Elite skill shout

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Swagman.9013


Basically this is just a petition to the fine folks of Anet to ask if they could include a warrior elite skill shout in an upcoming patch.

Basically warrior utility skills break down into 4 categories, physical, banners, signets and shouts. With the trait bonuses giving added buffs to them respectively. Now with warrior elite skills we have a banner, signet, and physical but no shout.

I am very partial to using shouts in PVE and my spec buffs my shouts as well. I was thinking something along the lines of,

Boons to allies in area; might, fury, stability, regeneration
Conditions to enemies in area; vulnerability, cripple, weakness

i dont think thats too overpowered seeing as the banner gives those plus it revives allies from downed the tradeoff of course being that you can add some offensive abilities against enemies.

If anyone thinks this is too much or might think of a way to better implement it please feel free to say so.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Niroy.2367


Ooo I’d like to see an elite shout too. So I can abuse the trait that makes your shout heal even more :P

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

“This is my Elite Skill!” Shout. Grant an awesome boon to you and your allies, while foes are confused by your great announcement.

Seriously, I would like an Elite Shout as well. Maybe not with that effect in mind, but perhaps one that would fill in the gaps left out by Battle Standard.

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Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Strejda Tom.6108

Strejda Tom.6108

I’d like shout as elite skill too. And the stats are fine.

Strejda Tom, the last unicorn.
Always remember one thing – your opinion is your opinion not fact.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Swagman.9013


The stats can be tweaked with how many stacks and the duration. But it is something I would like to see.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Even though this would be lackluster, I’d prefer this over Juggernaut any day.

We definitely need a revamp to our 30 skill point Elite. I’ve never seen ANYONE using it.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Osred.3864


‘’I will avenge you’’ should return as an elite shout. With longer buffs ofcourse.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537


Even though this would be lackluster, I’d prefer this over Juggernaut any day.

We definitely need a revamp to our 30 skill point Elite. I’ve never seen ANYONE using it.

The banner is really sexy. I love it in spvp !

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Even though this would be lackluster, I’d prefer this over Juggernaut any day.

We definitely need a revamp to our 30 skill point Elite. I’ve never seen ANYONE using it.

The banner is really sexy. I love it in spvp !

I like the Banner a lot too… the cooldown however is a big turn off.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Progulous.1763


“Face Me!” – Recharge – 60s
Shout. Forces foes to attack you and inflicts Weakness. Gain Protection and Stability.

*Radius – 900
*Taunt Duration – 3s
*Weakness – 8s
*Protection – 8s
*Stability – 8s

It would work like a reverse-fear. Enemies would run toward you.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: MolotovCocktailParty.8931


“Face Me!” – Recharge – 60s
Shout. Forces foes to attack you and inflicts Weakness. Gain Protection and Stability.

*Radius – 900
*Taunt Duration – 3s
*Weakness – 8s
*Protection – 8s
*Stability – 8s

It would work like a reverse-fear. Enemies would run toward you.

Sounds cool, but would it work on players?

Stuff about I Will Avenge You being an Elite

I support this. IWAY wasn’t that good, but it was awesome. You could make it so that it applies its buffs to everyone in the area but double to you (to keep it competitive with the banner) and ress everyone nearby with like 2/3 the banner’s insta-ress radius if you kill someone. It should also make downed players temporarily unkillable/uninterruptible. All of this might be too much, but I think it returning as an AoE buff that made downed people not killable and not interruptible with a ress attached to kills would be cool.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Heru.5427


Good idea, I like it.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Bamfbear.5028


Well warriors in general, are the class for frontlines. In the heat of the battle, taking the hits.

When I think of an elite shout, I think of something that’s supposed to be inspiring.
The “Face Me” one is a good idea, but it’s too defensive and would only appeal to PvE really.

Why not bring back the warrior ability from GW1 “On Your Knees!”?

Or maybe this;

* “Stand Your Ground!”*
Shout. Inspires allies to stand their ground, demoralizes enemies. Gain Might, Stability, Fury and Regen to allies. Enemies are weakened and slowed.

The buffs to allies and you could last like 20s, the debuffs would be around 7s. Of course tweaking would be necessary but that would be a sick elite skill.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Evagal.2584


Well warriors in general, are the class for frontlines. In the heat of the battle, taking the hits.

