Elite Specialization Idea: Weapon Master
I don’t play an ele because I don’t want to spam 100% of the time, I’d rather time my skills.
EDIT: also toooooo many buttons lul
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
— GuildWars2.com Warrior
Being masters of weaponry, Elite Warriors can carry up to four (4) sets of weapons. Similar to the Elementalist’s elemental affinity, warriors can swap sets using F1-F4 (F5 being Burst?). Weapon swap reduced cool down is base line.
Change is subtle but Warriors now become TRUE masters of weaponry.
What do you think?
I think I should start copy paste my replies from threads regarding Elite Spec…
Lets assume that Warrior has 4 available weapon sets (similar to an ele). When most duel-wielding options are sub-par to GS damage and Hammer CC, what other weapons you think most people would take? Maybe Sword+Warhorn for mobility and LB/Rifle for range?
Whats the use of getting more weapon slots when, although they got 21 available weapon combinations, most warrs play with 2-3 specific weapon combinations???
Warrior is gonna get trident for underwater and the specialization will be called diver and have all underwater traits
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
I was thinking of something similar but wasn’t sure it could be implemented. Really like your idea!
I think it would be cleaner to have the ‘Weapon Master’ implemented as ‘kits’ rather than just as additional weapon sets; which might open up whole new ways to use certain weapons.
-pistols for pulling enemies and immobilizing them so you can beat on them without them running off.
-main hand shield (my personal fav) for rushing attacks and 100% bunker
-no weapon for just punching and (hopefully) headbutts and just pure bad***ness
I really think its going to be one of these. its prolly the easiest and the best options (especially dual wield shield)