Endure pain.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


Does this skill even work?

Try testing it in a 50 man zerg, do nothing don’t attack the enemy.

My health goes down very very fast! and that with only 10 bleed stacks.

I think this skill needs some looking into, I don’t think it works (in groups).

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


Endure Pain only reduces incoming damage to 0 from non-condition sources. All effects and conditions on you will continue to do damage to you.

10 bleed stacks should not be downing you ‘quickly’ unless you are already near death even in the most glass-cannon of Warrior specs. And if that is the case, build for more condition removal.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


Endure Pain only reduces incoming damage to 0 from non-condition sources. All effects and conditions on you will continue to do damage to you.

10 bleed stacks should not be downing you ‘quickly’ unless you are already near death even in the most glass-cannon of Warrior specs. And if that is the case, build for more condition removal.

Someone in full Rabid’s will bleed you for 92 dmg/s. 10 Stacks and that’s 920/s.
Someone in full Rabid’s will burn you for 578 dmg/s.
Someone in full Rabid’s will poison you for 184 dmg/s.

Total, just from those three sources, is 1,682 dmg/s. That’s means if you have no additional Vitality, you’re dead in 12 seconds.

Throw in a Fear necro and you’re looking at another 662 dmg/s for a total of 2,344 dmg/s. You gonna die in 9 seconds.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Its bugged. The description is "Take no damage from attacks. " But this isnt true. because it doesn’t make you invulnerable. Elemental mist form makes them invulnerable they actually take no damage from attacks but endure pain on take no damage from physical attacks. But I have also found this not to be always true as well.

You can still be pulled stunned, knocked back knocked down crippled bleed poised ete etc.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Shield Stance is the same bugs. It says “blocks attacks” but it really doesnt block all attacks. You can get knocked down or interupeted while channeling shield stance. It happens all the time to me in WVW. It also wont block any condition attacks.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


Its bugged. The description is "Take no damage from attacks. " But this isnt true. because it doesn’t make you invulnerable. Elemental mist form makes them invulnerable they actually take no damage from attacks but endure pain on take no damage from physical attacks. But I have also found this not to be always true as well.

Excuse me?

It was already stated that Endure Pain does not give you invulnerability, but rather makes you immune to physical damage.

You can still be pulled stunned, knocked back knocked down crippled bleed poised ete etc.

It’s a damage immunity skill, not a stability skill.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Endure pain should wipe all conditions on use, then make you invulnerable. Thats how this skills should work but it doesn’t.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Its bugged. The description is "Take no damage from attacks. " But this isnt true. because it doesn’t make you invulnerable. Elemental mist form makes them invulnerable they actually take no damage from attacks but endure pain on take no damage from physical attacks. But I have also found this not to be always true as well.

Excuse me?

It was already stated that Endure Pain does not give you invulnerability, but rather makes you immune to physical damage.

You can still be pulled stunned, knocked back knocked down crippled bleed poised ete etc.

It’s a damage immunity skill, not a stability skill.

you take damage from conditions and control skills so it isnt a damage immunity skill.

Damage is damage no mater how you try to redefine damage its just damage.
Also an attack is an attack. No mater what form of an attack it is its still an attack. “Take no damage from attacks” What ever has been stated by ANET is an ongiong problem for warriors.

Just because how the skill is working now doesn’t mean that its right. Maybe its intended to work how its working now. Id say than they need to change the description of the skill because it doesn’t work how it is described in the tool tip.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


They should just make it 8 seconds of protection. Also lower the cool-down to 25 seconds.

Then make Sure-Footed a -20% Stance cool-down trait also.

Stances are just not viable.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


They should just make it 8 seconds of protection. Also lower the cool-down to 25 seconds.

Then make Sure-Footed a -20% Stance cool-down trait also.

Stances are just not viable.

Yeah because we totally want Warriors to run around with 50% uptime on Protection on top of permanent fury, swiftness and 8+ stacks of might.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


They should just make it 8 seconds of protection. Also lower the cool-down to 25 seconds.

Then make Sure-Footed a -20% Stance cool-down trait also.

Stances are just not viable.

Yeah because we totally want Warriors to run around with 50% uptime on Protection on top of permanent fury, swiftness and 8+ stacks of might.

Hey, its a different play-style. Stances would be useful.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Yeah because we totally want Warriors to run around with 50% uptime on Protection on top of permanent fury, swiftness and 8+ stacks of might.

