lot of shouts, otherwise not so much. Vitality primary on a rune is probably not the best for a warrior. I’d say Soldier’s Crests are better for their stats if you’re not using shouts.

If you had to pick one survival stat, I’d pick toughness. You could use Emerald Orbs to maintain some power and precision while increasing your toughness.

If you want a rune proc to help you survive, I think that Vampirism or Svarnir could be a good de facto Endure Pain. Vampirism is probably better if the mistform works well. The 2 piece bonus probably isn’t that useful in the grand scheme of things, though.

Runes of Lyssa are kind of expensive but can give you some very helpful boons if you use Signet of Rage. They also boost Precision which would keep your dps up, as well as having a great 2 piece bonus.

I don’t think Scholar is the best for melee classes because of the predication on being at essentially full HP. I think Divinity runes would keep your DPS high and give you 60 toughness and vitality, but they are also among the most expensive runes in the game. Ogre, Rage, or Strength may fill that role better, although some people claim that these runes’ 6-piece bonuses aren’t working properly.

Thanks for the analysis, it is great! Will experiment with Svanir and Vampirism. I think they will help me staying in melee and keep up the dps.

Dungeon runes

in Warrior

Posted by: Soeki.9643


I don’t think Scholar is the best for melee classes because of the predication on being at essentially full HP.

Try using omnomberry pie, even if you lose HP you’ll be at full HP again pretty fast. Also dodge is your best friend, I run a lot of dungeons, and even if I lose HP I get back to full pretty fast. With proper playstyle and setup Scholar runes boost your dps by a lot