General goals:
- Provide general support to the party as a whole
- Be very survivable
- Minimize (to the extent possible) the reduction in DPS
Armor – Melandru (Pwr/Tgh/Vit)
Weapons – Hammer & Mace/Mace (Pwr/Tgh/Vit)
Backpiece – Soldier’s (Rare)(Pwr/Tgh/Vit)
Trinkets – Knight’s (Tgh/Pwr/Prec)
Jewels – Valkyrie’s (Pwr/Vit/Crit Dmg)
Skill Bar
- Signet of Healing
- For Great Justice
- Shake it Off
- On my mark
- Signet of Rage
Strength: 10
- 10% Condition duration bonus (explained later)
- V – Berserker’s Power
Arms: 0
Defense: 20
- VI – Cull the weak
- X – Merciless Hammer
Tactics: 30
- VI – Empowered
- VIII – Lung Capacity
- XII – Virgorous Shouts
Discipline: 10
- VI – Signet Mastery
- 2x Strength: To get 20% Might duration
- 2x Speed: To get 20% Swiftness duration
- 2x Water: To get the 15% boon duration
Rune choice may seem odd. Runes of the Soldier would be an obvious option. I decided against it because I already have lots of survivability. The only real benefit would be condition removal. I am hoping that if we don’t have our Guardian, I can just plow through it with the large health pool. I could also swap out SoH for Mending to have a total of 3 condition removals. With our Guardian, conditions will NOT be a problem. I run this Rune set on my DPS build & have gotten used to the permanent Swiftness and the Might duration is key to minimizing the DPS loss.
- Mace/Mace: Sigil of Battle and Sigil of Bloodlust (swapped out for Sigil of Force once stacked)
- Hammer: Sigil of Battle
- Food – Rare Veggie Pizza: 40% condition duration (more later)
- Sharpening Stone – Should be worth ~175 Power.
For those familiar with the trait lines, you may see how things are coming together. Total boon duration bonus is 65% for Might/Swiftness which means:
- FGJ applies 3 stacks of Might worth 41+s, on a 20s cooldown. If I keep an eye on cooldown, this is a permanent 6 stacks of Might (210 Pwr).
- SoR applies 5 stacks of Might worth 49+s, Swiftness worth 49+s on a 48s cooldown. Again, if, I keep this on cooldown, this is another permanent 5 stacks of Might (175 Pwr)
- The 3 permanent boons means a 6% damage bonus with the Empowered trait.
- I intend to constantly swap weapons (taking advantage of CCs and Weakness on both weapons). Weapon swap is at the default 10s so Sigil of Battle, at a 9s cooldown, will apply 3 stacks of Might on every weapon swap with a 33 second duration. If I swap weapons at or close to swap cooldown, I can maintain 9 stacks of Might (315 Pwr) while in combat.
In total, I can keep 20 stacks of Might (700 Pwr) on myself, and 6 on my party. While certainly never matching a Berserker type build in damage output, this should achieve my goal of not decimating my DPS.
Party Support
Several mechanisms for party support:
- Application of Might to party
- Weakness: Rare Veggie Pizza comes into play here. With the 10% from the Strength line, total would be a 50% bonus. For enemies NOT granted Unshakable, it would be 7.5s on Mace auto-attack and 12s on the Hammer’s second slot (w/ 9.5s cooldown). The 50% reduction in damage (on non-critical hits) from the enemy affected would be very beneficial to the party. Mixed with a Hammer Guardian (a weapon our Guardian is considering playing more of) applying Protection, damage to the party is either reduced by 33% or 66%. For bosses with Unshakable, (Weakness duration reduced by 50%) durations would be ~3.75s on Mace and 6s on Hammer. Still respectable.
- Vulnerability: 4 stacks at 15s w/ the Mace on 15s cooldown, and 10 stacks worth 15s with OMM on a 24s cooldown. That averages out to a near permanent 10% increase in party damage to the affected enemy.
- Shout Heals: With the small boost to healing power, the Shouts will heal for 1372 per shout.
So, basic premise is help party with base damage (more power), increase the damage they inflict (vulnerability), reduce the damage that hey take (Weakness) and provide some help with healing through shouts.
- See final calculated stats below, but with 3000+ Armor, and 26k+ health, survivability shouldn’t be an issue.
Calculated Stats
Base Stats:
- 1946 Power
- 1156 Precision (15% Crit Chance)
- 1818 Toughness (3029 Armor)
- 1697 Vitality (26,192 Health)
- 18% Crit Damage
Normal Buffs
- 250 Power: Sigil of Bloodlust
- 176 Power: Sharpening Stone
- 210 Power: 6 Stacks of Might from FGJ
- 175 Power: 5 Stacks of Might from SoR
- 315 Power: 9 Stacks of Might from Sigil of Battle
- 20% Crit Chance: Fury from FGJ/SoR
- 5% Damage: Sigil of Force (once Sigil of Bloodlust stacked)
Buffed Stats (only what changes):
- 3072 Power
- 35% Crit Chance
So, thoughts?
(edited by phantomFury.9168)