That change makes us like the Guardians! Wouldn’t want to be the Guardian profession… oh right, forgot they also have permanent vigor and regeneration. Guess even with this “OP buff” as you are claiming we still wouldn’t be any where near as good as a Guardian.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: pot.6805


Yeah because we totally want Warriors to run around with 50% uptime on Protection on top of permanent fury, swiftness and 8+ stacks of might.

That change makes us like the Guardians! Wouldn’t want to be the Guardian profession… oh right, forgot they also have permanent vigor and regeneration. Guess even with this “OP buff” as you are claiming we still wouldn’t be any where near as good as a Guardian.

Spot on post man.

Beast mode

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


They should just make it 8 seconds of protection. Also lower the cool-down to 25 seconds.

Then make Sure-Footed a -20% Stance cool-down trait also.

Stances are just not viable.

Yeah because we totally want Warriors to run around with 50% uptime on Protection on top of permanent fury, swiftness and 8+ stacks of might.


Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: fost.9167


Best thing I ever did was spec into 100% swiftness (and 80% ish for might I suppose).

Our stances need rework. We don’t “want” to be like guardians but they are a good example of a class with working synergy that has a lot of the points we complain about (however, guardians are not nirvana they have sore points as well I am sure)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


Best thing I ever did was spec into 100% swiftness (and 80% ish for might I suppose).

Our stances need rework. We don’t "want" to be like guardians but they are a good example of a class with working synergy that has a lot of the points we complain about (however, guardians are not nirvana they have sore points as well I am sure)

Depending on which weapons you use, you should have enough gap closers + cripple/immobilize/stun/knockdowns to keep targets close. I can see spec’ing 100% swiftness good if you run a range build + condition removal or if you don’t have access to many gap closers.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

(edited by ArtemisEntreri.4138)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Best thing I ever did was spec into 100% swiftness (and 80% ish for might I suppose).

Our stances need rework. We don’t “want” to be like guardians but they are a good example of a class with working synergy that has a lot of the points we complain about (however, guardians are not nirvana they have sore points as well I am sure)

The only sore points for a Guardian are little range options and far reaching mobility skills. However once in melee range with a Guardian it is very hard to escape a good one without stability. You can complain that the Warrior’s high health pool makes giving them protection too good is a shallow argument at best.

The point of the game is denial of damage. The Guardian has many more options available to them for avoiding/denial of damage than a Warrior with protection. This is not even going over the sources of healing (which is also more important that high health).

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


It needs to have an 60 secs cool down imo


Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


Best thing I ever did was spec into 100% swiftness (and 80% ish for might I suppose).

Our stances need rework. We don’t "want" to be like guardians but they are a good example of a class with working synergy that has a lot of the points we complain about (however, guardians are not nirvana they have sore points as well I am sure)

However once in melee range with a Guardian it is very hard to escape a good one without stability. You can complain that the Warrior’s high health pool makes giving them protection too good is a shallow argument at best.

The point of the game is denial of damage. The Guardian has many more options available to them for avoiding/denial of damage than a Warrior with protection. This is not even going over the sources of healing (which is also more important that high health).

Wariors have a cripple with almost every weapon. Leg Specialist is a 1 sec immobilize + cripple duration. Warriors have much better options keeping targets close.

You can use Warhorn and pick up 10 seconds of vigor every 20 seconds + Weakness AoE up to 1200 radius. Weakness > Protection. You can trait for vigor from stances. If you were radical and used three stances you can have 20-24 seconds of vigor not including your horn.

The options are there. You just don’t seek to utilize them.

Guardians have to trait for vigor and use Save Yourself (48-60 cd). The only reason why Vigorous Precision is great is because as long as guardians crit every 5 seconds they can keep vigor up. They also have a much smaller starting health pool than warriors so they need regen and protection to lower incoming damage so they don’t get three shotted.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


I’d probably give the guardian the upper hand in being able to keep a target close.

Leg specialist is actually bugged and won’t stack in duration if a longer duration immobilize is on the target it in fact cancels the longer duration immobilize and replaces it with the 1 second one. Also it’s in our healing trait line lol.

Weakness is probably one of the worst conditions in the game as it doesn’t effect crits. All the passive aoe condi removal in the game pretty much nullifies single use cooldown condis as well.

I wish warrior’s larger health pool mattered.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


I’d probably give the guardian the upper hand in being able to keep a target close.

