(edited by inneedoflife.5092)
Elite specialization idea "KISS" 3 weps
Well, it’s been suggested before and I actually kind of like the idea in concept. Here’s the thing though, it probably wouldn’t be that simple to execute.
Afaik, it’d be much easier for Anet to just give us a new weapon, skill type, and line of traits than pulling this off. All the QQ that would come from others, rightly or wrongly, plus the resulting balance changes that would be needed, would probably make it more trouble than it’s worth. And that’s in addition to the extra development work that would be needed to support the mechanic.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
Guild Wars 2 will fail more if that’s how Anet thinks! The difference between winners and losers is that winners do things that losers don’t want to do! if they want to go the easy route and avoid more challenges then other game companies will come along and steal there player base because they have the ambitious desires to become winners and make a prefect game!… cough Fallout 4*cough*
this is actually great and very funny idea since warrior has only f1 skill… we could be bit harder to play by having 3 weapons. But in this case we ahould be able to choose what to swap like common fps game.
My Stream : http://www.twitch.tv/eSportsKorea see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!
Guild Wars 2 will fail more if that’s how Anet thinks! The difference between winners and losers is that winners do things that losers don’t want to do! if they want to go the easy route and avoid more challenges then other game companies will come along and steal there player base because they have the ambitious desires to become winners and make a prefect game!… cough Fallout 4*cough*
Point being, it wouldn’t be consistent with your, ““KISS” Keep it Simple & Straightforward” thing.
Whether it should happen or not is another matter. Would it be worth the effort? Dunno… they aren’t going to make any more money for it and, given the reactions they get even from good decisions, they’re going to get rage, hate, and QQ anyway, so maybe not.
I wouldn’t be sad if I had three weapons though.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
The thing is, I don’t know if it would even affect us in pve really. gs + axe/mace is already pretty optimal rotation wise. Its our best auto attack, our best utilities, all wrapped up together. I can’t think of any other big bursty ability we could swap to that would be better than axe aa to kill time while 100b is on cd. Maybe sword 3 would be incorporated into rotations? I’m not sure how much of a dps boost that would even be.
So then would it give us utility? It opens up hammer or warhorns as a source of weakness. But anytime weakness is useful, blinds are better as far as I know. I guess we could throw rifle in there for the vulnerability, then immediately swap weapons again. Overall I don’t think a pve warrior would really use a 3rd weapon set.
3 weaponsets is way to overpowered. Imagine the rotations you could make with 3 weaponsets. It would make all the other professions cry.
W v W-r o a m e r
3 weaponsets is way to overpowered. Imagine the rotations you could make with 3 weaponsets. It would make all the other professions cry.
Agreed, and besides they are all about the easy route. For example we never got guild capes, because ‘it is really difficult’ to program.
Crystal Desert
Its not overpowered… ofc there is a cool down on weapon swaps… 6-8 sec
I instantly thought of Zoro from One Piece when I read the title.