Endgame dungeon/pve/fractal build?
I use this for 40+ fracs.
Usually either Axe/something or GS as main weapon, LB/rifle as secondary.
Utilities are Endure Pain (never gets off my bar, greatest tool we have by far), FGJ and the other usually changes depending on the next encounter.
I jump into a a bunch of mobs and EP+megaburst on 5 mobs (HB+WA or Cyclone/Axe auto), roll into 10k arcing arrow+Pin down on melee mob, swap back and burst another time then keep DPSing.
This usually leaves my team in a safe situation where they can DPS a lot without being hit.
In case I have a Guardian I let him be the first puller and just spam damage like a mad viking in a neverending serie with EP timed when I predict a sudden damage spike.
Underwater I love to EP+Balanced stance+Whirl into 10 kraits and burst them for 15k+6k+5k(stun), circle-dodge them and auto attack; this negates their initial burst/CC completely while dealing big DPS to them.
Burst, roll into another burst, roll into another burst… You don’t die, you deal extreme DPS, you avoid your team a lot of damage.
(edited by Red Falcon.8257)
This is what i use for everything .. including high level FOTM
Huge amounts of Damage 100% Crit chance at all times with 100% fury.. with -20% signet recharged time and lots of armor and toughness! .. cant go wrong
I normally use – Healing Signet, Signet of Stamina, Endure Pain, For Great Justice and Signet of Rage
(edited by VidGhost.3215)
This is what i use for everything .. including high level FOTM
Huge amounts of Damage 100% Crit chance at all times with 100% fury.. with -20% signet recharged time and lots of armor and toughness! .. cant go wrong
I normally use – Healing Signet, Signet of Stamina, Endure Pain, For Great Justice and Signet of Rage
Good build, though I fear that you’re getting a ton of aggro with that armor.
Unless you run with good Guardians (rare, most are glassy warrior wannabes but some actually have 3600 armor so it’s non-issues)
Does armor give aggro? huh I did not know that. So should I go with zerk instead of knight then or is there a better armor choice?
This is what i use for everything .. including high level FOTM
Huge amounts of Damage 100% Crit chance at all times with 100% fury.. with -20% signet recharged time and lots of armor and toughness! .. cant go wrong
I normally use – Healing Signet, Signet of Stamina, Endure Pain, For Great Justice and Signet of RageGood build, though I fear that you’re getting a ton of aggro with that armor.
Unless you run with good Guardians (rare, most are glassy warrior wannabes but some actually have 3600 armor so it’s non-issues)
I used to have even more armor toughness ….I still get agro “all the time” im a bad guy magnet BUT i do find that i’m very good at running and dodging allot so taking away the damage towards me is a good thing for the group as a whole!
I want to bump this topic back up because I still have a few questions:
1. full zerk or mix zerk/knight for high level fractals?
2. How important is a ranged weapon? Im definitely set on using a GS (100b + whirlwind too good, especially whirlwind), but is it okay if I run another melee set for all fractal stages or do I run a rifle (I have NO plans to switch using inventory in between. Sorry Im lazy guys :P)
3. Is the sonic boon shout build still worth it after 30+ fractals? Or should I convert to a more EP 100b warrior type.
1. Full Knight (w/ Flaming Legion Berserker Glove)
2. Important. Long Bow. Might/Combo/Burn field + root w/ severe bleeding + hard hitting AoE = everything you could want out of a ranged weapons
3. No. It requires all three shouts, but you should have 1~2 shouts max on your bar. It forces you into a set utility bar.
Axe/Shield Learner Build = 10/25/20/0/15
Maintains 5700 effective power while hitting a whopping 40% reduction + 98% crit
Tons of invulnerability through EP and Shield Stance. A LOT of room for mistakes.
Remains a solid build even at 40+
If you do not make mistakes and you’re just ridiculously sexy, then go a traditional 25/25/0/0/20 or some sort of Zerker build. Axe/Sword is my preference (for skin and still has a block) but Axe/Mace adds in some vital CC and vulnerability stacking.
If you prefer GS, then pretty much the same build except with a change of traits and weapon. Make sure you use HB at beginning and then in conjunction with EP or a good timing window or you’re just asking to die.
Hi guys! I play with a build 0/20/20/30/0 with shouts and gs ax / shield and riffle for ranged encounters. Now i have knight trinket and armor and weapon soldier. I use traits greatsword forceful and +200 tough when slowed and balance stance auto cast, then increse damage for each boon, shouts recharge faster and heal. from the previous answers I understand that it is not good for fractal but do not understand how a warrior semi-full zerk can be more competitive and survive at high levels of fractal.
another question: i see Ascended gear with precision as the highest stat and power and toughness, like a knight but with higher prec. Do you say it’s worse than berserkers, classic knight or cavalier (tough, power, crit damage)?
I’m really undecided about which trinket to take!
thx all and sorry for bad english!
Hi guys! I play with a build 0/20/20/30/0 with shouts and gs ax / shield and riffle for ranged encounters. Now i have knight trinket and armor and weapon soldier. I use traits greatsword forceful and +200 tough when slowed and balance stance auto cast, then increse damage for each boon, shouts recharge faster and heal. from the previous answers I understand that it is not good for fractal but do not understand how a warrior semi-full zerk can be more competitive and survive at high levels of fractal.
another question: i see Ascended gear with precision as the highest stat and power and toughness, like a knight but with higher prec. Do you say it’s worse than berserkers, classic knight or cavalier (tough, power, crit damage)?
I’m really undecided about which trinket to take!
thx all and sorry for bad english!
… if you read my post and look at the build I posted right above your post, you would understand how a warrior can still be competitive and survive VERY well.
Going full support is a bad BAD BAD idea. Having a Guardian go full support is 10x better. At end-game fractals though, no one goes full support. It’s all about focusing down the mobs before they gather and destroy you… although Guardian support here and there never hurts
yeah i read all posts and i understand that the right way is full zerk (for the 39% crit damage above all i think) in trinket and get toughness with the others equipment/traits, but I wanted an analysis of the recommended stats for a warrior that runs high levels fractal=) for exemple vitality is totally useless? if we use armor soldier instead of knight is so bad?
PS: i run fractal with a fuc…ing guardian mate full berserker and self healing build so i dont have so much support from him -.-’ and I have to arrange with shouts and rune of soldier