Leg specialist is actually bugged and won’t stack in duration if a longer duration immobilize is on the target it in fact cancels the longer duration immobilize and replaces it with the 1 second one. Also it’s in our healing trait line lol.

Weakness is probably one of the worst conditions in the game as it doesn’t effect crits. All the passive aoe condi removal in the game pretty much nullifies single use cooldown condis as well.

I wish warrior’s larger health pool mattered.

I wish I could allocate 800 points of stats elsewhere on my guardian to reach your base health pool. It matters. The only thing a warrior needs right now direly is a little more condition removal (among other bug fixes).

If you were hit for 1000 and it crit for 2.5 (100% crit damage) you just took 2500 damage. Negate that and you just took 1250 damage.

Same damage but use protection and you take 1675 damage.

Am I missing something?

Guardians have Zealot’s Embrace, Ring of Warding, Binding Blade, Line of Warding, Chains of Light, and Flashing Blade for gap closers/keeping targets close.

Do really want me to name off the gap closers and abilities to keep targets close for warriors? I’ll make it easy for you. I’ll just count them. 15 if you include warhorn’s charge.

I don’t agree about the upper hand.

EDIT: I went back and read the description of Weakness closer and it only affects Non-crits like you mentioned. I would agree Weakness should affect crits as well. Pointless indeed. I’d rather it just make you not crit-able and reduce endurance regen by 100% for the duration.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

(edited by ArtemisEntreri.4138)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


We get a 90 second CD utility that doesn’t even make us invulnerable. Mesmers get two 10 second CD invulns, go figure.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


If you are trying to say the Warrior is more capable in sPvP/tPvP than a Guardian then I am sorry for you. Even in PvE (including WvW) Guardians are more capable then Warriors.

15 gap closer? What skills are you talking about. Even if we had the option of 3 weapons sets we wouldn’t get near that number.

Lets look at a common sPvP build.
Greatsword + Axe/Shield Utilities: Bull’s Charge+Balance Stance+Endure Pain
I will humor you in saying that anything that makes the Warrior go forward slightly fast is a gap closer and anything that does cripple I will count as well.

You have: Rush, Whirlwind Attack, Eviscerate, Shield Bash, Bull’s Charge,Bladetrail, Throw Axe.

Oh boy, look at all of them. All 7 of them. Only, 3 of them are not honest gap closer because the range on them is less than 600. So that leaves us with 4 things to try and keep targets by us. Meanwhile, Bladetrail and Throw Axe can easily be dodged/cleansed by a majority of classes and once dodged/cleansed they have a decently long cool down compared to other classes. So that leaves 2 viable means to close gaps. Meanwhile, Rush works okay…..sometimes….

(edited by Vanthian.9267)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


You guys do realize that in order to use the new traits it requires 30 points in Disciple and 10 in defense. The majority of the Warriors I see put no points in that trait line at all. Cuz ur running shout builds.

I normally run 25 points in Discipline, And I already see im going to have to give up Leg specialist with my current build Just to take advantage of it and 5 points in my arms trait if I want the new turtles defense.

Which does hurt me, to NEW 10/20/10/0/30 OLD 10/25/0/10/25

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sannhet.8745


Its bugged. The description is "Take no damage from attacks. " But this isnt true. because it doesn’t make you invulnerable. Elemental mist form makes them invulnerable they actually take no damage from attacks but endure pain on take no damage from physical attacks. But I have also found this not to be always true as well.

Excuse me?

It was already stated that Endure Pain does not give you invulnerability, but rather makes you immune to physical damage.

You can still be pulled stunned, knocked back knocked down crippled bleed poised ete etc.

It’s a damage immunity skill, not a stability skill.

you take damage from conditions and control skills so it isnt a damage immunity skill.

Damage is damage no mater how you try to redefine damage its just damage.
Also an attack is an attack. No mater what form of an attack it is its still an attack. “Take no damage from attacks” What ever has been stated by ANET is an ongiong problem for warriors.

Just because how the skill is working now doesn’t mean that its right. Maybe its intended to work how its working now. Id say than they need to change the description of the skill because it doesn’t work how it is described in the tool tip.