When I think of an elite shout, I think of something that’s supposed to be inspiring.
The “Face Me” one is a good idea, but it’s too defensive and would only appeal to PvE really.

Why not bring back the warrior ability from GW1 “On Your Knees!”?

Or maybe this;

* “Stand Your Ground!”*
Shout. Inspires allies to stand their ground, demoralizes enemies. Gain Might, Stability, Fury and Regen to allies. Enemies are weakened and slowed.

The buffs to allies and you could last like 20s, the debuffs would be around 7s. Of course tweaking would be necessary but that would be a sick elite skill.

@"Stand your ground":
Guardians already have this basically,in shout form,as a nonelite.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Bamfbear.5028


Oh really? Didn’t know. That sucks.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Swagman.9013


Well theres a lot of good ideas on here, yes i was trying to think of a good balance between PVE and PVP with an elite skill shout, hence the idea of it inflicting weakness and cripple.

I dont know if have the focus be mainly on defensive would be the best since most elite skills can be tailored to the situation and i would think that Anet would like to keep this one open for possibilities.

But please keep the bumps going to help get eyes on it.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Craftyman.6502


I definitely feel there should be an elite stance too, if not somewhere in the future.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: knyy.8276


i think that shout would be overpowered, except maybe with a cooldown of 240s and a duration of 6s. so take away stability and the debuffs and its ok with a much lower cooldown.

(edited by knyy.8276)

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Progulous.1763


No, it wouldn’t be overpowered. It’s an elite.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Pop 100 blades then elite shout during lol

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Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Swagman.9013


That Juggernaut elite is basically an elite stance isnt it.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: hype r.5431

hype r.5431

As a warrior who uses mainly shouts, I would love to see a shout elite, but untill then I will stick to my signet for solo and Banner for groups.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: RaptorSpectre.3271


Stand and face me sounds terrible. Sounds way to much like a force taunt. Warriors aren’t tanks. The last thing we want in this game is any notion of the unholy trinity coming back.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Ooo I’d like to see an elite shout too. So I can abuse the trait that makes your shout heal even more :P

If by abuse you mean do a max of 2k heal per shout if you gear solely for healing and watch as the other team just 1-attacks it away as if it never happened (leaving your damage in the gutter at the same time) You mean that abuse?

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Swagman.9013


I think for the class giving it some support options would fit the best. The banner is nice but the cool down is so long it deters me from using it. I usually just use the human racial elite that poisons and chills enemies in an aoe around me because I can use it every other pull in dungeons.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Rhazmuz.8637


/signed, would love an elite shout ability.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910



I think it’s a very reasonable request. A short term solution could be a shout version of the Signet of Rage, but I would love to see a more defensive shout so it’s a good alternative to SoR. How about something with protection, aegis or retaliation? Something warriors don’t otherwise have access to would be nice.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


I’m sure its on the short list for expansion material. Right up there with Greataxe being an xpac weapon.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Kinto.9485


How this elite’s shout should be.
Just from 0:12 – 0:17. I rest my case.

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Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Progulous.1763


Stand and face me sounds terrible. Sounds way to much like a force taunt. Warriors aren’t tanks. The last thing we want in this game is any notion of the unholy trinity coming back.

Oh, should we get rid of all heals, too? You’re delusional if you think this would be enough to bring tanks “back” into the game.

How is a 3-second taunt any worse than a 3-second fear?

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Swagman.9013


First off let’s not argue over game semantics on a thread that I would hope helps the warrior class.

Secondly a fear taunt or even aoe stun shout is not that great for the class overall. What good is a long cool down shout that serves no purpose other than eating a stack of defiant off a champion elite.

I would prefer something that had equal utility in pvp, pve, or whatever I’m doing like the banner does. Boons and conditions are the easiest to add and balance and will provide the most benefit. Lets try to leave the innovative new abilities for a bit further down the road.

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Swagman.9013


Bump for great justice

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: Nargaroth.1482


one great shout would be “Show your self!” (Reveal all stealth foes in x range)

Elite skill shout

in Warrior

Posted by: iYosh.9802


i will avenge you!