Eviscerate is broken
I’m not sure about broken but I will say that Eviscerate is very unreliable. I much prefer Final Thrust for a “devastating attack” over Eviscerate tbh. It might require my target be below 50% health to get a good crit but it always lands some nasty numbers where as Eviscerate is either 2k or 10k, it’s just not reliable enough damage to depend on for a burst.
Not only that but it’s incredibly easy to dodge.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
ye highest arcing slice i gotten so far in wvw is 16.8k on an player with less than 50% hp and highest Evis was 11k on an npc. lulz
Eviscerate is the worst F1 skill because it has to crit to be just as effective as a non-crit arcing slice (grants Fury) or a non-crit skull crack (stun and decent damage).
The least that ANET could do is make the adrenaline gain from axe mastery baseline to give axe something special by itself.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager
(edited by BlackTruth.6813)
yeah, killshot and evis need buffs, since both 2 are easy to be dodged
My Stream : http://www.twitch.tv/eSportsKorea see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!
Aside from it’s wacky damage range and the fact that it needs to crit to be good eviserate have fallen out of favour due to the fact that it is a single target burst skill that needs to be setup.
Due to the nature of how warrior works after the patch it now primarily a burst class that relies on its utilities to stay alive long enough to kill someone. Double ep and if you don’t have enough pressure on you either run, reset or buy time. This doesn’t work well with axe because you can’t spend the time setting up a 3 bar eviscerate crit and anything less than that is kind of meh. The other weapons are just better now. Most of the other weapons can still be use full at 1 bar, especially gs and hammer.
I thought I was crazy. I noticed months ago how weak it felt. So weird
Me too. Tried axe once after the patch in pvp and Eviscerate hit like a wet noodle. I switched back to mace and din’t think about it anymore. But reading this now I also assume there is some kind of bug because damage should be good according to tooltip.
Eviscerate was a threat before the patch, so now with the higher damage modifiers it should be even more so.
Yeah eviscerate isn’t good right now. Needs some tweeking. Needs more range, less random damage, or extra effect. Perhaps a combination of those. As for kill shot I think it’s fine. 1v1 it’s not very good but in team fights it can be very strong
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
the tooltip uses average weapon damage but the actual skill picks a random value of the weapons weapon damage in its formula when you strike. Axe has a terrible damage spread. At exotic its 857 – 1,048. Almost a full 200 points, other weapons are only 100 or so.
At its best its almost as good as a 2h, at its worst its around offhand weapons like focus and shield.
(edited by Sigmoid.7082)
Evis range was nerfed long long ago and I don’t remember there ever being any explanation. Also if ur using marauder u have less ferocity than you would have had pre june 23rd patch ( For those who try to replicate old zerker stats )
(edited by PlagueEphlik.3067)
Evis range was nerfed long long ago and I don’t remember there ever being any explanation. Also if ur using marauder u have less ferocity than you would have had pre june 23rd patch ( For those who try to replicate old zerker stats )
Cause people can’t dodge/block/blind so they complained it was too strong
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Evis range was nerfed long long ago and I don’t remember there ever being any explanation. Also if ur using marauder u have less ferocity than you would have had pre june 23rd patch ( For those who try to replicate old zerker stats )
Cause people can’t dodge/block/blind so they complained it was too strong
Exactly this.
MY lvl 47 does almost 3k crits with eviscerate… So I find that improbable OP.
MY lvl 47 does almost 3k crits with eviscerate… So I find that improbable OP.
In spvp I can confirm the numbers r right. Pve is very different
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Evis range was nerfed long long ago and I don’t remember there ever being any explanation. Also if ur using marauder u have less ferocity than you would have had pre june 23rd patch ( For those who try to replicate old zerker stats )
Cause people can’t dodge/block/blind so they complained it was too strong
Exactly this.
The funny thing is, they nerfed it, but ALSO made blocking, blinds evades, stealths on other profs easier (auto proccing) and more frequent! So direct and indirect nerfs for axe. GG.