I think rather than ANet having to change their description, you should just work on your reading comprehension. It says you take no damage from attacks. You do not. If the attack applies a condition, you still get the condition because you didn’t nullify the attack, you just didn’t take the damage from it. Not only WORKING as intended, it’s written as intended as well.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


I don’t think it’s written very well

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Its bugged. The description is "Take no damage from attacks. " But this isnt true. because it doesn’t make you invulnerable. Elemental mist form makes them invulnerable they actually take no damage from attacks but endure pain on take no damage from physical attacks. But I have also found this not to be always true as well.

You can still be pulled stunned, knocked back knocked down crippled bleed poised ete etc.

Actually it’s your English knowledge that’s at fault here.

“Take no damage from attacks”. You don’t. You take damage from conditions. Also the skill does not mention any kind of immunity to CC, so, yes, obviously you still suffer from cripples/stuns/knockdowns/etc. That’s what stability is for.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: sanictoofast.9317


all of your oughta check your bloody privileges m8s
endure pain is working just as designed ever since gw1
muh condition damage, muh crowd control,
all are nothing to the almighty endure pain bumrush

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


Some of you need to learn some social skills. Wow.

Endure Pain, “Stance. Take no damage from attacks.”

Would there really be anything wrong with adding additional descriptive text? We can insult one another all day over how it’s to be interpreted, but to me, the more information given on any skill, the better. I like helpful descriptions.

Endure Pain, “Stance. Take no direct damage from attacks. Does not negate conditions. Does not negate control effects (Stun, Knockback, Launch, Sink, Float, Fear, Daze)”

Maybe it’s just because I grew up playing games like Magic: The Gathering. I’ve got patience to read things, haha.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Some of you need to learn some social skills. Wow.

Endure Pain, “Stance. Take no damage from attacks.”

Would there really be anything wrong with adding additional descriptive text? We can insult one another all day over how it’s to be interpreted, but to me, the more information given on any skill, the better. I like helpful descriptions.

Endure Pain, “Stance. Take no direct damage from attacks. Does not negate conditions. Does not negate control effects (Stun, Knockback, Launch, Sink, Float, Fear, Daze)”

Maybe it’s just because I grew up playing games like Magic: The Gathering. I’ve got patience to read things, haha.

Does not prevent rain. Does not prevent hypothermia. Does not make you fly. Does not contain nuts…etc.

Point being, there’s no need to mention everything the skill doesn’t do. It’s just clutter. The skill mentions exactly what it does. If you assume it does other things that’s your fault.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: TheMerc.4850


Or it could just… not allow condition damage but still allow them to accumulate. You’ll still get smacked by conditions once it wears off.

Wouldn’t make a giant difference but would still keep those annoying moments where a couple bleed stacks down you with it up.

Don’t really care either way as I don’t use it in pvp but I can see why it annoys people, especially in a Zerg I mean WvW setting.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


Does not prevent rain. Does not prevent hypothermia. Does not make you fly. Does not contain nuts…etc.

Point being, there’s no need to mention everything the skill doesn’t do. It’s just clutter. The skill mentions exactly what it does. If you assume it does other things that’s your fault.


That’s funny, but reasonably I can see why people would think it functions like other forms of invulnerability. Sure you can learn by talking to others and simple trial and error, or you could just make the text more informative to account for what people would reasonably expect from an attack. Endure Pain is one that does seem to raise questions from people a lot – I can see how “take no damage from attacks” could potentially be misleading with regards to, say, conditions applied BY an attack.

If you really want to look at the ability, you’re actually taking_0 damage from attacks, not truly negating them. That 0 damage isn’t a “miss” or a “block”, so it will still apply any additional effects (bleed, cripple, knockdown, etc.), which I think is where people get a bit confused. No real need to come down on their heads about it though.

EDIT: Word filter being weird. >_>

(edited by Sil.4560)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Does not prevent rain. Does not prevent hypothermia. Does not make you fly. Does not contain nuts…etc.

Point being, there’s no need to mention everything the skill doesn’t do. It’s just clutter. The skill mentions exactly what it does. If you assume it does other things that’s your fault.


That’s funny, but reasonably I can see why people would think it functions like other forms of invulnerability.

I can’t.

Mistform: “Morph into an invulnerable, vaporous mist for a brief time.”

Obsidian flesh: “Envelop yourself in stony armor, making yourself invulnerable.”

Fortify: “Use magnetism to envelop yourself in a shield, becoming invulnerable.”

Renewed Focus: “Focus, making yourself invulnerable and recharging your virtues.”

