Finally! A Non-Cheese WvW Build!
On your mace and shield sigils don’t they share the same internal cooldown?
How do you have 83% Critical Damage?
I do have a Longbow and a Rifle in my bag for certain situations! I just like using melee so much and being tanky at the same time!
I changed my shield’s sigil to Superior Sigil of Impact (10% damage to stunned or knocked downed foes)! I’m gonna’ be using that until I can afford the Superior Sigil of Battle.
(edited by Oreoginal.1580)
How do you have 83% Critical Damage?I do have a Longbow and a Rifle in my bag for certain situations!
I just like using melee so much and being tanky at the same time!
I changed my shield’s sigil to Superior Sigil of Impact (10% damage to stunned or knocked downed foes)! I’m gonna’ be using that until I can afford the Superior Sigil of Battle.
diferent traits maybe , you got 200 more p attack so maybe you got more points in strenght and me on discipline
i got similar stats with greatsword as you and is kinda tanky for wvw.
I don’t use condition removal at all , and i regen 350-360 hp /sec
3050 attack
36 % critical chance
83 % critical power
2914 armor
21592 hp /385 healing power
but as secondary weapon i prefer riffle. it gives me great advantage vs elementarists /1 knockback vs thieves /warriors /guardians followed by an 5k damage volley looks better
Can you post your build and your armor please. The stats are very interesting. I search for a new build.
Pve armor allows for like 100%+ crit damage, my guardian has about 95% crit damage atm, and he still has a few non exotics.
i got similar stats with greatsword as you and is kinda tanky for wvw.
I don’t use condition removal at all , and i regen 350-360 hp /sec
3050 attack
36 % critical chance
83 % critical power
2914 armor
21592 hp /385 healing power
but as secondary weapon i prefer riffle. it gives me great advantage vs elementarists /1 knockback vs thieves /warriors /guardians followed by an 5k damage volley looks betterCan you post your build and your armor please. The stats are very interesting. I search for a new build.
Knight rings , helm, pants, bersek chest , boots gloves shoulders, amulet, divinity runes, karka earing, ascended back piece.
Took divinity runes +karka earing for 85 too all stats , and 30 points on defene , with an total 385 healing power, since from 379 HP , pasive from healing singet change, not too much but had to test it ^^. is arround 350 hp /sec with adrenal heal
main-hand sword shows superiority compared to mace.
You wouldn’t want to pass up on leg specialist trait in tactics, either.
It is also quite funny that people forget about foods(you do, for example).
Omnomberry ghost healing compared to adrenal regeneration(with 50% critical chance) is around 3-4 times greater(on average, extra 210 heal on crit and ALSO 210 extra damage on crit)
then another 100+ of free stats from wrench buff(master oil, sharpening stone)
Signet of healing passive heal is much smaller compared to heal from adrenaline surge, too. you can do the math. 208*30 is how much healing you get during healing surge cooldown. much less than 8440 HP healing surge gives, and it is also important to remember that combat does not last as long, you can use surge instantly and signet will tick away with only small part of it’s usefulness. Compared to mending I also find it superior because of already decent amount of condition removal.
You have very nice stat set-up, but if I had to say that you lack something.
There is only 1 thing. You do not have enough critical chance to support monstrous amount of critical damage.
And there is a funny enough solution to it – buy superior sigil of perception to stack it on separate weapon(to then replace it to your normal weapons), use omnomberry pies/ghosts, use master maintenance oil. You will notice a huge bonus to your DPS and survivability(from ghost’s stealing) by using those. And you do not lose anything. At all.
i got similar stats with greatsword as you and is kinda tanky for wvw.
I don’t use condition removal at all , and i regen 350-360 hp /sec
3050 attack
36 % critical chance
83 % critical power
2914 armor
21592 hp /385 healing power
but as secondary weapon i prefer riffle. it gives me great advantage vs elementarists /1 knockback vs thieves /warriors /guardians followed by an 5k damage volley looks betterCan you post your build and your armor please. The stats are very interesting. I search for a new build.
ThxKnight rings , helm, pants, bersek chest , boots gloves shoulders, amulet, divinity runes, karka earing, ascended back piece.
Took divinity runes +karka earing for 85 too all stats , and 30 points on defene , with an total 385 healing power, since from 379 HP , pasive from healing singet change, not too much but had to test it ^^. is arround 350 hp /sec with adrenal heal
I find it funny that your overall 350 HP/S is inferior to warrior regeneration who was not lazy to pick-up omnomberry ghosts/pies
i got similar stats with greatsword as you and is kinda tanky for wvw.
I don’t use condition removal at all , and i regen 350-360 hp /sec
3050 attack
36 % critical chance
83 % critical power
2914 armor
21592 hp /385 healing power
but as secondary weapon i prefer riffle. it gives me great advantage vs elementarists /1 knockback vs thieves /warriors /guardians followed by an 5k damage volley looks betterCan you post your build and your armor please. The stats are very interesting. I search for a new build.
ThxKnight rings , helm, pants, bersek chest , boots gloves shoulders, amulet, divinity runes, karka earing, ascended back piece.
Took divinity runes +karka earing for 85 too all stats , and 30 points on defene , with an total 385 healing power, since from 379 HP , pasive from healing singet change, not too much but had to test it ^^. is arround 350 hp /sec with adrenal healI find it funny that your overall 350 HP/S is inferior to warrior regeneration who was not lazy to pick-up omnomberry ghosts/pies
not when an zerg chase you and you cannot hit
main-hand sword shows superiority compared to mace.
You wouldn’t want to pass up on leg specialist trait in tactics, either.
It is also quite funny that people forget about foods(you do, for example).
Omnomberry ghost healing compared to adrenal regeneration(with 50% critical chance) is around 3-4 times greater(on average, extra 210 heal on crit and ALSO 210 extra damage on crit)
then another 100+ of free stats from wrench buff(master oil, sharpening stone)
Signet of healing passive heal is much smaller compared to heal from adrenaline surge, too. you can do the math. 208*30 is how much healing you get during healing surge cooldown. much less than 8440 HP healing surge gives, and it is also important to remember that combat does not last as long, you can use surge instantly and signet will tick away with only small part of it’s usefulness. Compared to mending I also find it superior because of already decent amount of condition removal.
You have very nice stat set-up, but if I had to say that you lack something.
There is only 1 thing. You do not have enough critical chance to support monstrous amount of critical damage.
And there is a funny enough solution to it – buy superior sigil of perception to stack it on separate weapon(to then replace it to your normal weapons), use omnomberry pies/ghosts, use master maintenance oil. You will notice a huge bonus to your DPS and survivability(from ghost’s stealing) by using those. And you do not lose anything. At all.
I don’t really use the Mace & Shield as my main weapon though. It’s just there to set up GS attacks. With the Mace & Shield, I have 3 stuns and 2 blocks already. Add to that the knockdown I get from Bull Charge and I can easily chain stun enemies into eating my HB!