Atm arcing slice hits a tad harder. Evis is very random, but it wouldnt hurt if devs took a closer look at the dmg numbers
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
If the devs took a closer look and reduced Arcing Slice damage as “balance”, I’ll be laughing my heart out.
I would love to see evis come back.
I remember watching vids in the early gw2 games where people ran super glassy builds and evis almost one shot most pugs.
I loved the epic animation on 900 Range back then.
Even with buffs to dmg and range mediuem playeers would be able to migitate such a an attack if it’s not set up skillfuly.
+1 evis buff
MY lvl 47 does almost 3k crits with eviscerate… So I find that improbable OP.
In spvp I can confirm the numbers r right. Pve is very different
I meant PVE :P
MY lvl 47 does almost 3k crits with eviscerate… So I find that improbable OP.
In spvp I can confirm the numbers r right. Pve is very different
I meant PVE :P
Yes pve numbers are much higher I have seen 20k hits with high might and vuln stacks. I belive th op was referring to pvp
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Its not broken, its unreliable. It can hit for 10k. But it might glance for 1.6. Thats an order of magnitude …
yeah, killshot and evis need buffs, since both 2 are easy to be dodged
funny thing is, my hit rate with kill shot in wvw(…somehow even in 1v1’s) is near 80%. people even run right at me while it’s going off.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
It might not be broken but imo it needs a buff. Either give it more range or make it cast faster (I don’t rly like this one since even with its obvious animation bads will riot all day if it gets a faster cast time). Dodging Eviscerate really isn’t hard and the range is somewhat pathetic too, sometimes simply continuing to walk away is enough to get out of eviscerate range before it lands.
yeah, killshot and evis need buffs, since both 2 are easy to be dodged
funny thing is, my hit rate with kill shot in wvw(…somehow even in 1v1’s) is near 80%. people even run right at me while it’s going off.
Eviscerate needs to be changed for the better somehow but I think killshot is ok. Unless u nerf the damage and reduce the casting time. But warrior have a lot of skills people like to dodge which makes it fairly easy to draw out dodges and such to set up kill shot
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Well, I think that buffing Eviscerate and Killshot is not appropriate as these skills can hit very hardly (above 10k, my record with killshot was 17k) and can oneshoot other players. So they should be high risk, high reward skills. You just need to bait dodges and use opportunity of enemy player not being aware of you channeling killshot… piece of cake, right? landing eviscerate is much easier and it still hits like a truck (if berserker gear and full adrenaline). I mean all this in WvW thou.
Well, I think that buffing Eviscerate and Killshot is not appropriate as these skills can hit very hardly (above 10k, my record with killshot was 17k) and can oneshoot other players. So they should be high risk, high reward skills. You just need to bait dodges and use opportunity of enemy player not being aware of you channeling killshot… piece of cake, right?
landing eviscerate is much easier and it still hits like a truck (if berserker gear and full adrenaline). I mean all this in WvW thou.
I don’t think most people are looking for a buff to eviscerate so much as a smaller damage range. I understand that buff and condi play a roll but when I hit the same target twice with eviscerate and one crit is 4k and one is 8k then we have a problem. It makes it a hard skill to use when u have no idea if u will get decent damage let alone have it hit and crit
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Well, I think that buffing Eviscerate and Killshot is not appropriate as these skills can hit very hardly (above 10k, my record with killshot was 17k) and can oneshoot other players. So they should be high risk, high reward skills. You just need to bait dodges and use opportunity of enemy player not being aware of you channeling killshot… piece of cake, right?
landing eviscerate is much easier and it still hits like a truck (if berserker gear and full adrenaline). I mean all this in WvW thou.
My arcing slice averages about 10k when enemy is under 50% hp, highest being 16.8k on a lvl 80 guardian.
all in wvw
My highest kill shot is 25k with 25 stacks of bloodlust, 25 stacks of might<<<btw this is such a bad number.
I used to hit more with killshot pre patch, 20k without bloodlust and only 5 stacks of might. On lvl 80 guild groups.
