Earthshaker Question
most AoEs that don’t last longer than the first attack will miss with blind.
For the same reason that “Fear me!” misses while blinded : ANet trollogic
For the same reason that “Fear me!” misses while blinded : ANet trollogic
Same reason why Guardian’s shield bubble misses while blinded. It’s an attack, no matter what.
Dude….c’mon an AoE is an AoE. Should not matter if its a 1second AoE or a 10 second AoE. I’ll toss a grenade into the closet you’re hiding in and close my eyes….tell me if I miss.
We are talking about anet devs, they dont use common sense, look at the thieves and necros.
you just have to blind the source of the damage to not get hit by it. lazy code
I dropped cleansing Ire from my build because of blinds, I mainly fight zvz
Blinds should really just shift where aoe’s drop instead of making them miss altogether. Why can I still jump in a perfectly straight line to where I wanted to go, but the shock wave I generate goes through things because I had dust in my eyes?