Endure Pain: “Take no damage from attacks.”

“One of these things is not like the other…”

(edited by ProxyDamage.9826)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Its bugged. The description is "Take no damage from attacks. " But this isnt true. because it doesn’t make you invulnerable. Elemental mist form makes them invulnerable they actually take no damage from attacks but endure pain on take no damage from physical attacks. But I have also found this not to be always true as well.

You can still be pulled stunned, knocked back knocked down crippled bleed poised ete etc.

Actually it’s your English knowledge that’s at fault here.

“Take no damage from attacks”. You don’t. You take damage from conditions. Also the skill does not mention any kind of immunity to CC, so, yes, obviously you still suffer from cripples/stuns/knockdowns/etc. That’s what stability is for.

The problem isn’t my English the problem is Attack is a vague English word.

Attack —-to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with: He attacked him with his bare hands.

Attack – to begin hostilities against; start an offensive against: to attack the enemy.

If a players casts a skill on another player with the intention to harm them and that skill is capable of damage regardless if it is a condition it is none the less an Attack especially in the English language.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sannhet.8745


The problem isn’t my English the problem is Attack is a vague English word.

Attack —-to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with: He attacked him with his bare hands.

Attack – to begin hostilities against; start an offensive against: to attack the enemy.

If a players casts a skill on another player with the intention to harm them and that skill is capable of damage regardless if it is a condition it is none the less an Attack especially in the English language.

Nope, still your English. Both of your definitions (no doubt taken from dictionary.com or the like, which do not take neologism into account, especially when said neologism is video game related) are the definitions of the verb attack (as in “to attack”). The word being used in the description of Endure Pain is the noun attack (as in “an attack”).

Not trying to be a grammar kitten here but you’re the one posting definitions and being deliberately difficult in order to defend a stance that has already been shown to be inaccurate (cwutididthar?).

EDIT: Quoted the wrong person.

EDIT2: To more easily understand, if you’re not actually being deliberately obtuse, imagine someone cuts you with a knife. Though the act of cutting you is an attack on your person, the bleeding that follows is not. It’s merely a result of the the attack.

(edited by Sannhet.8745)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Really your just a troll, you probably don’t even know what attack means in the English dictionary. The problem isn’t my English the problem is Attack is a vague English word.

Attack —-to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with: He attacked him with his bare hands.

Attack – to begin hostilities against; start an offensive against: to attack the enemy.

If a players casts a skill on another player with the intention to harm them and that skill is capable of damage regardless if it is a condition it is none the less an Attack especially in the English language.

The problem with trying to sound smart, is that people who are smart don’t need to try to sound smart. They do so naturally.

Your attempt to argue uncontextualized semantics aside, you’re still missing the point.

Conditions are not attacks. They’re by-products of attacks. A bruise isn’t a punch. It’s the result of a punch. A wound isn’t a knife stab. It’s a potential result of one. Conditions are not attacks. They’re the results of certain attacks.

Endure Pain mentions you take no damage from attacks. You do not. It says nothing about conditions. You don’t take damage from the attacks applying conditions. You do receive the conditions. You do receive the damage from the conditions.

“We good”? Need a drawing?

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


I can’t.

Mistform: “Morph into an invulnerable, vaporous mist for a brief time.”

Obsidian flesh: “Envelop yourself in stony armor, making yourself invulnerable.”

Fortify: “Use magnetism to envelop yourself in a shield, becoming invulnerable.”

Renewed Focus: “Focus, making yourself invulnerable and recharging your virtues.”

Endure Pain: “Take no damage from attacks.”

“One of these things is not like the other…”

Well that is assuming they’ve looked at all of those other skills. For someone to ask about Endure Pain, I’m going to assume they’ve got probably limited experience in order to not know how exactly it functions so maybe they haven’t played all of the other classes long enough to make note of those skills.

Honestly, I’m not here to argue. If you’re wanting to be one of those people online who comes across as rude and as if they don’t want to miss a chance to pass themselves off as smarter than someone else, I guess that’s your call. I’m just trying to give someone the benefit of the doubt and say that I’d be totally okay with in-depth descriptions on skills.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Well that is assuming they’ve looked at all of those other skills. For someone to ask about Endure Pain, I’m going to assume they’ve got probably limited experience in order to not know how exactly it functions so maybe they haven’t played all of the other classes long enough to make note of those skills.