I will also note, its easier to get higher numbers on arcing slice since each level adrenaline gives the same amount of damage. So you can easily do a lvl 3 burst and switch to gs(burst mastery), u will have lvl 1 arcing slice, use it..boom big numbers because of berserker power trait proc’ing from earlier lvl 3 adrenaline hit.
(edited by KhainPride.3987)
Well, I think that buffing Eviscerate and Killshot is not appropriate as these skills can hit very hardly (above 10k, my record with killshot was 17k) and can oneshoot other players. So they should be high risk, high reward skills. You just need to bait dodges and use opportunity of enemy player not being aware of you channeling killshot… piece of cake, right?
landing eviscerate is much easier and it still hits like a truck (if berserker gear and full adrenaline). I mean all this in WvW thou.
My arcing slice averages about 10k when enemy is under 50% hp, highest being 16.8k on a lvl 80 guardian.
all in wvw
My highest kill shot is 25k with 25 stacks of bloodlust, 25 stacks of might<<<btw this is such a bad number.
I used to hit more with killshot pre patch, 20k without bloodlust and only 5 stacks of might. On lvl 80 guild groups.
I will also note, its easier to get higher numbers on arcing slice since each level adrenaline gives the same amount of damage. So you can easily do a lvl 3 burst and switch to gs(burst mastery), u will have lvl 1 arcing slice, use it..boom big numbers because of berserker power trait proc’ing from earlier lvl 3 adrenaline hit.
My point is that these burst skills are in good state right now and they definitely do not require damage buff.
My point is that these burst skills are in good state right now and they definitely do not require damage buff.
Nobody is talking about “buffing” the dmg. The problem is that even if Evi is supposed to be a big risk big reward skill sometimes the reward really isn’t big at all when you do land it successfully. I’d rather get a range increase than a dmg range decrease. Eviscerate is stupid easy to dodge to start with, but now, it can’t even be called a “Gap closer” anymore because sometimes you can literally avoid it by walking away from the other player (with swiftness) unless he starts it practically within melee range. I still don’t understand why Eviscerate’s range got absolutely nuked when it was already an incredibly easy to dodge skill.
Evis in wvw and evis in spvp is a totally different story, the request is for the spvp version where its very random/unreliable dmg wise
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
My point is that these burst skills are in good state right now and they definitely do not require damage buff.
Nobody is talking about “buffing” the dmg. The problem is that even if Evi is supposed to be a big risk big reward skill sometimes the reward really isn’t big at all when you do land it successfully. I’d rather get a range increase than a dmg range decrease. Eviscerate is stupid easy to dodge to start with, but now, it can’t even be called a “Gap closer” anymore because sometimes you can literally avoid it by walking away from the other player (with swiftness) unless he starts it practically within melee range. I still don’t understand why Eviscerate’s range got absolutely nuked when it was already an incredibly easy to dodge skill.
Because you know they love to QQ more than dodge or evade our attacks and that’s what we get. What i find about warrior is most of our attacks is like telling the enemy to dodge like “Hey i’m going to use Earthshaker” and ES is buggy oh wait Evi is to stronk i’m to lazy to dodge/evade it Anet please just nerf the damage so we don’t have to dodge that burst. And of course 100b QQ 40k damage wtf pls nerf while its not the warriors fault they eat the whole chain of 100b.
My point is that these burst skills are in good state right now and they definitely do not require damage buff.
Nobody is talking about “buffing” the dmg. The problem is that even if Evi is supposed to be a big risk big reward skill sometimes the reward really isn’t big at all when you do land it successfully. I’d rather get a range increase than a dmg range decrease. Eviscerate is stupid easy to dodge to start with, but now, it can’t even be called a “Gap closer” anymore because sometimes you can literally avoid it by walking away from the other player (with swiftness) unless he starts it practically within melee range. I still don’t understand why Eviscerate’s range got absolutely nuked when it was already an incredibly easy to dodge skill.
Because you know they love to QQ more than dodge or evade our attacks and that’s what we get. What i find about warrior is most of our attacks is like telling the enemy to dodge like “Hey i’m going to use Earthshaker” and ES is buggy oh wait Evi is to stronk i’m to lazy to dodge/evade it Anet please just nerf the damage so we don’t have to dodge that burst. And of course 100b QQ 40k damage wtf pls nerf while its not the warriors fault they eat the whole chain of 100b.
Reminds me of this dp thief I fought yday in a dueling server on my gs/m&sh warr. He was novice in playstyle though wouldnt admit it, and he kept getting stunned by my mace f1 and #2, basically I could land every chain on him, finishing the duels with 80%+ hp left. Then he kept on saying how OP my mace was. He ended the convo by saying he was going to reroll mesmer though.
And later on I fought a mesmer who claimed I had a 1v1 build since he kept on losing, he couldn’t see that we generally dont have much diversity in trait options, where everyone follows more the same lines.
It’s just those who guys who doesnt try to understand something, how they can improve, instead they call something out in frustration, and theyre the ones often heard since they scream the loudest.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
(edited by nacario.9417)
On topic though:
The way to balance out eviscerate without making it broken is to make Axe mastery adrenaline gain baseline and just rework that garbage trait into something else.
Why? Let’s talk about axe by itself, if LEVEL 3 eviscerate was most of the time available because getting adrenaline with Axe is so easy then that wouldn’t be too bad because then I still have to deal with it’s horrendous casting time AND the fact that it’s effectiveness is governed by RNG. Axe + GS builds will stay the same because it already has ridiculous adrenaline gain anyways, it’s at a point where if they make axe mastery baseline it will be on diminishing returns.
TL;DR Basically what I tried to do here is give Axe better synergy with adrenaline hungry builds such as Axe + Hammer or Mace/Shield Axe/Mace without having to trait for burst mastery. Let’s face it, burst mastery is just bad with axe because heightened focus is superior.
I think Axe should just allow you to be rewarded by more adrenaline though so it’s synergy with main-hand mace and hammer gets buffed to balanced. Like GS already has rotation potential in PvP, but some people want Axe as a main weapon so.. why not give it some love tbh.
I don’t exactly agree with things such as “make eviscerate have 100% crit rate” cause that only favors axe + GS.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager
My point is that these burst skills are in good state right now and they definitely do not require damage buff.
Nobody is talking about “buffing” the dmg. The problem is that even if Evi is supposed to be a big risk big reward skill sometimes the reward really isn’t big at all when you do land it successfully. I’d rather get a range increase than a dmg range decrease. Eviscerate is stupid easy to dodge to start with, but now, it can’t even be called a “Gap closer” anymore because sometimes you can literally avoid it by walking away from the other player (with swiftness) unless he starts it practically within melee range. I still don’t understand why Eviscerate’s range got absolutely nuked when it was already an incredibly easy to dodge skill.
Eviscerate is not so hard to land, yes ofc, if you are perma blinded or someone is just spamming evades/ports, sure. But if timed well, it is priceless. On the other hand, the range increase would be nice.
My point is that these burst skills are in good state right now and they definitely do not require damage buff.
Nobody is talking about “buffing” the dmg. The problem is that even if Evi is supposed to be a big risk big reward skill sometimes the reward really isn’t big at all when you do land it successfully. I’d rather get a range increase than a dmg range decrease. Eviscerate is stupid easy to dodge to start with, but now, it can’t even be called a “Gap closer” anymore because sometimes you can literally avoid it by walking away from the other player (with swiftness) unless he starts it practically within melee range. I still don’t understand why Eviscerate’s range got absolutely nuked when it was already an incredibly easy to dodge skill.
Eviscerate is not so hard to land, yes ofc, if you are perma blinded or someone is just spamming evades/ports, sure. But if timed well, it is priceless. On the other hand, the range increase would be nice.
Indeed, if you set it up and count dodges it isn’t so hard to land, what frustrates me is that the range is very very veryyyy far from what it used to be. And after they made movement speed buffs not affect distance travelled this has gutted Eviscerate’s already bad range :S