Honestly, I’m not here to argue. If you’re wanting to be one of those people online who comes across as rude and as if they don’t want to miss a chance to pass themselves off as smarter than someone else, I guess that’s your call. I’m just trying to give someone the benefit of the doubt and say that I’d be totally okay with in-depth descriptions on skills.

And I quote: “I can see why people would think it functions like other forms of invulnerability.”

You’re the one who mentioned other forms of invulnerability. Otherwise, you have no reason to think so. It doesn’t say it makes you invulnerable. It says you don’t take damage from attacks. See above for the difference.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


The game’s descriptions have always been a little questionable at best. They’ve updated multiple tooltips to better reflect what things do, so honestly I don’t put too much faith in the specific wording of things as they are now; it’s entirely possible they would’ve overlooked something like that to be fixed in a future patch.

I dunno dude. You want to be an kitten Go right ahead. I know what Endure Pain does and was trying to be nice to someone. I don’t have time for people who act like you. Get some social skills.

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Really your just a troll, you probably don’t even know what attack means in the English dictionary. The problem isn’t my English the problem is Attack is a vague English word.

Attack —-to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with: He attacked him with his bare hands.

Attack – to begin hostilities against; start an offensive against: to attack the enemy.

If a players casts a skill on another player with the intention to harm them and that skill is capable of damage regardless if it is a condition it is none the less an Attack especially in the English language.

The problem with trying to sound smart, is that people who are smart don’t need to try to sound smart. They do so naturally.

Your attempt to argue uncontextualized semantics aside, you’re still missing the point.

Conditions are not attacks. They’re by-products of attacks. A bruise isn’t a punch. It’s the result of a punch. A wound isn’t a knife stab. It’s a potential result of one. Conditions are not attacks. They’re the results of certain attacks.

Endure Pain mentions you take no damage from attacks. You do not. It says nothing about conditions. You don’t take damage from the attacks applying conditions. You do receive the conditions. You do receive the damage from the conditions.

“We good”? Need a drawing?

The problem with thinking that someone is smarter than they really are maybe?

If I block your punch I don’t get a bruise. If I dodge you knife slash I don’t get a wound. You cant have an effect without a cause. Cause and effect. While that doesn’t have anything to do with endure pain there is plenty or reason to my argument and none to yours what so ever.

The way this skill is currently working implies, you try to punch me with your fist, I block it with a chair in a bar room fight yet I still get punched somehow and have a bruise yet you never actually punched me. There is no logic to this at all. And while there is no mention of blocking or dodging anything in endure pains description, you can still be hit by conditions when you block with a shield.

I am basically using a comparison here between taking no damage from something yet being effected by it none the less. Is like I jump out a 10 story building I dont get hurt yet I still die.
So If we are taking the skill description by face value defined by the English language and logic the description is in fact incorrect.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Asomal.6453


I can’t.

Mistform: “Morph into an invulnerable, vaporous mist for a brief time.”

Obsidian flesh: “Envelop yourself in stony armor, making yourself invulnerable.”

Fortify: “Use magnetism to envelop yourself in a shield, becoming invulnerable.”

Renewed Focus: “Focus, making yourself invulnerable and recharging your virtues.”

Endure Pain: “Take no damage from attacks.”

“One of these things is not like the other…”

“One of these things just doesn’t beloong…”

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


I can’t.

Mistform: “Morph into an invulnerable, vaporous mist for a brief time.”

Obsidian flesh: “Envelop yourself in stony armor, making yourself invulnerable.”

Fortify: “Use magnetism to envelop yourself in a shield, becoming invulnerable.”

Renewed Focus: “Focus, making yourself invulnerable and recharging your virtues.”

Endure Pain: “Take no damage from attacks.”

“One of these things is not like the other…”

“One of these things just doesn’t beloong…”

Guess wha the definition of invulnerable is?

you guessed it

Impossible to harm or damage.

which is synonymous with take no damage,

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


Guess wha the definition of invulnerable is?

you guessed it

Impossible to harm or damage.

which is synonymous with take no damage,

Yep. I’m out… It’s like trying to teach quantum mechanics to a donkey…


Endure pain.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sannhet.8745


Guess wha the definition of invulnerable is?

you guessed it

Impossible to harm or damage.

which is synonymous with take no damage,

Yep. I’m out… It’s like trying to teach quantum mechanics to a donkey…